Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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The depth of BEAR tht fibo correctly called and suggested and alerted to way back in early 2018

This includes musicians whose gigs were eliminated when bars, restaurants, and clubs shut down. It includers actors and singers and artists. It includes Uber and Lyft drivers whose business has dwindled. It includes self-employed vacation-rental entrepreneurs with some units on Airbnb that no one is booking because the travel industry has shut down. It includes tech workers whose projects have been put on hold. It includes instructors and coaches of all kinds – such as figure skating coaches, language coaches, and corporate coaches. And so on. Many millions of people.
Then there is this: this unprecedented and sudden explosion of unemployment claims caused a number of state websites for unemployment claims to crash intermittently, delaying the claims. The difficulties people had getting through the system at the end of the reporting week likely pushed a number of claims into the next reporting week. States that had intermittent crashes of their sites reportedly included New York, Oregon, Colorado, Kentucky, and other states.
Today, about one-third of the US population is under some kind of lockdown directive. And even in places where there are no official lockdowns, more and more people have started to practice some sort of “social distancing.”

For many workers, employment has already ended, and for gig workers, the hours have plunged or disappeared, at least temporarily. Commissions and tips have evaporated from one day to the next. There has been such a sudden surge in unemployment applications that state unemployment offices have fallen way behind in processing them; and official data won’t reflect the true numbers until state unemployment offices catch up. Household finances face huge question marks.
Today, a little over one week into the first chapter of the lockdown saga, we got the first inkling of what this may do to the housing market. And this is truly just the first inkling.

Mortgage applications to purchase a home plunged in states where lockdowns went into effect, the Mortgage Bankers Association reported today. And those lockdowns aren’t even fully reflected yet as they went into effect during the last part of that reporting week, ended March 20, or just after the reporting week, and what you see here is the prelude. This is the drop from the prior week, seasonally adjusted:

  • California: -23%
  • State of New York: -35%
  • State of Washington: -17%.

For historians only .............................. what a BEAR market of such high degree feels like in the mind

Without a job, the vast population will be in this frame of mind .................

you used to laffff about people who didn't have jobs and ended up homeless
Now you don't talk so loud, now you don't seem so proud about having to be scrounging your next meal
How does it feel to be out on the streets without a home with no direction Home, a complete unknown
Nobody ever taught you how to live out on the street but now you're just going to have to get used to it
As you stare into the vacuum of
Bear's eyes and beg, "do you want to make a deal after HE took from you everything he could steal?

FEAR/TERROR bullmarket started Jan 26, 2018 as per thread title, respite for 2 years, then came first wave down, now a respit again. then it gets underway in earnest. The point of recognition will be reached in the 3rd of 3rd.

The Vix trendline shown in the USA thread is the empire buster.

Hide and watch
BEAR Market CALL: Bail out for T2W will be required soon as sponsors cut costs and skiddale & members lose in the markets, lose their jobs and go broke to the verge of homelessness. Stock markets will be the last thing on their minds as THE END plays out

A donation of $500 per member per month is recommended by Fibo to keep T2W afloat during the entire BEAR.

Those here who call T2W HOME will be tested to the hilt.

Yawn! Called by Fibo in early 2018 .............. unemployment rate call 35%+

>>>>>> Yawn! Called by Fibo in early 2018 .............. unemployment rate call 35%+ <<<<<<<<<<<
and it had sweet xippo to do with corona virus

Fibo is always way too early, way too early to call the shots. The Fundamental anal-yss slowpokes come later, much later

FED is so slow its like fibo gong backwards


Coronavirus job losses could total 47 million, unemployment rate may hit 32%, Fed estimates

For Trader333 ........................ for entertainment purposes only .................. sure you can shoot and kill Fibo but where's the FAIRNESS?

Never hit Fibo when your facts are weak and full of holes. Always be prepared even when you have a gun. Its no picnic going up agaisnt Fibo 🙂🙂🙂🙂


irrepressible instincts that man is helpless against
The first problem with this moral is that the story from which it is derived is not analogous to man's nature

For Trader333: read quote first

your continued education that has now convincingly brought new shortcomings to light that will destroy you in a BEAR MARKET of this high caliber. So, this is to help you since you helped me ONCE UPON A TIME before you blew your stack and went rogue vigilante on me

Your professionalism took a big hit in my estimation when you dished out personal insults to me, and then when I slapped you back harder, you called it worse than MURDER and banned me for LIFE - 20 yrs experience as a moderator - I would send you back to grade school for such egregious disregard of professionalism. Learn, Trader333, learn, you've been on this job for 20 years and you're still a lightweight. Learn now from Fibo. Fibo has been the only one who has really tested your "sitting on a throne of superiority" - you have considerable work to do in this regard. 🙂

your friend, your unreceprocated, hated, worst kind ever, FRIEND, FIBO/JOE 🙂 Love you, brother, always have, always will. Not talking to Big Joe? Yawn! get in line, brother. 🙂
Tsunami traveling at 600 m.p.h. continues toward the shore. the energy wave currently has a wave lambda of 2 feet. This means that nobody has noticed it and nobody will.

As it approaches shore it will raise its head like a cobra, wexcept in this case it will be to a height of 1 klick.

Go get Mummy & Daddy to high ground

Then .....................

Hide & watch.
Get yourselves to high ground NOW ................... BEAR has to follow the rules of the Universe too. He must generate a rally after a 5-wave move down. He gots to. There is no exception to this RULE of the Gods. Why must he obey this rule? Becasue HE was an Angel once. An angel of God. So he was already following the rules of God.

When this rally is over, then and only then can he drop the hammer.

Make fast preparations now with your finances - you never lose anything to be prepared.


Don't be a schmuck like the hundreds of old timer zombies here at T2W who never see anythng coming. Put some cash money aside now, under the bed or wherever with quick easy unsupervised access to it available 24hrs/day, 24/7.

Only YOU have full control to the stash site, nobody else, not even your wife as during this BEAR the divorce rate will skyrocket. Its already pretty bad anyways with wives killing husbands verbally and in court anyway, taking it all and the kids and cracking the spines of the fellas, who then come to Big Joe crying like babies. Two or three slaps and they wake up and start l***ing fresh stuff again and forget about all this crap.

Poor Sharky, hope he makes out OK, he just had a baby. God help him! 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂


thread by "bone" ET sponsor charges clients $7,500. He is the recognized Energy Expert at ET. His specialty is CRUDE OIL

Fibo came into the thread on Page 10 with the post above and got a lot of static about going against bone.

That was in March 2019. Crude Oil was at $60

Take a look at Crude Oil today in March 2020.

FIBO buggered bone and everyone else in the thread - as usual

Crude has arrived sooooo close to my target of 10 bucks now
Therefore, when T2W puts together the A-team to go up in a direct challenge of ET, as T2W poster, Pat494 suggested way back, here is my advice to Trader333:

ET will make mincemeat of ANY trader from T2W. Take my word for it - I have been at both places. There is simply no contest. Furthermore, the depth of talent at ET is wayyy superior to T2W

So I have a suggestion to the King of Permanent Banning, Trader333. .....)

Send Fibo alone as a representative of T2W. Alone. Alone. Alone! ET will have an army of 27 in the Crude Oil Arena. bone is their leader.

Fibo will nail all with relative ease.


I'll give you Baron's personal cell #. Call and set it up but don't let on that Fibo is the lone warrior being sent by T2W. When the contest begins and Baron sees its Fibo, his face at first will go ghostly, then turn a very white shade of pale as the ceiling flies away and he collapses to the floor

Game to T2W and Fibo.

Sure as sh*t beats banning Fibo every damn week!!!!!! 😎😃

Behold even as late as Dec 2019 nobody at ET even considered that the op might be correct.
NOW today with the benefit of hindsight he sure stood alone in his daring CALL. He was ridiculed and attacked by the mob. Same type of mob at T2W or any forum.

The same call the op made was made by Fibo a year earlier than this op.

Imagine that.

type in boeing in search and my name and see my mentions.

Like I said, only Fibo can consistently beat out ET. Baron knows this all too well.

thread by "bone" ET sponsor charges clients $7,500. He is the recognized Energy Expert at ET. His specialty is CRUDE OIL

Fibo came into the thread on Page 10 with the post above and got a lot of static about going against bone.

That was in March 2019. Crude Oil was at $60

Take a look at Crude Oil today in March 2020.

FIBO buggered bone and everyone else in the thread - as usual

Crude has arrived sooooo close to my target of 10 bucks now

Here's the weekly chart with the white arrow showing where I said, "SELL, SELL, SELL" and gave my targets of $25 & $10

Here's my Boeing mentionw at T2W. There are much earlier mentions at ET

Boeing: the lies they told were astonishing. Their reign is over. Bull market icons get slaughtered in a BEAR. Their deceit will cripple them more.

Go to thread title same as here under my name, fibo_trader, go to page 46 and there you will see my recent call on Boeing made on March 27, 2019 ...........................

"when a juicy big red bar punches a big hole in the 200-day ema it will be the start of Boeing's waterfall decline"

Happening today, May 7, 2019. But the 200-day has elasticity, no? It sure does. So at least a bounce? One would think so. But only if this is not a 3rd wave decline.

Hide & watch. This prince is heavily weighted in the Dow.
For Fibo its not the Virus that's deadly, its being anywhere in the vicinity of such depressing sons of b*tches. Its contagious and is a REAL DISEASE.

Thread title BEAR Market's key ingredients are showing up left and right and in vast staggering quantities. Components? Crashing prices, drying up of demand, deathly FEAR grips the HERD

Associated Press
Gas prices drop to their lowest levels in four years, but for many people there’s nowhere to go
Published: March 31, 2020 at 9:56 a.m. ET
Brace, brace, brace ....... tomorrow, april 1st ............. $100 billion in RENTS & $100 billion in Interests payments coming up

Hide & watch how there are Asks and No Bids

The Great BEAR that Fibo called is living up to its reputation and its only the beginning, aka 1st Wave down with a recovery wave .
Happening already - in spades ................ long long long wait times on the phones to BANKS. Unusually high call volume, they say. Pay attention, now. This call volume will shoot to the Moon once the next segment of the Tsunami Wave arrives. the lines will be so clooged that they will pruposly just shut it down to a crawl - it gives them more time to swipe your deposits.

You have been warned by Big Joe. Do NOT fckup in this arena. Your rent and milk money is on the line. ATM closures with no recourse for weeeks will place your day to day demands on Homelessness Row.
The State of California along with Los Angeles County and Los Angeles City has announced a complete and total moratorium on Rents retroactive till March 4. This has been copied in other states and countries too even as far away as small cities in Thailand.

You must write a letter to your manager, date it within 7 days of the 1st April and state how Corona has impacted your earnings. Get it done, #clowns. The plethora of #clownshoes that patrol this site blowing superheated steam out the yazoo are not the action taking type. All talkers. Step up to being CAUSE, now instead of EFFECT=victim

Tomorrow, April 1st = April fool's Day has been well chosen by BEAR for a prank withthe rental tsunami hitting tonight at midnight.

BEAR is running the show in total command.
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