Beartops Journal


The FTSE has trended well. Whilst the Fibonacci has been below the trading price,it hasn't
mattered as the daily movement has mirrored.
Similarly for the SSE.


  • FTSE250507.JPG
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  • FTSE290507.JPG
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  • SSE250507.JPG
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  • SSE280507.JPG
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Heng Seng

The Heng Seng ,I was loath to predict although the Fibonacci had reached some sought of balance with the close price.EMA cross over , Different to the Nikkei was the absence of a prior wave. Without a switch I'd be loath to trade this type of market.

I have checked the data for the 30/05/07 ,but after reviewing what I had written and the sequential pics , there
is evidence of a switch(290507).I haven't loaded yahoo data into my program for the 30/05/07(unavailable)so don't
know wether I'd have a go today(within 2 days of a switch).


  • HengSeng280507.JPG
    88 KB · Views: 226
  • HengSeng290507.JPG
    92.6 KB · Views: 199
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Finish Testing

I'm happy with the Fibonacci results but am going to do some work on coding up the geometric ratios into a predictive stratigiser.
This should maximise profits with Switch Waves.
Interesting is the relative level of close price to fibonacci day by day.
I'm going to do some more work on this but with currency's.
So will start a new Journal at some stage