Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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The girl of Fibo is safe. That counts bigtime, YUGE! Fibo did that. Fibo arranged that while all else around her was crashing crashing crashing with coronvirus shutdowns and catastrophes

Fibo shines big when he does not have to take care of a female as they do slow him down.

But this BEAR is too much for even the most nifty warrior.

The Philosopher's Stone continues to be evanescent and coterminous with non-body-haven

Even my best friends, they don't know, that my job is turning lead into Gold!!!

Brits should watch this video before watching/reading the rest. This oughtta fill up their tanks with well-being and bravado. Additionally they can fill up their tanks with the blunders of Joe Biden ....................

but then the tanks will go empty as the Brits learn for the first time, as once again none of this is taught in their schools ......... that they (Brits) were humiliated in utter defeat by Afghanistan's Panjshir Valley back in the 1840s. The defeat was so huge, so deadly so full of blood

See last sentence in the article above ........................ oughtta give an idea as to why its so difficult to conquer Afghanistan. ALL have failed and failed miserably. I expect the next one to try is China due to the trillion dollars of Metals reserves in Afghanistan.

Lithium, Lithium, Lithium ................

Should Fibo go Long, Lithium? 🤣🤣🤣

What is undeniable however is the absolute horror that befell those retreating British soldiers and civilians, and what a grisly bloodbath that final last stand must have been. It was also an utter humiliation for the British Empire, who withdrew completely from Afghanistan and whose reputation was severely tarnished.

Alert! Alert! T2W sliding into the ultra-danger zone!!!!

PrimeTime USA/Europe market overlap and T2W has only 3 warriors on the TRADING field

Oblivion approaches fast, fast, fast .......................

Prepare your last few posts, amigos, one can't really know the day the warrior count will be at ZERO in PrimeTime! That will be the day the music died at T2W.
Come on guys, fight, fight, fight ................................. don't just let the Empire fizzle out like a dud!!! Put up a fight!

Its a BEAR market. We know how important EMPLOYMENT is ............... heck, its not just money to pay for food and bills, it also has a FREEDOM component. The stage of BEAR we are in now is when the FREEDOM component is attacked internally on an individual basis as each one lives in his or her own HELL. Its supposed to be demoralizing and debilitating.

The way out is the the way thru' = fight!

Unemployment hit Fibo target of 35% and has recovered to, get this, 25%. Proof on the ground you ask? He,hehehehe, just look around ............... half the cats out there are delivery drivers for UBER/LYFT/Amazon/Postmates/Doordash and scores of others being formed daily/weekly to meet the soaring demand of a bull market in DESTITUTION!

Alert! Alert! T2W sliding into the ultra-danger zone!!!!

PrimeTime USA/Europe market overlap and T2W has only 3 warriors on the TRADING field

Oblivion approaches fast, fast, fast .......................

Prepare your last few posts, amigos, one can't really know the day the warrior count will be at ZERO in PrimeTime! That will be the day the music died at T2W.
See quote first, then dig the environment that T2W is embedded in, surrounded by ................ it has NO chance!!

The impossible becomes the normal operation, what could never happen has happened and is happening. Things that one never thought one could ever lose are nowadays being lost on a weekly basis ................. see pics below to get an idea of the gravity of the depth of BEAR




Alert! Alert! T2W sliding into the ultra-danger zone!!!!

PrimeTime USA/Europe market overlap and T2W has only 3 warriors on the TRADING field

Oblivion approaches fast, fast, fast .......................

Prepare your last few posts, amigos, one can't really know the day the warrior count will be at ZERO in PrimeTime! That will be the day the music died at T2W.

See quote first, then read below and know this: if YOU don't take action NOW to save your T2W, it will never ever be said, "just shy of too late"

Its now or never, fellas. T2W is sinking fast, fast, fast. Raise your hand if you disagree!!!

BEAR market by definition is intense emotional pain and discomfort and torment and internal torture. Trow in a Pandemic on top of dying Economics and you have a DEATH recipe.

But wait ..................... its way worse ..........................

Suicide rate for the United States has double-bottomed. Ditto for UK, Germany, Netherlands as of 2014. Updated charts? Good luck!!!

Mental Depression ....................... South Koreans ........................................ 3rd wave underway

T2W Prime Time (US/EU market overlap) member count likely to hit ZERO when the following occurs .............. it will likely be simultaneous .................

US Dollar Index = BEAR's lieutenant blasts north like shown in chart.

That too will be the day the music died at T2W

BEAR's gathering storm ...............................

ISIS-K? Yawn! All part of the same thing, pretending to be different just to fool the Americans ................

It goes like this ..........................

Pakistan is the KINGPIN. Sponsors ALL factions, esp. Taliban. Taliban injured can just go across into any hospital in Pakistan and get free unquestioned treatment on the House! China soon to enter as ally. Russia too. Iran always there.

Aha! Its gets downright scary when you consider who is left on the OTHER side?

Answer: India & United States.

This is what's playing out now ...........................
BEAR market perspective .............. but waaaay more because this is a BEAR at 2-4 degrees of Trend

what does it mean? It means this BEAR is correcting then entire 1700s - 2021

= entire British Empire

This is why its YuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuGE!

A sideways triangle for 70 years? Possible

A C-wave down to 1987 top? Possible

Will know more when the move gets underway.

Fasten seatbelts
BEAR market perspective .............. but waaaay more because this is a BEAR at 2-4 degrees of Trend

what does it mean? It means this BEAR is correcting then entire 1700s - 2021

= entire British Empire

This is why its YuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuGE!

A sideways triangle for 70 years? Possible

A C-wave down to 1987 top? Possible

Will know more when the move gets underway.

Fasten seatbelts
Read quote first ..................

Get in your car and drive around the city and observe:

50% of businesses never came back despite the so-called recovery of sorts from the Pandemic's first wave. Shuttered shops all over the place. Malls, offices, vacant vacant vacant. Signs of desertion and dereliction all over the place.

Degraded beings in large numbers wandering the streets in almost near total lostness!

Restaurants are just barely hanging in there! Take out is a reprieve. But wait ................. when the Dow Jones turns south in earnest, the unemployment picture will darken as fast rogue wave mechanics generate drying up of Gringo Gulch in San Juan. Take out is not going to work when folks run out of dough not only for a fair price but to pay the delivery charges too!!!!! Recipe for disaster!!!

Survivors will be those who have their own food supply/gardens/farms etc., ............... Big Joe is one such individual ... with his girl of course who is the lead steer on NATURE.

T2W has always been asleep at the wheel the whole time I've known her. I came in May 6th, 2019 and was shocked already to see how dead the place was, how listless, how totally useless for trading. But I wanted to call the BEAR continuation.

Its gotten progressively worse!

But it should be no surprise that T2W will be firesold for 5 bucks, if that in the FIRESALE that will blast off at the instant the Dow Jones reverses on the Daily/weekly/monthly.

BEAR nails high-debt, incompetence, low-quality like there is no tomorrow. Don't know about the debt situation here but the last 2 items pretty much guarantee disaster and outright annihilation

That's just the way it is!! It is a BEAR at 2-4 degrees of Trend.
BEAR acceleration in 3rd gear with a whoosh out of the wake and a blast of the nostrils will take place when the trendline shown is taken out. Drop to 32,830 in one shot will be the norm. The hit on the springboard of the 200-day at this 32,830 will be so severe, so intense, so meskjerizing, so loud and eafening that the screech of springs shattering will be heard all the way to Santa Barbara. The internal trusses will fail in their strength of Materials

The Coefficient of Restitution will cease to exist as a valid entity in BOUNCE METHODOLOGY.

Lord have Mercy!

BEAR acceleration in 3rd gear with a whoosh out of the wake and a blast of the nostrils will take place when the trendline shown is taken out. Drop to 32,830 in one shot will be the norm. The hit on the springboard of the 200-day at this 32,830 will be so severe, so intense, so meskjerizing, so loud and eafening that the screech of springs shattering will be heard all the way to Santa Barbara. The internal trusses will fail in their strength of Materials

The Coefficient of Restitution will cease to exist as a valid entity in BOUNCE METHODOLOGY.

Lord have Mercy!

View attachment 305112
When the CRASH occurs the general PUBIC will exclaim in wonderment and awe how nicely the mighty Dow Jones recovered (even albeit for just 2-3 days) at 28,689

Only Big Joe would know that that is what BEAR will do as it is the 23.6% recovery level that is part of BEAR's bone structure. He will not violate this.
BEAR: .................... realities ..................

The money to be made in this oncoming Short is so staggering in terms of quantity that it sure as heck means exactly what has always been known that only a few Rockefellers will milk the collapse bone-dry to the max.

Fibo be one such cat. and the best part? Rockefellers didn't know doodly squat compared to Fibo. Fibo has the tools of the trade and more .................. Fibo is a master in guerilla warfare from the back of a horse.

And how goes it for Fibo's horse? Hossy loves it because he could not ever dream of an owner who talks to him and asks for his opinion and especially, "what would you like to eat today?" A friend? You better believe it! The pack mules that carry the rifles and other supplies are Yuge fans of Fibo too.

BEAR & the Dow Jones ............................................... cast in stone but unfortunately Fibo has not yet figured out the mathematical entity ...................

when will Fibo have figured out the mathematical entity?

The moment the Heavens rip as the Dow JONES Wave top rips and roars and plunges. That will be it! that means that the WAVE has fired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The exact measurement at that instant will give the exact wave meaurement from Mach 6, 2009 to the 2021 top.

That number will go into the psyche of Fibo like there is no tomorrow as it will be THE BIBLE of ultra-TRENDS
BEAR market bone structure: Taking the Dow Jones. Similar application can be done for the SPX. Slight variation can be done for Nasdaq. Ditto application for the Dow Jones transportation Index (Economy). And of course there is the NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE COMPOSITE ..................

Sit down and revel in the genius of Fibo. Why? Fibo be an open book. His struggles with nailing the top here in this thread are clear and obvious for everyone to see in broad daylight! The great thing about the forum date and time stamp is that it cannot be cheated!!! It is the ultimate truth!

So here goes ............................................
BEAR market bone structure: Taking the Dow Jones. Similar application can be done for the SPX. Slight variation can be done for Nasdaq. Ditto application for the Dow Jones transportation Index (Economy). And of course there is the NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE COMPOSITE ..................

Sit down and revel in the genius of Fibo. Why? Fibo be an open book. His struggles with nailing the top here in this thread are clear and obvious for everyone to see in broad daylight! The great thing about the forum date and time stamp is that it cannot be cheated!!! It is the ultimate truth!

So here goes ............................................

The mighty Dow Jones monthly. BEAR shoots from the hip. even from the back of a horse, he does not put the gun to his eye to aim. The aim comes from the biogenome at hip level. Keep this concept in mind as Fibo applies the biogenome to the Indexes mentioned above (some call them Indices)

The biogenome was sprawled out over a large time poeriod from year 2000 to 2007 top to March 2009 bottom. It is this magnificente base of biogenome that Fibo will take on as BEAR's distance from center of gravity of the small intestine to the cg of the entire 7 ft structure of BEAR's height and extrapolate to get the

TOP of Dow Jones and all other Indexes ...........................................
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