Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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For entertainment purposes 🤣🤣🤣🤣

BEAR throws yet another curveball, but this one specifically to Fibo ......................

Moderator cop, Rambo McQueen is now from the United States of America 🙂🙂


(1) He jumped the sinking Brit ship

(2) He jumped off a mare to a stallion

(3) He was always American but was held prisoner by Trader333 for decades and has now escaped

(4) He is Brit, always has been but has plugged in the "United States citizen" due to the defo flak that would come in avalanches if the News hit the wires of the assaults on Americans here at T2W for a solid 20 years non-stop. Talk about discrimination to the nth!!!!!

I don't know which it is! But one way to find out is to read his posts and look for the Brit spellings. No guaranties but its a start.

T2W! What a place! Nothing like it exists anywhere. A totally protected species, wronger than wrong at the nth but protected at all costs!!!!!!!!!!

God, do I love it s!!!!
For entertainment purposes 🤣🤣🤣🤣

This Brit comedian nails it, nails it really good. Americans would rarely understand why Brits are constantly putting Americans down, discounting them 100%, cannot even acknowledge a single win or good thing about Americans or America.

When an American scores a goal for example against Uk, not a single Brit would clap but would say in unison, "fluke"

To a Brit, America is the one that got away!!!! Exactly like the comedian says. But here's the thing: they still think they always have been and still are #1 and that there has never been any decline in their power since colonial times. This last part type of thinking will be their undoing and cause immense suffering because there is no worse combination in the PSYCHOLOGY sphere than Ignorance + Pride 🙂🙂🙂

For entertainment purposes 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Want even more astonishing proof? Go to ET if you have time and read the posts of known Brits from T2W who also post there. Best known is Tomorton of T2W. Not a single one of these guys has been discovered to be from the UK by any ET member. Why? Because Americans don't give a rat's ass about petty bickering and very rarely look at nationality. So, what does every Brit poster at ET have in common? Covert hostility posts against America/Americans. When do they cream in their pants? When Americans themselves are criticizing their own country - that's when Brits step it up a notch

A whole lot of this attitude stems from HISTORY as it should. History is the key. When the GIs arrived in Britain, they drove the girls mad. The girls erupted to such a degree because they had never met any man who had so much money and who had the natural tendency to spoil a girl - Americans therefore became the most sought after boyfriends. Ditto today too, not just in UK but almost everywhere esp. in Asia.

Then America did the unthinkable, the one unforgeable mortal sin of the nth kind - they took the molehill Empire of the UK and made it a Galactic confederation

Just my 2 centavos. But Big Joe speaks from considerable experience with Brits. They cannae fool Big Joe. 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

Travel has never ever ever ever been so goddamn evanescent. Airlines crashing left and right, airplane parts shoddier than sh*t making it even riskier than ever to travel and not end up in the Pacific ocean.

Slam Dunk! 🙂 Fibo's BEAR has such depth

Its worse than I thought. I figured (see quote) that shoddy airplane parts would ramp up problems but it turns out now that the drivers of the planes are admitting huge mistakes and problems getting back to work after long rest eriods in the Pandemic era.

Commercial pilots blame pandemic downtime for in-flight mistakes​

Gregory Wallace and Pete Muntean, CNN • Published 3rd February 2021
FED is fighting a virus with 11 trillion stimulus - a vaccine would do. 🙂

But wait: the problem is deeper and nobody has cott on yet ..................

have a look at the PSV (Personal Savings Rate) on the right side of the chart starting from year 2005. Wave 1 and 2 completed in year 2014. Then came the infamous wave 3 and postman should notice it is subdividing and is in the 3rd of 3rd now, a sheer vertical rise.

Chart is telling Fibo that Americans have shut their wallets tight tight tight. FED don't got no chance. All stimulus checks will be saved not spent.

chart is from US govt., FRED .............. but nobody there can interpret it the way Fibo can, which is the reason why the FED continues to be misunderstood as God

Postman's FED 101 = pour gasoline on the raging fire and expect it to stop = provincial T2W thinking 🙂🙂🙂

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Slam Dunk! 🙂 Prescience on the Wave count? yeah baby, spot on. That was in May 2020. Have a look now. But before you do, note first the previous peak in Personal Savings Rate @ 17.4% in the great BEAR of 1970s (ended 1974). Can you dig it? Persoanl Savings Rate wnet all the way down to 2.6% in 2005. Then the Housing crash came-d and TERROR drove the masses to SAVE, SAVE, SAVE again. But the Great Recession of 2008 only got the terrorized masses to save up to 8.2%. Then it went up down and at the date of the post was 12.5%

Look at what happened since that May 2020 post ..................... Jesus H Christ, Fibo's BEAR rocketed the Personal Savings Rate to 34%. Reprieve underway now. Next wave up will take the PSR to 70%.

STIMULUS will only work on the poor as they will be the only ones who have to spend just to eat and stay alive.

Therefore there is a thought-ing process here called "what if" ................... what if the Govt. keeps upping the Stimulus free checks from the current $1,400 to $5k and extending unemployment benefits with the additional internal boost of $1k all the way into 2023 .................... but the Economy does not stimulate? What then?

BEAR, you magnificent bastard, I read your book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

Yearly Hanging Man on candlestick chart - a red body would be a bug plus but we got a green body, so its not decisive to me. The wick of the candle shows massive force and engulfed 3 entire year candles - this is huge. But the candle is not RED. That's right, its not! How to interpret it? Fck knows!

Major milestone will be accomplished with this one post here simply becasue nobody at T2W has ever or would ever dream of looking at anything more that a 15-min. chart. The one I'm using is even waaaaay beyond daily, weekly, monthly. Its YEARLY, an extinct timeframe at T2W 🙂

Dow Jones: Always operates on pure Fibonacci numbers but the Brits are the last to know.

Sharky & T2W in year 21 currently. Expect some heavy sh*t to go down this year. "21" is a key magic # of stellar import.
From 2000 Top to 2020 Top = 21 years
Great Depression drop = 34 months
Great Depression low to 1966 top = 34 yrs (1966 is very significant as the sideways move got underway then. Also was the BEATLES peak)
1974 low to 2007 top = 34 yrs
2007 top to 2020 Top = 13 years

For Sharky .................. a reminder .................... Year 2021 ............. the turn of the millennium .......... will T2W survive year 2021? .................... also coincides with "21" years of operation of T2W .............. the coincidences of the stellar magic # 21 are too many .............. its known in Wave parlance as Confluence and/or clusters ......................... see quote for the perfect setup for BEAR to deliver the goods in 2021 .....................

Start plans for your escape route out of Dodge now ...................

learn from Wilshire blvd. shown below ........................ see next ................ and note this: Wilshire blvd. put out, always has, always top of the line. But T2W, as you know, none of your boys puts out - they've made if a coffeeshop, a far cry from TRADE2WIN. When the assault from BEAR comes, the first casualties will be incompetence and hi-debt. If Wilshire is already being whacked, think about the hammering other entities of no-put-out will face!!

Prepare now, Sharky!
Wilshire blvd.,

The juice of Los Angeles resides in this street stretching from downtown LA all the way to Santa Monica at the Pacific Ocean. Flanked on the north by stunning stuff like Sunset blvd., Hollywood blvd., going to Beverly Hills, Bel Aire (Sunset) and whatnot - top-notch businesses on both sides of the blvd., ............ then Wilshire goes and tops it off by going thru' Westwood, the Home of UCLA and still not done, blasts thru' to drop Brentwood on the right and on into west LA and then into the greatest of the greats, Santa Monica, California.

Its almost surreal as one gets to the intersection of Wilshire and Ocean Ave .................... left goes to Venice and right goes to Pacific Palisades and on into Malibu

They is all dyin, now, Sharky. Boarded up, pin drop silence, the juice squeezed out of their zeal .....................

If Wilshire dies, then the 3rd world to its south will become the first world. Los Angeles will be finished.

An Era.

The Big Wave of which we got a taste in 2020 already did this much damage. But it was only a 4th wave. Imagine what Wave A or (1) down will do - let alone the rest of the Wave including Wave 3. When Wave (3) arrives there might be nothing left.

For Sharky ................... ruler of Great Britain ................... try to get at least one of your boys to do stuff like this. Just one for starters. then build from there. The way things stand right now, not a single one of them would be accepted beyond janitor at Oxford or Cambridge. But get one to do what Fibo did for you here in March 2020 and Cambride/Oxford would beg you to enroll with full scholarship .................

See for thyself, Sharky.

Posted on March 29th, 2020 here at T2W ............. see post # 1896 on Page 127. See the Target Box Fibo drew to show where FTSE 100 would likely go to? Not only that, but getting the entire drop to Fibo target absolutely correct! Here's the chart repeated from that day, March 29, 2020

For historians & Sharky .......................

London FTSE 100 from well before this chart - see earlier posts, everything is well documented in this thread. Have a look see at this stunning call, precise to a T.

Behold the way London FTSE 100 responds to my fibo grid targets

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For Sharky ..................... see quote for the entire post of March 29th, 2020 (post #1896, Page 127)

Next post will show where FTSE 100 went to within my Target Box. Your boys can do this? If they can do this even to the extent of 0.0000000001% of their harassment of Americans, we might have something to write Home about.
For Sharky ..................... see quote for the entire post of March 29th, 2020 (post #1896, Page 127)

Next post will show where FTSE 100 went to within my Target Box. Your boys can do this? If they can do this even to the extent of 0.0000000001% of their harassment of Americans, we might have something to write Home about.

For Sharky ...................... this is where London FTSE 100 is one year later as of today, Feb 7th, 2021. Right in my Target Box (grey). Now for cryin out loud Sharky, sit down for the next item ....................... not only did she hit my target box correctly but note where in the target box she currently sits? Why of course its the golden ratio 61.8%

For Sharky ............................ see previous post right above this one ....................

Get out of Dodge asap if the pattern shown is indeed a megaphone intermediate top. Easy confirmations would be the breaking down of the megaphone and the 200-day ema and then finally the lower red trendline. If that happens, run, Sharky, run as fast as you can. Drop all these deadbeat coffee shop time wasters and go where the water tastes like wine. then invite me over for that coffee.

For Sharky ............................ follow the Laws of the FREE MARKET .........................

restricting T2W to Brits only serves to prove that the Empire is withering at breakneck speed. Same stuff happened to the Roman Empire. The American Empire might suffer the same plight. No way the British Colonial empire would tolerate such stupid stuff as I've seen here at T2W.

FREEE market means let the other nationalities in, all of them, Chinese, Singaporeans, Indians, Americans and everyone else. Get out of your comfort zone, Sharky. UK is only an island, not representative of the world.

Get that millstone from around your neck and fling it into the ocean and start anew before its too late

Good luck, Sharky. I'm praying for you to succeed. Remember what Baron of ET says and has been saying forever, "ET is my baby" ................... the pride he takes in his ET says it all.

For Sharky ............................ 🙂 ............. Fibo's BEAR is leaving the walls of Fibo's heart as thin as paper

BEAR is crippling all and one would think he is not affecting ME. But HE is ..................... he is taking everything from me but without harming a single hair on my body or soul or mind. When/if I complain to him, his response is universal and standard, "you were prepared and are qualified to stand and live alone"

One by one, BEAR is killing all my haunts, Sharky. Soon I'll have nothin left!

HE nailed Las Vegas, too. No, for cryin out loud, it ain't right. You can't kill Las Vegas. Its not right. Its only a few hours drive from LA and Fibo is possibly the only one in CA who has never ever gotten a speeding ticket despite consistent travel at 140+ m.p.h. ................. pulled over, yeah, but never given a ticket.

The walls of my heart are as thin as paper

For Sharky ............................ 🙂 ............. Fibo's BEAR is leaving the walls of Fibo's heart as thin as paper

He's killin my favorite city in the world. And at such speed. Soon I'll have nowhere to go.

For Sharky ............................ 🙂 ............. Fibo's BEAR is leaving the walls of Fibo's heart as thin as paper

How many times have my gal and I done the entire circuit around the island of Koh Samui? Heck, I know it like the back of my hand. The hotels the bars the fun stuff, the constant striving to find unknown beaches off the beaten path. Now it just don't matter no more. There is nobody there and the hotels are gone, gone, gone.

The Fibo is in a state of shock!

It appears that no matter the country, the desolation and destruction by BEAR is universal.

For Sharky ............................ 🙂 ............. Fibo's BEAR is leaving the walls of Fibo's heart as thin as paper

You take away Santa Barbara, California and its hitting at Fibo's core bigtime.


212 Hot Pot, Aladdin Cafe, Ana’s Taco Bar, Cafe Ana, Cajun Kitchen (1925 De la Vina St.), Campus Point Coffee, Casa Blanca, C’est Cheese, Challwa Peruvian Cuisine, Chicken in a Barrel BBQ, Chocolats du CaliBressan (1114 State St.), Choppa Ice Cream, Chuck’s Waterfront Grill, Coffee Bean (811 State St.), Coffee Bean (3052 De La Vina St.), Coffee Bean (4961 Carpinteria Ave., Carpinteria), Crushcakes & Cafe (4945 Carpinteria Ave., Carpinteria), Dawn Patrol, Due Lune Ristorante and Bar, Dunkin’ Donuts, Dutch Garden Restaurant, eBar Coffee at Nordstrom, Endless Summer Bar Cafe, Enterprise Fish Company, Fosters Freeze, Jeannine’s Bakery (15 E. Figueroa St.), La Cocina, Lemon & Coriander, Lilsey’s Wood-Fired Pizza, Lucky Dragon, Marketplace Cafe at Nordstrom, Mosto Crudo, Neighbor Tim’s BBQ, Olio Crudo Bar, Onus Donuts, Paradise Cafe, Petros Kafe, Pieology, Pizza Hut, PizzaRev, PokeCeviche (313 Paseo Nuevo), Romanti-Ezer (now a food truck), Roost, Root 246, Rose Cafe (424 E. Haley St.), Sides Hardware and Shoes, Silvergreens, Subway (5146 Hollister Ave.), Subway (1021A State St.), Tamira, Treehouse Restaurant, Wetzel’s Pretzels, and Zizzo’s Coffeehouse & Brew Pub.

see post #6,866

For Sharky .................. a reminder .................... Year 2021 ............. the turn of the millennium .......... will T2W survive year 2021? .................... also coincides with "21" years of operation of T2W .............. the coincidences of the stellar magic # 21 are too many .............. its known in Wave parlance as Confluence and/or clusters ......................... see quote for the perfect setup for BEAR to deliver the goods in 2021 .....................

Start plans for your escape route out of Dodge now ...................

2021 is the Dow Jones turning point of all time. Its a seismic milestone of significance all the way back to the Galactic Confederation of 76 planets, the origin of the Boom-Bust sequence that is implanted in us all - can it be defeated? It can, but nobody has done it - yet. It was an electronic implant. Did the IMPLANT succeed? Yes! How so? Earth was turned into a prison planet and the goal was to get the prisoners to love it, to revel in its beauty, to go the beaches, buy property, do this do that, hoard money and live it up. When the jailer gets prisoners so happy, his job requires almost no supervision. Mission accomplished.

The magnificente Dow Jones flashed a stunner of a signal to Fibo. See chart below. The significant BEAR tops shown as T2W tops are to show where the entire population of T2W and ET would all perish - no exceptions. The T2W Top4 will be the END.

see post #6,866

For Sharky .................. a reminder .................... Year 2021 ............. the turn of the millennium .......... will T2W survive year 2021? .................... also coincides with "21" years of operation of T2W .............. the coincidences of the stellar magic # 21 are too many .............. its known in Wave parlance as Confluence and/or clusters ......................... see quote for the perfect setup for BEAR to deliver the goods in 2021 .....................

Start plans for your escape route out of Dodge now ...................

2021 is the Dow Jones turning point of all time. Its a seismic milestone of significance all the way back to the Galactic Confederation of 76 planets, the origin of the Boom-Bust sequence that is implanted in us all - can it be defeated? It can, but nobody has done it - yet. It was an electronic implant. Did the IMPLANT succeed? Yes! How so? Earth was turned into a prison planet and the goal was to get the prisoners to love it, to revel in its beauty, to go the beaches, buy property, do this do that, hoard money and live it up. When the jailer gets prisoners so happy, his job requires almost no supervision. Mission accomplished.

The magnificente Dow Jones flashed a stunner of a signal to Fibo. See chart below. The significant BEAR tops shown as T2W tops are to show where the entire population of T2W and ET would all perish - no exceptions. The T2W Top4 will be the END.

View attachment 296179
Study quote deeply and take it even further. Such stuff will not be tott at Oxford or Cambridge for at least another 5000 years. Someday, somebody might wake up and decide that the only subject worth teaching is the Psychology of the HERD as represented by the Prices in the Dow JOnes and all financial markets. Then and only then will we have a proper MBA program. Current stuff is not worth a damn.

The trendline has confirmed massive significance in that it generated EVERY Depression in the history of the United States and prior ................... The crashes of the 1700s, then 1840 then great Depression of 1929-32, then crash, then Corona Virus crash ................ my my my, its going to be YUGE 🙂

Study quote deeply and take it even further. Such stuff will not be tott at Oxford or Cambridge for at least another 5000 years. Someday, somebody might wake up and decide that the only subject worth teaching is the Psychology of the HERD as represented by the Prices in the Dow JOnes and all financial markets. Then and only then will we have a proper MBA program. Current stuff is not worth a damn.

The trendline has confirmed massive significance in that it generated EVERY Depression in the history of the United States and prior ................... The crashes of the 1700s, then 1840 then great Depression of 1929-32, then crash, then Corona Virus crash ................ my my my, its going to be YUGE 🙂

View attachment 296182

Help 'em Father for they know not what they do or say as they play on the beach reveling in the receding waters and calling it a new era (SPX going up forever) oblivious to RISK gone to such high levels as to be ultra-dangerous. But they do this at all tops - such is their nature - such is the boom-bust. All will perish.

On a smaller scale it will be exactly like what happened on Patong beach in Phuket, ThighLand in 2004 when the 2nd wave came in. The Sue-nami was sooo nice to send them a warning in the 1st wave but they ignored it for the most part.

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