Beat The Broker Compo!

MOI £100,475.00
2 Trader Dante £100,350.00
3 sid2088 £100,327.00
4 KOSHA £76,620.00
5 XtremeRisk £66,996.00
6 gifted £62,230.00
7 dhutch £56,980.00
8 DKSnowden £54,750.00
Can I ask what might be a slightly controversial question? Shoudnt the broker be doing better? Although I havent been watching this religiously it seems to be similar people at the top.. very often none of which are the broker?

Can I ask what might be a slightly controversial question? Shoudnt the broker be doing better? Although I havent been watching this religiously it seems to be similar people at the top.. very often none of which are the broker?


Well it's just a game to display the site and tempt in new signups. Besides if he came first every day, no one would go into the draw.
Can I ask what might be a slightly controversial question? Shoudnt the broker be doing better? Although I havent been watching this religiously it seems to be similar people at the top.. very often none of which are the broker?


I think he is doing brilliant, honestly.

Just because he is a trader, why should he be flying high he's no different to you and I!!

We've all had to take risks to get us to the top yet he is very consistent. He can't afford to keep dropping to the bottom of the leaderboard and lose face.

Wait until I run my comp - 'Can you stuff the Goose?'
Mic was getting too close to me on the leader board, but now he has vanished from sight. No doubt he'll be back again. (Hope not though!):whistling
I won't be top in a minute...I am in some serious sh*t here...

What you mean Tom is that you're full of sh*t! Serious poop - my arrrse!
Okay, what are the odds of members from this forum finishing in the top 5 places today?
Afternoon all, just thought I pop in and say hi. Was just on the leader board and off quicker than blinkning

not really - Mic that's the first time i've seen you get a little greedy!

welcome to the board, you're going to get some stick!

I think he is doing brilliant, honestly.

Just because he is a trader, why should he be flying high he's no different to you and I!!

We've all had to take risks to get us to the top yet he is very consistent. He can't afford to keep dropping to the bottom of the leaderboard and lose face.

Wait until I run my comp - 'Can you stuff the Goose?'

Only at Christmas!