Bedtime Trader

hey all

Jedster looks at a lot of systems for people (I cant remember who he supports but he goes under the bonnets on a lot)...

J did you look at bedtime trader at all ?

I've looked at a lot of stuff with Agora over the years including a very brief discussion regarding one of my systems .........(dont worry I didnt take it forward)

dont hold your breath on anything ......its a "lifestyle company selling MLM's horseracing systems, trading systems...etc etc....... you have all been cautioned to take full due dilligence and caveat emptor

also the money back is the oldest trick in the will eventually lose money but what if you make some in the early weeks ......theyve got your money 🙂

With my tactful hat on, I'll just say this:
System sellers primary MO is to sell systems.
If it works for more than 6-12 months I would be massively surprised.
There is no easy option.

I can guarantee you 2 things though:
1. No one will sell anything that works, they would make more trading it themselves.
2. I know you don't want to hear what I've just said.

To true, spent countless £££'s between 2003-06 on junk, the only people making money from "systems" are the sellers, especially the ones reviewed on 'Systems For Lazy Traders' run by a lazy marketer that is to lazy to review systems fully and AGORA.
Found lots of not-so-favorable comments about this on the Trader's Bulletin review page too. I decided against it.
I have been using Bedtime trader for a few months now. There are very few major currencies signals and many of the lesser currencies have large spreads. Also there are a few technical glitches occur. Additionally the Greenalls do not always reply to my emails. I could not honestly recommend this system