So I'm sure that what I'm on about is a very common situation for most traders.
You look at the charts things look perfect for a trend. So you enter the trade and it starts going well. Then suddenly it hits a big spike and your stop loss is hit and you are out of the trend. Yet the trend you anticipated continues and continues.
My question is what do you do? You get back on your horse, re-enter the position go back onto the trend and hope it doesn't happen again? OR Do you walk away? You have already had your fingers burnt once on that trend, don't do it again.
I'm confused 😕
You look at the charts things look perfect for a trend. So you enter the trade and it starts going well. Then suddenly it hits a big spike and your stop loss is hit and you are out of the trend. Yet the trend you anticipated continues and continues.
My question is what do you do? You get back on your horse, re-enter the position go back onto the trend and hope it doesn't happen again? OR Do you walk away? You have already had your fingers burnt once on that trend, don't do it again.
I'm confused 😕