Fibo beat the great Paul Tudor Jones AGAIN & AGAIN by a whopping margin this time. Paul called the Gold rally on June 12, but the Fibrous One called it on May 27 right here at T2W in this thread. Its getting to the point where Fibo can't even go to the can in peace no more without first buggering yet another billionaire big shot. One by one Fibo nails 'em all. First 3, then 2, they was all wearing dusters. In the dusters there were billionaires. Inside the billionaires there was a slingshot by Fibo. And dig this ............. a computer chip doubles speed every 18 months, hahahahaha, Fibo triples once per year. 🙂🙂🙂
Paul even mentions the $1,400 zone that Fibo mentioned.
I told the fellas at ET that billionaires are slooooooooooow. LOL
And dig this: while Paul Tudor Jones was asleep regarding Gold prior to June 12, Fibo's friends and enemies alike at T2W and ET had already taken their first profits on the bullion rally, called right here LOL LOL LOL
Paul Tudor Jones is likely making a killing off a timely call last week to buy gold
Billionaire investor Paul Tudor Jones must be rolling in bullion right now.www.marketwatch.com
And where did Gold end up today? 1,396.8 ..................... and my call was 1,394 (with mention of 1400 region) hahahahahahaha.
Now Paul says if bullion has come to 1400 then it will go to 1700. Well, Fibo will examine this later tonight and tomorrow. Going to get some soft stuff now, no time for this sh*t, enough for one day.
The monk bought lunch 3:02 - the best part of the trip
No mortal can beat Fibo, can take on any billionaire and knock him on his ass on any trade side by side.