Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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I'm just standing in a doorway, I'm just tryin to make some sense of Crude Oil ever since it hit minus. I was just waiting on a friend from higher consciousness levels ............................ At ET I had already called Crude going to $10. Call was way bck in 2019 and actually much earlier way before ET. Done, done, done. Crude hit $10 and did bizarre stuff.

That was then, this is now ............

So I woke up in the middle of the nite and felt compelled to review Crude Oil. The signal came from the Supernatural, obviously. 😉🙂

So I draw-ed the trendline from the $114.83 high and then the other one. BOOM! To my sheer staggering pleasure I noticed that Crude Oil had just arrived at this spectacular trendline. And BOOM! whaddya know, it just happens to be right at the 200-month ema

Lord have Mercy! I told-ed you fellas that year 2021 is the year of Serendipity for Fibo. "21" is a shockingly powerful Fibonacci number, so staggering, that even my best-est friends are only just finding out that Fibo's job has always been turning Lead into Gold


Crude Oil monthly trendline showing latent weakness as the steam comes off the rally and the slope changes. But, whenever the slope changes, there has to be an ORIGIN for the new slope. Often its the same-o same-o origin. But not always. So where to look for it? Why of course in the GAP. See the grey trendline


Most deadly empire in human history EVER! See who inhabits the #1 slot in the List of 25

25 most unbelievably evil empires in history

For the conspiracy theorists (100%) in the Corona Virus thread at T2W .............. take this factoid to the BANK ............. in the UK an "A" grade is given in History even though Colonial History is NOT taught, actually banned in British Schools!!!!!
Now Dow Jones is only 41.38 points shy of target 🙂

Coming to you fellas from the East Side of Paradise
Where blue meets blue and the ocean and sky become one
Where the mountains and the sea they call out to me come on over
As the peaceful sound of the waves come rolling in

Visions of ancient days take me back to another time
When the now mighty Dow Jones was born a little baby in a manger
And smiled when Fibo came to see him and pay respects

Then the baby Dow Jones took me disappearing thru' the smoke rings of my mind
Into the foggy ruins of time thru' all the suffering in Financial Markets
To the doorsteps of the secrets of the mighty Dow Jones which can set one free
But nobody has ever succeeded until this warrior, Fibo gets so close as to smell the fruit

There is time yet but rungs of the ladder have been grasped firmly
As the rise into the Heavens continues unabated

How to know there is encouragement in my continued progress?
The mighty Dow Jones smiles of approval when I hit a rung
But lowers his head in dismay when I miss fire and go wrong

The look of dismay in his face is all I need in order to spur me on

If Top is now in, then latest efforts by Fibo are shown in just a hair of mighty Dow Jones sticking out Fibo's target of Wave 5=Wave 1 @ 31,694.86

Do you see the little teensy weensy hair pop just a tad above my target call? Top high is 32009. So difference is a mere 315 points.

If wrong, then its back to the drawing board. If right then the next months and years will be to nail the exact number, not approximate no more. Fibo is going after the exact number.

Coming to you fellas from the East Side of Paradise
Where blue meets blue and the ocean and sky become one
Where the mountains and the sea they call out to me come on over
As the peaceful sound of the waves come rolling in

Visions of ancient days take me back to another time
When the now mighty Dow Jones was born a little baby in a manger
And smiled when Fibo came to see him and pay respects

Then the baby Dow Jones took me disappearing thru' the smoke rings of my mind
Into the foggy ruins of time thru' all the suffering in Financial Markets
To the doorsteps of the secrets of the mighty Dow Jones which can set one free
But nobody has ever succeeded until this warrior, Fibo gets so close as to smell the fruit

There is time yet but rungs of the ladder have been grasped firmly
As the rise into the Heavens continues unabated

How to know there is encouragement in my continued progress?
The mighty Dow Jones smiles of approval when I hit a rung
But lowers his head in dismay when I miss fire and go wrong

The look of dismay in his face is all I need in order to spur me on

If Top is now in, then latest efforts by Fibo are shown in just a hair of mighty Dow Jones sticking out Fibo's target of Wave 5=Wave 1 @ 31,694.86

Do you see the little teensy weensy hair pop just a tad above my target call? Top high is 32009. So difference is a mere 315 points.

If wrong, then its back to the drawing board. If right then the next months and years will be to nail the exact number, not approximate no more. Fibo is going after the exact number.

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THE GODs say, "if you cannot state the problem clearly, then you have not understood the problem and therefore the solution will be always evanescent"

So Fibo states the problem now:

Each wave of the Dow Jones is structured on precise Mathematics. The problem is how to get the exact wavelength!!! Approximate wavelength is good and I am there pretty much but exactitude is what I am after.

Behold Fibo's accomplishment thus far in getting so close to the current Top (unproven yet). Mostly jut gawk at the massive gain during the entire from its inception in March 2009

Trivia: how did Fibo know the bottom of the 2008 crash was approaching in early 2009?

Answer: The crash regardless the ferocity will end in the vicinity of the previous 4th wave of one lesser degree. That's why 🙂 The other possibility is that if the 2008 drop is a Wave (a), no matter, it will end in the vicinity of the previous 4th. So therefore the odds of success in the mind of Fibo were YUGE. All Fibo needed was brass balls as the BEAR LOW of March 2009 was approaching.

THE GODs say, "if you cannot state the problem clearly, then you have not understood the problem and therefore the solution will be always evanescent"

So Fibo states the problem now:

Each wave of the Dow Jones is structured on precise Mathematics. The problem is how to get the exact wavelength!!! Approximate wavelength is good and I am there pretty much but exactitude is what I am after.

Behold Fibo's accomplishment thus far in getting so close to the current Top (unproven yet). Mostly jut gawk at the massive gain during the entire from its inception in March 2009

Trivia: how did Fibo know the bottom of the 2008 crash was approaching in early 2009?

Answer: The crash regardless the ferocity will end in the vicinity of the previous 4th wave of one lesser degree. That's why 🙂 The other possibility is that if the 2008 drop is a Wave (a), no matter, it will end in the vicinity of the previous 4th. So therefore the odds of success in the mind of Fibo were YUGE. All Fibo needed was brass balls as the BEAR LOW of March 2009 was approaching.

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Adeeeetional Trivia about the 2008 CRASH Low of March 2009

The investing and trading public and the masses of billions of folk worldwide had totally given up all hope. Armageddon was the atmosphere, tremendous FEAR, TERROR and panic. The US govt. was calling all sorts of private meetings with the Treasury Secretary and others including Warren Buffet to get a handle on the calamitous CRASH. American Express, Bank of America and Citicorp were on their knees begging for a bailout. Major banks had already failed and the entire WORLD was on its last legs as DEATH of the entire Financial System was inevitable.

Negativity was everywhere. Apathy among most as they had already given up and gone into hiding and befgging for food to survive.

At T2W there was total apathy and FEAR and TERROR. ALL were certain that DEATH of the System was inevitable. There was not one single T2W member who thought otherwise. The T2W consensus of DEATH was 100%. Ditto at ET. At major tops/bottoms in financial markets there is no difference between T2W and ET. Both are retarded to the nth and function and operate as a HERD, which by definition has no individuality and only can operate as a group entity. And as we all know, the IQ of a HERD is < 35

What was required to be a winner in the midst of such overwhelming and overwhumping negativity?

B R A S S B A L L S ................ B R A S S B A L L S

Fibo stepped in near the previous 4th and closed the shorties and reversed and went LONG
For Sharky ......................... the only one here who can apply this concept successfully to his own trading and life ............ my compliments and best wishes 🙂

Bernard Baruch's Never follow the crowd lesson ..................... examples series ...................

(1) Remember the 2008 CRASH of the stock market and almost the entire world? Sure you do!! Who would forget such a disaster near death experience? Niemand

(2) Ben Bernanke was Federal Reserve Chairman and Hank Paulson was Treasury Secretary, 2 of the most powerful cats in the entre world of finance and both were Goldman Sachs gurus.

(3) Sharky, sit down and grasp this concept: Gurus are not worth the paper they are printed on: these 2 cats said this stuff before and during and all the way thru' the CRASH ....................

from post # 2,808

FED Chief = Ben Bernanke ............. Treasury Secretary = Hank Paulson

June 20th, 2007 – Bernanke: The mortgage debacle “will not affect the economy overall.''
August 1st, 2007 – Paulson: "I see the underlying economy as being very healthy,"
October 15th, 2007 – Bernanke: "It is not the responsibility of the Federal Reserve - nor would it be appropriate - to protect lenders and investors from the consequences of their financial decisions."
May 7, 2008 – Paulson: 'The worst is likely to be behind us . . . . ”
May 16th, 2008 – Paulson: "In my judgment, we are closer to the end of the market turmoil than the beginning."
July 16th, 2008 – Bernanke: On Freddie and Fannie: “They will make it through the storm”, "… in no danger of failing.","…adequately capitalized"
Only two months later both were nationalized.

February 14th, 2008 – Paulson: (the economy) "is fundamentally strong, diverse and resilient."


This is why the teaching of Bernard Baruch is so vital to our survival as traders. Fibo grasped this concept from Bernard from day #1 and threw all other books on Finance out the window or to Goodwill (thousands of dollars in books - I felt so light thereafter I was walking on clouds))

For the Sharky, ruler of Trinidad and Tobago ................ a blast from the past ................... read quote
For Sharky ......................... continuation ......................

when you see a Barron's newsletter cover or a Newsweek or Time magazine cover or Wall Street Journal headline or any such magazine or noted publication put out giddy stuff like ths, got out immediately and SELL SELL SELL. Why? Becasue such dumbphucks are always the last to get on a dying BULL.. Ditto for Central Banks worldwide. At major turns one gots to do the opposite of these dumbphucks or else death follows swiftly. Nobody at T2W knows this lesson. Nobody. But you do, instinctively. Cement it, Sharky, cultivate it, it will make you proud.

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Global Officials: “Everything Is Under Control”​

Presidential Bragging​

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How Fibo cott the March 23rd bottom of the crash right here at T2W

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“Cash Is Trash”​

Most investors agree that Ray Dalio is a smart guy, but sometimes, even smart guys get it wrong. His hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, was overweight high-beta stocks during the crash, resulting in a 20% loss in February alone.

Weeks before at Davos 2020, Dalio said publicly that, “cash is trash,” but judging by the aftermath, it’s something that will haunt him for the rest of his investing career. This is a lesson for us all: When even the most intelligent investors fall for the fake optimism and believe stocks will rise indefinitely, you know the market is overdue for a correction.

Quotes from Federal Reserve Chairmen That Sound Like Famous Last Words​

Everyone remembers the famous quote from former Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, who, just before the subprime collapse, stated, “Subprime is contained,” and from Bernanke’s predecessor, Janet Yellen, who said, “We’ll never see another recession in my lifetime.”

This time, it was the turn of recently appointed head honcho, Jerome Powell, to provide us with a market-topper: “Short-term interest rates are under control.” Low and behold, a month later, repo market chaos leaked into the stock market and trillions of dollars of wealth disappeared in a matter of minutes during the sharpest stock market crash on record.

Jim Cramer Can’t Find Any Sellers​

When the biggest stock market bull in the game gets bearish vocally on Twitter, you know something serious is about to go down. After Cramer tweeted, the S&P500 proceeded to fall over 30%. Let that sink in.

Jim Cramer right at the Feb 19th Top (the day of the crash start) ...................... tweeted ................

what the hell is happening? Where are the sellers??

For the Sharky, ruler of Mumbai ................. a blast from the past, actually to you in October 2020 ..................

Read entire quote and remember this in hindsight as we all know too well now. The Corona crash of 2020 is the greates crash of all crashes ever, ever, ever!!!!! And the recovery/reversal on March 23rd led to the greates rally of the entire universe EVER! Both were called by Fibo right here in this thread.

Trader333 was overheard saying on March 24th, "nothing matters no more, not the money, not the Land, not the woman, we gots to get rid of Fibo now before its shy of too late!"

should be pasted on the walls of every financial trading/investing classroom from now to eternity ................ ther eis no better LESSON on the stupidity of officials

June 20th, 2007 – Bernanke: The mortgage debacle “will not affect the economy overall.'' 🤣
August 1st, 2007 – Paulson: "I see the underlying economy as being very healthy," 🤣
October 15th, 2007 – Bernanke: "It is not the responsibility of the Federal Reserve - nor would it be appropriate - to protect lenders and investors from the consequences of their financial decisions."
May 7, 2008 – Paulson: 'The worst is likely to be behind us . . . . ” 🤣🤣
May 16th, 2008 – Paulson: "In my judgment, we are closer to the end of the market turmoil than the beginning."
July 16th, 2008 – Bernanke: On Freddie and Fannie: “They will make it through the storm”, "… in no danger of failing.","…adequately capitalized"
Only two months later both were nationalized. 🤣
February 14th, 2008 – Paulson: (the economy) "is fundamentally strong, diverse and resilient." 🤣
Fibo's BEAR market casualties of WAR: Already predicted here in this thread that the core 30 would drop off

T2W core 30 are disintegrating and dropping like flies continuing and we are only in Wave 1

0007 ....... James Bond is no longer here

panda ............... gone too

cantagril ......... gone to Siberia?

malaguti ......... disappeared shortly after the encounter with me. His Spy code is member275544

.......... gone to Okinawa

yiehom ............ gone to Metz

Mass defections are to be expected when/if Dow Jones takes out the March 23rd low. Why? Because even though the EXPANDING TRIANGLE structure for Wave 4 or whatever it was intended by BEAR to be, the one thing that he cannot deny is that a lower low would be in place

That's when mass defections will occur. Ditto at ET. But T2W is small so its much easier to see when people go missing.

Interest in stock trading and related activities will dry up and vanish and massive disgust will take its place. Not the fault of T2W. That's just the way a BEAR of this caliber operates.
Fibo's BEAR market casualties of WAR: Already predicted here in this thread that the core 30 would drop off

T2W core 30 are disintegrating and dropping like flies continuing and we are only in Wave 1

0007 ....... James Bond is no longer here

panda ............... gone too

cantagril ......... gone to Siberia?

malaguti ......... disappeared shortly after the encounter with me. His Spy code is member275544

.......... gone to Okinawa

yiehom ............ gone to Metz

Mass defections are to be expected when/if Dow Jones takes out the March 23rd low. Why? Because even though the EXPANDING TRIANGLE structure for Wave 4 or whatever it was intended by BEAR to be, the one thing that he cannot deny is that a lower low would be in place

That's when mass defections will occur. Ditto at ET. But T2W is small so its much easier to see when people go missing.

Interest in stock trading and related activities will dry up and vanish and massive disgust will take its place. Not the fault of T2W. That's just the way a BEAR of this caliber operates.
Fibo's best-est advice to ALL during this BEAR market:

its not just money or trading or investing I'm referring to. I'm pointing to something far bigger, far greater, soooo much bigger than money and wealth and material goods ...............

I am talking about well-being, peace in them mind, free of distress and low mood, frustration, discontent, disillusionment, sorrow, family infighting, relationships breaking up ..................... i.e. mental duress and stress of the severe caliber

This is what I want you to do when such mental waves hit you ............. this has stood the test of time ..................

no drugs required, no medication required unless you do have a med condition ..................

All things must pass. Even though the pain in the mind seems strong and is getting worse, note that the BEAR aspect of the impact to the mind comes in waves. When the intensity gets to the unbearable degree and tends to cause you to throw the towel in, dawn is on the verge of developing and freeing you. The attacks are powerful but transitory.

They will pass and you will wonder, later .............. wtf was that? After the reprieve, the attack will come again.

During the 3rd wave down in the Dow JOnes, expect these mental assaults on your psyche to be far bigger than what they are now.

Same principle: they too will pass

Gather your strength. You are going to need every ounce of it.

Fibo praying for us all. No exceptions!
Had moderator Rambo McQueen and the misguided, provincial thinker, Trader333 allowed me to mess with new_trader months ago, I would have saved her current and climbing $350/ounce loss in Gold holdings. For 7 months she just held and held the LONG always claiming that it was going to the MOON. Never once considering to take profits and relax and get back in later if warranted.

Terrible, terrible trader is this person called new_trader. If Fibo was not here at T2W, this girl would remain silent for the entire downdraft and nobody at T2W would be the wiser. Then, if and only if Gold reverses in her favor and takes out the Top, she will comes back as if nothing untoward has ever happened and claim to be goddess of Gold and once again state, "Gold going to the Moon!"

Lesson: You mess with Big Joe, Big Joe messes with you. That's Life. But Big Joe is a helper, always has been. Seeing traders suffer is not my thing. Slapping them around is. 🙂

I estimate that I could have saved new_trader 350k Sterling just since August of last year. Regardless real money or DEMO. If she has a family, they be suffering right now as her nest egg is blowing up left and right.

See next post as I offer HELP once more to this stubborn girl, an English girl who like everyone else here will not take a helping hand from a fella, especially if he is American. What a disaster place this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shocking!!!!

Gold daily

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for new_trader ................... SHORT from Top continues and continues and continues since August 20th. WTF are you smoking, dummy? How is crashing Gold heading for the Moon? It can go there in the future but since August its going to HELL. Peter Schiff and the goldbugs are all proctologized just like you are right now.

Snap out of your funk and apply basics or join a trading school and start from BASICS. You've been here since 2006. You have ZEERO excuse for such stupid sh*t in trading your nest egg.

Wake up!

read quote first, then see a nice opportunity to save your ass in GOLD - its a beautiful setup. Its called a confluence of support or SUPPORT SHELF exquisit-issimo. Does not mean the support cannot fail but the odds in the trader who has a rod up his ass cott on the wrong side of the trade can/might get lucky on possible reversal.

See extreme right of chart. Channel, monthly trendline, major level of support, the works. You might have a shot here in the grey box shown.

Try not to be a clown and and just give 6 years of hard work waiting and waiting - and now give it all back to the market.!

Starting Monday watch this like a hawk.

for new_trader ...................

see the horizontal grey line marked 38.2% on the extreme left? Goldie arrives at this line @ approx. $1,686. Just a tad below this is the 261.8% level at $1,674. No guaranties but these are quite formidable supports with battalions of gurkhas ready to defend.

Do your homework now (Sunday)

Try to refrain from showing up for a gunfight with a penknife.

Good luck

Hey guys .................. update on the humongous plight of new_trader

Go to her Journal and first observe what I had said many times about all 30 core T2W members - all unanimously hate Fibo and swear they have me on Ignore and never read my thread. All LIARS.

See last post in new_trader's Journal. I flushed her out into the open with my post on Gold showing her total ruin of her nest egg - and the total ruin when she got cott in the Corona Virus crash on the wrong side of the market.

There are many posts about me but then she took a break and remained quiet for a while. Now she's back on the Fibo assault. But this time she is defending herself, having been cott in the Lie of Lies.

Gold is her RUIN. She is already down 350k pounds Sterling in real money OR DEMO. Neither is good.

Fibo raises the standard of play anywhere he goes. Literally anywhere! And especially in America its welcomed. But England cannot tolerate it. They instead must defend ignorance and shoddiness despite the fact that they rely on newbies for their sustenance but will not give them competence they deserve when they arrive here

Damn shame!

For those interested in boring stuff with chicks, here's a likely new_trader/Fibo scenario in real life. I am sure of it. It would go down exactly like this 🙂🙂🙂

Entertainment purposes only

Why can't a chick just get over Fibo and be done with him once and for all? Because the one thing a chick can never forget is a fella who does things HIS way - regardless!

Its quite possible that Trader333 has noticed this marvelous visual ...................

BEAR's selected left-enant to run the collapse, namely the USD, althoughstill under the 200-day ema, it has alrady started buggering its Twin Tower, Yen


USDJPY is on its way to 200++

Why is this important? Because as per several mentions in this thread, the Twin Towers were the winners of the 2008 crash and ever buggered Gold for several weeks. But here's the thing: Yen was stronger than USD during the 2008 crash.

Not this time. This time for the crash of the 75 million years it will be all USD


US Dollar will be the sole conqueror. Keep eye on DX. Its at the trendline. If it fires all Hell will break loose.

Trader333 will be compelled to nail Americans just to let off steam.
For Trader333: 🙂🙂 You shot the wrong guy 9 times, twice for Eternity. But the real culprit, you let go unpunished is none other than my girl, new_trader ........... who calls T2W her HOME since 2006. TREASON therefore applies to her, not to me as T2W can never be MY Home, nor the Home of any American for that matter. 🙂

Entertainment purposes only .........................

See why below ...................

The traitor named new_trader beat me to calling T2W stupid aka best contrary indicator = always wrong at turns .... a full 5 months before I got to T2W. Note also how new_trader refers to the dumb money like she is not part of that group. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 She included counter-violent, your pal in shooting Americans in the dumb money gang

post #563

watch new_trader, my girl in action and how she plays reach and withdraw with the fellas

Some things to thought about for new_trader regarding Gold:

It has no value except for how much the next stupid guy is wiling to pay for it. Its too cumbersome to be used as everyday money. It has zero return, unlike stocks and bonds that have yield and dividends.

Warren Buffet was also of this opinion for 5 decades until he recently bought a goldminer stock and muddied the water some.

Get a load of Jack as he was interviewed about Gold just 3 days before the 20011 top in Gold. He was spot on. How does new_trader, a daft, blind, goldbug compare to Jack? Heck, new_trader not only remained Long but threw her entire nest egg at Gold before, at and after the Top in 2011 and held thru' the entire 4 year BEAR market!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her HOME is Trade2Win!!!

Welcome to Planet Earth

From new_trader's Journal thread ...................... 🙂🙂🙂🙂🤣🤣🤣🤣

Get a load of Fibo's hair!!!! Its perfect!


The one other T2W-er fixated on Fibo to the point past obsession is none other than Postman, who in this thread hammered in a solid, stunning 400 abusive posts directed at Fibo and the only time he was reprimanded was when Fibo mentioned in open forum that Postman had this in his Signature,

fibo_trader is sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t

Welcome to England! .... but only when an American is involved, the American in their psyche is akin to "the one that got away"

Get a load of Postman 🙂🙂



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Saint Peter asked every single T2W member when they arrived at the Pearly Gates just one question. All failed and were each given a dormitory bunk bed to sleep in for their eternal stay in Purgatory.

But not Fibo. Fibo was given the Penthouse suite with unlimited Room Service on the House and Sunday nite dinner with God as the guest


Because Fibo told St. Pete the story in the movie, JAWS ........... when they had 3 barrels on the shark but still could not prevent him from diving deep. Such was the power of this shark. St. Pete asked Fibo, "wtf does this have to do with the stock market?"

Fibo replied, "MACD Histogram!" Pete smiled & whispered to Fibo, "welcome to Heaven, maestro!"

Nasdaq Macd Histogram applied. Fibo to Nasdaq, "boy, try recovering from this, I'll be solidly impressed!! You be the miracle man, challenged all others, now do this, go right ahead and try to take out the top"

Go right ahead and impress the heck out of me with 3 barrels on you, Nazzy!!!!


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