I am a student with 10,000. I just registered for an Interactive Brokers account but they will only let me have a cash account (no margin) because I have a low income.
When I was with thinkorswim I had access to margin but the problem was that I felt the $10 per stock trade was way too high given the fact that I was making $10,000 day trades.
What I was wondering was if there were any good platforms out there that would charge me no more than $3-5 per trade. I figure if I used margin then $3-5 would be an okay range.
By the way, with $10,000 am I usually allowed to use $10,000 extra margin or is it $20,000 (for a total of $30,000 of stock)?
Thank you for your help. I will eager await your replies. 🙂
I am a student with 10,000. I just registered for an Interactive Brokers account but they will only let me have a cash account (no margin) because I have a low income.
When I was with thinkorswim I had access to margin but the problem was that I felt the $10 per stock trade was way too high given the fact that I was making $10,000 day trades.
What I was wondering was if there were any good platforms out there that would charge me no more than $3-5 per trade. I figure if I used margin then $3-5 would be an okay range.
By the way, with $10,000 am I usually allowed to use $10,000 extra margin or is it $20,000 (for a total of $30,000 of stock)?
Thank you for your help. I will eager await your replies. 🙂