Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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INDIA ................... on a different note ................. hammers MasterCard's cocoa & caca bum! Hammers it real good. Expelling the son of a gun? Likely!!!!

But why, why, why, why? MEDIA has all sorts of explanations about fraud and bla bla. But not one of them nor any Financial experts recognize that shenanigans come to light big time when 5 waves up are getting over or are over ........... just like what happened with Enron ..........................

Slam Dunk!! 🙂 The Suspected Ending diagonal Triangle exploded on 1H, see quote

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Fibo will try to give Gold's worshipper, New_trader the benefit of the doubt. How so? Let's assume my ending diagonal triangle is too steep!!! OK then, so let's flatten he baby a bit. We still have an ending diagonal traingle with the most usual converging lines so far so good. Add to that, New_trader is on the Fibo support of 38.2% and 200-hr ema on 1H. Break that and there's no use holding up her bum to push her up toward $1850.

Meanwhile look at the damage she is doing to RSI. Yikes!!! Now if Macd crosses the 0-line too and RSI crosses below 38, its going to be one painful bum for New_trader.

Help her guys, push, push, push, push Gold up up toward $1852 and the inflationary boom and the Moon.

Last I head is that Gold expert Rick Rule is having sleepless nites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Most imprtantly .............. watch in awe how Gold play perfectly to Fibo's grid lines!!!! Uncanny!!! eerie? Dig it, babe!!!!



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The Gold Ghurka battalion at the 200-hr ema + 38.2% of Fibo are throwing everything they have against the terrorists' al Qaeda and the Taliban. But the Taliban wear these massive turbans that block all the bullets so they can't be killed easily!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 And now Joe Biden has taken out all US troops. Nature abhors a vacuum, so Taliban is waltzing back into Ghanistan. Sooooo many have tried to nail Ghani's ass over History, none has succeeded! Why anybody bothered in the first place is beyond me!!!!!

If Gold can survive this and slijngshot up, she still might get to $1852. Critical juncture right now!!!!!!

Gotta leave soon so cannot update until much later today by which time I'll be drunker than a skunk and not worth a damn

Going to nail this Belgian beer (Chimay) today as I am on a roll checking out all Belgian stuff, especially the fermented beers like Westmalle which continues to be too hard to beat

During my absence keep eye on Ntwadumela = he who breathes and greets with Fire on the plains of Africa. But up in United States' Way he is known as US Dollar Index or quite often referred to as Fibo's best friend ..................

Why should you keep eye on Ntwadumela? Because he is on supercharged Inverse Head & Shoulder that can cripple and maim and bugger Gold with just one single thrust!


CALL of 2020: The breakup of CHINA into 10 (?) countries.

Yeah, this is a firm call.

Chinkaderos will not be a threat no more.

Only thing I would like to have from there? A Tsing Tao factory

Reminder of CALL from May 24th, 2020 about the breakup of CHINA .........................

and I can prove it! Yes I can. In spades!!! 5 SuperCycle Waves up are complete for

CHINA versus United States

An epic BEAR market consisting of an A-B-C is underway since year 2007, the worldwide stock market top of the Great Recession. This BEAR will take the shape of a zigzag or go into a Triangle. don't know this yet. But regardless, it will be a corrective wave of epic degree versus the United States

Therefore Fibo asserts with utmost confidence, pleasure, relief and joy that the mighty United States will continue to reign KING for the next 100 years minimum with master sidekicks, INDIA, as the dominant Tower!!!!

CHINA versus United States monthly
(caution: at T2W, Technical aplomb is only an intellectual activity, it has never been appreciated in REALITY for its depth and sheer TRUTH. this is obvious in the way this site trades, they don't really believe in the footprint of the HERD being shown clearly on the Technical logarithmic chart. Never did, never will. why? How so? Both at ET and T2W and all other forums loaded to the hilt with retards on the nth order of magnitude, yes at ET too, their main giveaway of their gross stupidity is, "you mean to tell us, Big Joe, that just one squiggly line on a chart is telling of how the HERD is thinking collectively?"

The general Public is sooo stupid that the grossest jail term is to force fibo to live amongst them!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thak God for the banning feature as a completion of jailtime in Purgatory 🤣🤣🤣🤣
China versus United States

Bye bye China, you may huff and puff but you you can't nail BEAR! All countries will be hammered by BEAR but YOU will be hammered the most-est! You should never have tested Fibo's friend, GOD. You see when you tried to infect the world with the deadly disease, you never considered that 8 billion people are the friends of GOD, that they be made in his own image. He cannae forgive this. You have forfeited all your dreams of hegemony!!

Bye bye, clown!

CHINA Shanghai Composite Index

Hey guys .................. technical updates on Gold, $, Dow et al coming up over the weekend

Blasts from the past by Postman
🙂 Only Fibo can make a Brit so mad, so enraged, so distraught that it causes the Brit to pursue an American male (both heterosexuals so this factor is eliminated) for 6 months straight, non-stop, everyday, a total of some 400 posts, all negative, all pounding the pavement, could not find one single positive comment, every call Fibo made was wrong, .................... it was distracting no doubt but Fun, Fun, Fun nonetheless. I expect fury from Brits for almost any provocation but Postie delivered Hate Mail in spades!!!!!! God, do I love it so!!!!! 🙂🙂

There was a female in Marina del Rey, California who after I threw her out, kept following me for weeks - relentlessly. Then I got the solution and it actually FREED her!! I arranged one of my female friends to run me off the road, charge up to me with the engine still running, blocking traffic, kiss me passionately and furiously right there on the city street and not stop and take it to passionate heights in broad daylight! Boom! The Stalking ceased instantly thereafter. She was cured!!!!

Postie's posts will be cherished by Fibo. 🙂🙂


The best attack post delivered by Postie was when he put the following in his SIGNATURE ............. so with every attack post that he made, this SIGNATURE portion stuck out the bottom - it was hugely distracting and funny 🙂 🙂 ......... it was akin to that scene in the movie Birdcage I believe, where the gang was walking on the street and Postie was wearing leather long pants with a perfect cut out for his bare bum to stick out and shake!!! 🤣🤣🤣

His SIGNATURE was ...........................

Fibo trader is a sh*t trader, Fibo trader is sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t can't trade to save his life


But wait, it gets better .................... when I duplicated the post and remarked that only a Brit could get away with such posts ............... had I done it, I'd be banned for 200 lifetimes. so Postie replied with, "Fibo trader is such a p****y to not spell out the full words like sh*t ................ 😗😗

So I replied and let him know that HE is allowed to spell out the whole word, he's Brit. But an American is not allowed to do so and worse still if fibo does it, it incurs huge wrath in the Brit cops and Brit owner!!!

Now Postie is not an unfair guy, sohe got that message loud and clear!!

Most noticeable is that Postie never took part in any of the banning attempts of Fibo. He never stooped so low!

post #2962


Hertz hurts bankruptcy proceedings .................... new corvettes sitting in the lots offered for 54k, soon down to 25k and lower ............. soon it will be like going to the grocery store. In another year or so you can have collected 20 such automobiles and park them on your lawn and then just forget about them. Years late let your grandkids mow the lawn and find cars
Definition of Redneck fulfilled

I want to keep this gem of a quote (For historians only) if your still shitposting in a years time I will bring this back for everyone to see.
😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

Fibo answers Postie's reasonable laffffs with this reminder/update ...............................

Hertz, Avis, Enterprise Rent a CAr were all on verge of Bankruptcy. Hertz was the most far gone down the tubes. They had to sell, sell, sell their inventory of cars and trucks at bargain basement prices. But then WAVE 1 ended and rescued them into a recovery WAVE 2, so they survived just short of too late. Then a spectacular thing happened! Durijng the recovery from the the Pandemic wave, the demand by people to just bugger off somewhere, anywhere after having been locked down for months at a time was staggering so the DEMAND FOR CARS SHOT THRU' THE ROOF ............. but ther e were too few cars available as most had been disposed of to pay the rent and bills to stay alive.

So this is where we stand right now in July 2021. Demand still up, prices for rentals sky high and car prices soaring too.

Until Wave 3 arrives. Then the entire process will repeat and this time THEY WILL ALL HIT BANKRUPTCY!!!

So Postie said he will wait a while to see how this plays out!!

Good idea!!! I'd say give it a few months but most importantly start counting the weeks from the moment WAVE 3 begins as will be clearly evident when the Dow Jones dives for good!!!

Then watch the Fun and Frolic as the FIRESALE gets underway in earnest.

Corvette for $2k, Porsche for 5k and so on for used cars ............. dealers of course might be 85% out of business!!!

Hide and watch!!!


see post #2,963 🙂

CALL of 2020:
The breakup of CHINA into 10 (?) countries.
Yeah, this is a firm call.

Postman: Man I want some of what your smoking, this takes the biscuit !!!!
Its as firm as all the other sh1t you post.
Congratulations this post wins you the internet!


God I do love it so .... in fact I've incorporated it into my signature.


CALL on China is unchanged!!!!
Best of luck, Postie. Flourish & prosper, Postie, that's the ticket!! You have my blessing! 👍
TOP Feno-menonon or Fen-omena

July 5th, 1999

Bloomberg Sept 2007, LA Times Sept. 2007 conceptual statements equivalency not exact quote
Envy of the rich making money concept, everyone
except me!!!!!! Causing the HERD to enter with renewed vigor
just prior to a TOP being printed and DEATH to ensure for all
of New_trader types who can't control their emotions and never ever

January 2018 Top, NY Times
Everyone is getting rich and YOU'RE NOT

June 2021 Bloomberg Businessweek
Why is everyone making money but YOU


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Forgot I was logged in .................... I was cooking some Thai Food 🙂🙂🙂🙂 and a chick came to visit me, forgot the time of day or night, hahahahahahha! the perfume was exquisite!

Try again Tomorton, your last attempt at banning Big Joe failed miserably! YIOU want to take the site back to the gutter? Be my guest but it can't happen unless you get me expelled!!! Once fibo is gone, the site can return to KinderGarten and Loser Central!!! 🤣🤣🤣

97% of beginners will perish and then inhabit Stock Forums like ET & T2W where the mantra will be, "Trading is such a racket (as they down yet another shot of booze ordered from ........ 1-800-BOOZE)!"
Impossible for 97% of entrants to defeat this due to the fact that the game is rigged to have 97% losers and only 3% winners = rich get richer, poor get poorer!

Rigged game going on for 100000000 years not easy to defeat!!!!


NO following advertising recommended by Fibo as its clear and easy to see that Fibo is opposite to their point of view on Gold and Silver

Fibo has friends but follows NOBODY. check my profile at T2W. The day you see Fibo following anyone, shot him please, shoot him right in the head!!!!

Fibo follows nobody!!!!! There are no geniuses or dumbphucks on Planet EARTH that Fibo gives a rat's ass about!

Dead_brokes's friends are friends but Fibo follows nobody but drinks beer with one and all!!!!

Pfizer ........................

see posts #
6544, 7328, 7240, 7908, 8010, 8127, 8148, 8188, 8190, 8191


updated ...................


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