Best broker for buying AND shorting small caps


Junior member

I've just started looking on IG Index's platform and have noticed that ALOT of UK ,AIM and Small caps are not available to trade.

ie , yesterday it wasnt possible to short Ocado (seems to have been that way for awile) and today its not possible to short Carpetright. (I'm not looking to Spreadbet)

With regards to buying with IG it doesnt seem to be possible with most of the real small caps and AIM etc.

So it seems on first impressions its not so suitable for long/short UK small caps?

I've heard a good telephone broker like WH Ireland can get you in long on small AIM shares with a much better spread than regular brokers (i have a regular online broker aswell) and it has cfd'S but not sure if you can do it on margin with WHI and how available most of the small caps are on there.

So can anyone advise on the above what is the best broker for long and short these small cap shares at the best spread and even better one where you can do it on margin ?

Thanks for any help.