Which charting package


Junior member
Im after a charting package that has markep profile. Can anyone recommend which package I can use from home?

try tymoraPRO

Take a look at tymoraPRO - although it doesn't have Market Profile, it has something similar called VolumeByPrice that identifies where the strongest prices exist by Volume - and not just total volume - but total UP and DOWN volume separately. Also has greats scanning features and works for forex and eminis too. The platform was just reviewed in the November 2005 issue of Stocks & Commodites Magazine - there a link to the article from the product's homepage at www.yourika.com - there's also a free demo available.
More like a very happy user! 🙂 Actually, I was trying to offer a direct suggestion/recommendation for star-trader as opposed to sending him to do a web-search that I'm sure he's already done. For straight "by-the-book" Market Profile, eSignal is also very good but there's an additional monthly fee (in addition to their normal access fee). I myself use eSignal and tymoraPRO, with eSignal as the quotesource, and I am very pleased with the whole setup. Just my 2 cents for anyone who cares to listen...