"gasp" is minor, go instead for "orgasm" by starting a new thread to ban Fibo. To heighten the org, entice internationals to vote for the ban, Brits only are of no consequence and cause no loss of sleep.
"gasp" is minor, go instead for "orgasm" by starting a new thread to ban Fibo. To heighten the org, entice internationals to vote for the ban, Brits only are of no consequence and cause no loss of sleep.
For historians only ............... the magnitude of the BEAR called by Fibo is now demonstrated #2
Microsoft Top Call: although wrong by a few months, the Top over the 2 weeks drop in March 2020 means that any investors (myslef included) would have lost those gains anyway due to the severity of the drop.
But in any event the CALL is off by 5 months. Means what? Means that for the greatest company in the world, Fibo's margin of error is under 1% given the long history of the stock and that fibo was calling an alltime high.
Will post right here if Mr. Softie goes higher in which case I will accept being wrong.
But for now, it is quite pleasing to me, not perfect, but pleasing. My Fibo target for the 5th wave needs work as it was close but not correct so no Seegar.
Microsoft Flew on Earnings, Then Tanked. Could you tell it would tank?
I know I might be asking the question of the century, but why not? Can you name the indicators you saw in Microsoft's chart to reflect the impending selloff? Was it a political event that fueled the selloff? Could you tell it wouldn't rebound, and if not, what strategy did you rely on to tell...www.trade2win.com
Fibo's behavior at T2W shown clearly here
re-directing to back on track .................................
Historians will write about this thread in the Wall Street Journal in year 2030 ................ they will use FIBO's words to describe the CRASH DEPRESSION of Jan 26th, 2018 - 2025
It came with a surrealistic slowness ... so gradually that on the one hand it was possible to live through a good part of it without realizing that it was happening and on the other hand, it was possible to believe one had experienced and survived it when in fact it had no more than just begun.
Fasten seat belts, hide and watch, its going to get mean, mean, mean, unemployment will hit 40% from the current true rate of 23%
Contrary indicator:
Consumer Confidence divided by Unemployment rate = CC/UE% ................. showing a higher high than even the dot com high
note that as the unemployment rate decreases as it has been steadily for years, the denominator gets smaller so the ratio gets bigger. Now throw in the fact that confidence is increasing at the same time so you have the numerator increasing. so the combo, rising numerator and declining denominator results in a nuclear bomb for the Economy.
Opposite was true at 2009 low.
Hide and watch! Its going to get mean.
The Chinks & Ruskies have surely spotted the weakness of the mighty United States by starting a new category of warfare - its now a no contest contest. The chinks have the upper hand. No conventional warfare regarding Taiwan or the artificial islands or any such. All they gots to do is gernerate the virus and export by the waves of chinks traveling.
boom! Its a new type of war.
Wake up Donald. They found our weakness. We gots to act fast. They are killing our Economy by their known deep understaninding of how paranoid we are. Its our own paranoia that is the fuel for their winning.
I do NOT relish the idea of eating Fly Lice for the rest of my life.
But we are a resilient lot - we can find the answer and solve it - divert large funds to the arena of this type of warfare including Cyber ..................
For historians only ..........................
Dow Jones, Friday morning mid-session, March 27th, 2020
Hits Fibo's 38.2% and retreats
Breaks Fibo's trendline and then retreats to then come back to kiss it again
Then flees south
In wave measurement jargon, Dow bounced off 261.8% in near perfect bounce, then rallies to another FIBO level, 161.8% and drops a sausage in a gapdown. You better believe he wants to go back to the 161.8% level. He's smelled the fruit and will try his damndest not to give it up too easily.
2 chart stunners for historians, all called in advance as all former charts are her n this thread ............. look for them
Dow Jones daily
View attachment 277024
Dow Jones daily same -o same-o chart with the target box
View attachment 277021
And the further evidence of a very likely rally when the mighty and magnificent dow Jones hit the 50% retracement level, a level at which Donald Trump has 600 battalians stationed. Many died in their attempt to reverse the market but hey who cares as long as the Dow keeps going up up up, right? Death, heroin shots by FED = all part of supporting a BULL with a broken spine that only Fibo spotted way back in 2018.
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View attachment 277023
And here is another creme de la creme for the historians .......... the bull run from the year 2016 low to the 2020 top also contributed to Fibo's majestic call for reversal into rally. How so? It hit a perfect 78.6% retracement of the 2016-2020 rally.
The meticulousness (or meticulosity?) of fibo is shocking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣
View attachment 277025
For historians & Sharky .......................
London FTSE 100 from well before this chart - see earlier posts, everything is well documented in this thread. Have a look see at this stunning call, precise to a T.
Behold the way London FTSE 100 responds to my fibo grid targets
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