Best Hong Kong listed China stocks

  • Thread starter Thread starter HKT
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  • Watchers Watchers 20
From memory, one of our team looked at China Pharma, and for some reason we decided not to buy it. I will see if I can ask him about that tomorrow.

Again, from memory, we looked at Dalian Port and considered that relatively favourably. Its not in our portfolio at the moment though - I will check on it tomorrow.

Thank you for your kind reply. I am looking forward to hearing from you again on the above 2 stocks.
i went in @ 1.74 ....

i am looking forward to the comment from HKT - lets see.
If the loose more i close it.
waiting to get some more sage advice from HKT.
Bought Hi Sense Kelon at 2.67 in november, now its 3.96 currently down from 4.09 yesterday. Sell or Hold
also bought some of the others he recommended, all looking good, 7 out of 9, so no complaints.
waiting to get some more sage advice from HKT.
Bought Hi Sense Kelon at 2.67 in november, now its 3.96 currently down from 4.09 yesterday. Sell or Hold
also bought some of the others he recommended, all looking good, 7 out of 9, so no complaints.

Guys - I've been busy. Sorry for the absence. In short, everything I have recommended is still hold, even though some of the prices have moved up quite fast.

Kunming Machine (HK stock code 300) is in the middle of a massive rally today, up over 13% today with 1 more hour of trade till market close. Its moves like this that always make us consider closely whether to take a quick gain, or whether we fundamentally believe the stock is undervalued and decide to keep holding. We bought in big on this one and stand by our earlier valuations so will not sell. Will be back soon. Need to keep an eye on activity in markets nevertheless so sorry for the short note. I will respond to specific questions in due course. Happy to hear people are doing well following some of our leads.
hi HKT,

any idea what happend with ePro & Sijia Group ? Do we need to worry ?

Sijia we consider to be very undervalued, so we consider that a strong buy and long term hold. ePro is a little more risky, it will likely hover between .5 and .6 for a while until it (hopefully) comes out with some really solid earnings. They are doing the right things, but the price will only move up if they start showing results.
I should add we had some discussion internally whether to see off ePro after its last earnings report. We decided not to sell, but to maintain a hold (but we are unlikely to accumulate further). You asked about Sijia - that one we are still buying up at these levels as it looks very cheap.
thanks very much for your advice again

I have shares of Epro bought at a total cost of .513 per share. today Epro closed at .495.
I was thinking of selling it off, taking a very small loss and then buy Sijia, which closed today at
1.56. I did buy Sijia before early January at 1.69 and my reasoning for selling off Epro and
stocking up a bit more on Sijia, also bringing my average cost per share on Sijia.

Any words of wisdom.

very much appreciated.

thanks very much for your advice again

I have shares of Epro bought at a total cost of .513 per share. today Epro closed at .495.
I was thinking of selling it off, taking a very small loss and then buy Sijia, which closed today at
1.56. I did buy Sijia before early January at 1.69 and my reasoning for selling off Epro and
stocking up a bit more on Sijia, also bringing my average cost per share on Sijia.

Any words of wisdom.

very much appreciated.


Ez - yes, i think that makes sense.

Bear in mind, for anyone reading here, that just because we pick a stock, it will immediately rocket up. This might happen, or a stock might slowly creap up, or it might stay flattish and then suddenly spike. We don't really predict when a stock will rise, but rather invest on the basis that a stock is fundamentally undervalued, and that it therefore must, over time, adjust and realize fair value. We typically take a 1 year horizon, of course reassessing if something fundamentally changes our analysis. Sijia, really looks cheap, and has very low PE and a decent dividend yield. If it has a good year (which it might well do as the China and global economy recovers), its price could rocket up.

Please also consider 300, Kunming Machine. Again, always a tough decision to buy if a stock has had a big recent gain, but nevertheless we consider it undervalued.

As to the person who asked about HiSense, 921, we still consider it a good buy.
Thanks HK
Placed order to sell of EPRO, maybe at .49, small loss. my average cost was .513.

also placed order to buy SIJIA at 1.57, so average cost of all i hold on this will be around 1.59, now just sit back and wait to enjoy the ride.

I did go on your suggestion and had purchased KUNMING earlier in January at average cost 1.987.

Dont be a stranger here, i think all of us here wait for your posts eagerly


Happy New Year to you. Really happy to see you active again on this forum. Did not hear from you for a while and was really disappointed. Hope you have a chance to look into China Pharma and Dalian Port...still waiting for your view on these stocks.

I also brought Sijia at 1.77 but will hold on to it as I remember the dividend yield is quite good.
I am back - those of you who have followed my suggestions will have done very well!

So, of my current picks, here is where I would suggest you put your money now:

3838 China Starch
300 Shenji Group
663 China All Access
823 Link REIT
921 HiSense Kelon
669 Techtronic

I will send a seperate comment on Sijia in the near future.
I am back - those of you who have followed my suggestions will have done very well!

So, of my current picks, here is where I would suggest you put your money now:

3838 China Starch
300 Shenji Group
663 China All Access
823 Link REIT
921 HiSense Kelon
669 Techtronic

I will send a seperate comment on Sijia in the near future.

so we should get out of the other once ?