Best Charting Package

ilia king

Well-known member
I have recently opened an account with FXCM, and found their charting horrible, for me. Would anyone recommend any charting packages that I could use: Tahoe charts?

Many Thanks

I like Sierra Charts.. the software is pretty cheap.. £15 for 6 months. However, you will need a datafeed either from myTrack or IB.
The best package i think is Esignal but that's expensive... good luck
Thanks BD, sadly I have an account with FXCM so I couldn't get an IB Datafeed, Esignal is pretty expensive for me, like you said. I like the chart in GFT's Deal Book FX Demo, thinking of using those as it comes with a data feed but ..... Doors Still Open.


I prefer Oanda charts to FXCM (more user friendly and more facilities) but you may find prices vary a bit second by second so that could rule it out.

The Demo is free and unlimited so consider it as a free feed ?. Try

good luck
Thanks Jfran, Jdax I have tried Oanda and Metatrader however I think that for my needs the demo Deal Book FX would suite me. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed