Becoming a trader


Hi, I'm Currently thinking about Uni courses on mechanical engineering. I would like a career in this but am interested in doing a bit of trading after Uni. Is it a good idea to enter a trading firm after uni and then after a couple of years move onto a mechanical engineering career?

Yeah man just rock up to a trading firm make a few millyan and then reedeesign da wheel.👍

Not a good idea as what usually happens is wanabees move on to something else within a few weeks/months and not years. Go straight to mech eng. without passing trading or collecting hairloss, sleepless nights and impotence issues. That's my opinion and I'm always right:whistling

Ed: good luck either way.
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Hi, I'm Currently thinking about Uni courses on mechanical engineering. I would like a career in this but am interested in doing a bit of trading after Uni. Is it a good idea to enter a trading firm after uni and then after a couple of years move onto a mechanical engineering career?


Forget about it, get a real job or you'll end up being unemployable.
The 3 years you spend "studying" should provide ample opportunity to get stuck into some trading system research. After that, personally I'd be looking for a decent graduate training scheme to get chartered engineer status, and build up a bit of capital and a foot on the property ladder, and a bit of a clue about how the games played. Then I'd jump.
if you're smart, you can make it to college and start trading at the same time. Then you can decide more knowingly which one you prefer.
without passing trading or collecting hairloss, sleepless nights and impotence issues.

funny, yet sadly true *laughing*

You definitely need a career skill before trading as you might not like trading and or it is always something you can do just slowly on the side of any job without the pressure of being a fulltime trader needing to do drawdowns on your account to pay for life

Be cool, stay in school as you will need to get your capital from somewhere... Although in saying that if someone wants to pay me their 4 year tuition equivalent I will write them a money back guarantee that I will make them a successful trader before that time is up 🙂