Beautiful Mathematics

This is a puzzle for me, because as you say the 'bar work' gave me a repetitive framework, but when gone, very quickly went the ability of quick mental calculation in as little as two weeks!! So are we saying that unless I get up every morning and recite the tables I will not be able to do the maths (without the calculator)? I was amazed then and I am still. Or is reciting tables different to the 'bar work' well the outcome in the bar took less than three months versus an education (not knocking an education you understand).

I hadn't played football for a month. Played recently, and I could barely pass, didn't read the game that weel, my control the ball was a bit poor, and was struggling for fitness. The passing got better after a bit, but still not as good as when I had been playing twice a week. Is this surprising? Or any different to what you're referring to?
actually when you read your post I am stretching here

"hadnt played football for a month" - neither has chuck norris
"Played recently" - Messi lent chuck his shirt for the last 20 mins of the el classico

anyway broad argument is that bviously football is or was a pasttime you took serioulsy ergo pu$$y. Next youll be telling me you dint wear chin pads or subbed for the hockey team :/

general sentimet has been expressed i feel.
... I could barely pass, didn't read the game that weel, my control the ball was a bit poor, and was struggling for fitness. The passing got better after a bit, but still not as good as when I had been playing twice a week. Is this surprising? Or any different to what you're referring to?

what am I talkin about?! the compliment of my original argument makes the pu$$y argument pretty comprehensively.
I hadn't played football for a month. Played recently, and I could barely pass, didn't read the game that weel, my control the ball was a bit poor, and was struggling for fitness. The passing got better after a bit, but still not as good as when I had been playing twice a week. Is this surprising? Or any different to what you're referring to?

Yes but that is assuming you have the aptitude and ability.

How would you rate your self if your right leg was 4 cm shorter than your left? That would put you on uneven footing.

Apples and pears... Level playing field and all that. Handicap even...

Otherwise you would be correct and your performance would be down to lack of fitness and practice...
In an attempt to deviate slightly from the primary purpose of this thread and to continue in the presentation of hysterical nature of mathematics that Ambrose Ackroyd has initiated, I present the following:








