$3.80 is the max what retail trader should pay. Velocity charge 3.80 including free CQG trader. I know at least 2 more who has the same rate.. These rates are freely available without negotiations for 1+ RT per month.
I use Infinity (free platform and data feed) and I have long relations with guy in the there. I have it below $4.
Global Futures offers $3.2 for X Trader ($650 paltform fee).
I am talking 1 ES RT for non-members with no minimum RTs per month. For example. If you have volume and profit you will get lower commissions and also you might consider getting membership on CME for $2000 and it lowers exchange fees a lot.
I can personally guarantee that Infinity/Transact and Velocity are sound companies and have proper account management and Infinity has especially friendly support (their tech guy is weird however but I heard he is leaving company soon). I talked to Global Futures just yesterday - I havent had account with them but they seem to be real people too.
I am sure there are lot more discount brokers with even smaller comms. I am picking only those who provide good plaforms with static DOM (InfinityAT, CQG, XTrader). There are number other platforms which has rebates and brokers often willing to split it with you.
Use google then call people then check reputation over the web.
Oh no! it is much easier to bickering on forums!... yeah babe! way to go... 😎