I am an experienced trader and a modest compurter programmer. I understand variables, If / Endif, Do loops etc,manipulating dates and times etc.
Which are the best companies with api's?
I have accounts with IG and FXCM.
Both seem flush with information about how to develop systems with indicators which does not interest me.
Information seems sparse on basic syntax basic infiormation like how to code to sell an instrument if it goes up 10 pips or in FXCM's case the syntax of how to connect my account to their API. any helpful pointers much appreciated, Thank you.
Which are the best companies with api's?
I have accounts with IG and FXCM.
Both seem flush with information about how to develop systems with indicators which does not interest me.
Information seems sparse on basic syntax basic infiormation like how to code to sell an instrument if it goes up 10 pips or in FXCM's case the syntax of how to connect my account to their API. any helpful pointers much appreciated, Thank you.