Does Your Senior Dog Eat Poop?
Did you know it is a myth that a dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s? Think about all the things they eat during the day both outside and inside. Dogs are known to raid garbage cans, drink water out of the toilet, and lick themselves. They will chew their way through the day.
However, a not-so-pleasant thing to us humans is dogs who eat their own poop. There is even a scientific name for this habit—coprophagia (kop-ruh-fey-jee-uh)—and also both behavioral and physiologic reasons why some dogs view poop as a delicacy.
How Common
There have not been a lot of studies conducted as to the whys. If your dog eats poop, be comforted by the fact he is not alone. In a study conducted at the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior’s Conference in 2012, researchers found that 16% of dogs were classified as serious poop eaters (more than five times/day) and 24% of dogs in the study ate poop at least once/day.
If you look at how dogs evolved it makes sense: dogs are scavengers and when food was scarce, dogs resorted to eating anything available. Also, mothers still clean up their puppies poop to keep the nest clean.
Did you know that rabbits eat feces for the key nutrients? If they don’t, they could develop health problems and newborns may die.
When a dog eats his own feces it is harmless. However, eating the feces of other animals may contain bacteria, parasites and toxins that could make him sick.
Something unusual we found was that dogs are generally picky about eating poop: they avoid loose stools and diarrhea. If it’s freezing outside and the stools are frozen, they are particularly delicious to dogs – hence the name “poopsicles”.
Although experts disagree on why certain dogs eat poop and other’s don’t, the most common reasons are:
Isolation. Dogs that are lonely, bored or left alone for long periods of time tend to eat poop.
Anxiety. Dogs that may be punished for pooping during housetraining may eat their poop to destroy the evidence.
Attention. Do you react when your dog eats poop? Next time appear nonchalant or your dog may do it to get your attention.
Deficiency. Your dog could have an enzyme deficiency, pancreatic issues or a parasite. Check with your vet to rule out any medical conditions.
Enjoyment. Many dogs simply like the taste.
Hungry. Your dog may not be getting enough food.
Learned behavior. A younger dog may see an older dog eating poop and assume it is natural and acceptable. For households with multiple dogs there is often a pecking order of dominant and submissive roles. Submissive dogs will sometimes eat the stool of their dominant counterparts.
The good news? Your vet will tell you about ways to break this habit. Here are some suggestions you may want to try:
Feeding your dog a healthy and nutritious diet in the right quantities
Getting enough exercise and keeping your dog busy
Reducing any factors that may be stressing your dog
Picking up the poop right after he goes and keeping his environment clean
Making the poop taste bad by using Adolph’s Meat Tenderizer or “For-bid”
Entertainment continues ........................ requesting counter-violent and postman to congratulate me ............ see below 🙂🙂 Testing, testing, testing ............. can a Brit put his hatred and dislike for an American esp. Fibo aside and assign merit? 🙂
W.r.t. "quote" and that only, no other factor or issue or question considered, just the quote content only ..................... what would counter-violent have to say after reading this? ................
Fibo's Wave 1 Call is correct for ALL 86 World Indexes including Dow Jones & London FTSE 100 but except SPX & Nasdaq.
Can a T2W Brit say to Fibo? Well done, nice call.🙂🙂🙂
Q.E.D. ...... A brit will let a grudge deny excellence, but an American will not stoop so low!
Q.E.D. ............ Q.E.D.
Fibo's Wave 1 Call is correct for ALL 86 World Indexes including Dow Jones & London FTSE 100 but except SPX & Nasdaq.
Can a T2W Brit say to Fibo? Well done, nice call. 🙂🙂🙂
That's how bad it is with Brits, guys. that's why they've lost it. Their own Oxford and Cambridge would be lining up staff to s**k my c**k ............. for this performance .................. 99+ % hit rate worldwide!!!
counter-violent said: Wave 1 is not a wave 1 when Fibo calls it a wave 1 Fibo says: Wave 1 is a Wave 1 when Fibo calls it 99+ % hit rate worldwide!!!
Hey guys ........................... when the worldwide CRASH resumes .............. watch the graveyard silence at T2W and watch them coming to the conclusion within days after the March 23rd lows are taken out and markets are in freefall ............... that Postman & counter-violent brought T2W to its knees and bankruptcy!!!! The readers will say, "it was not Fibo"
Class action lawsuits will pour in.
Fasten seatbelts guys its all over for you. 🙂 Ignorance costs big. It can never defeat a person who strives to excel regardless the large numbers against the lone ranger.
Have you noticed that when the markets go down one day @fibo_trader spams 30 posts telling us he is the only one who can see the world is collapsing, then the next 5 days when the markets go UP he posts random shit.
He is a blind fool!
WRONG! see the King of Kings named London FTSE 100. She would slap your c**k hard if she heard you say such stupid shj*t, let alone be jailed for TREASON
Thanks CV. 🙂 Snide comment but you did me a favor. You opened a nice door to why Brits dislike/obsess/dislike/envy Americans and America with words and emotion ONLY but not in actions. And as we all know, its only actions that really count. Everything else is hogwash. Actions like actual trading records, but we will leave real trading for a later date as its not relevant to this topic.
See thread below has FTSE in title but content is anything but about FTSE, its all Dow JOnes, SPX & Nasdaq to an extent of 99%. See for yourself.
Long DAX @ 12 871 Stop = -16 Target = 12 911 Stopped out. I have now entered all the options expiry dates for the months ahead into my traders calendar. I shall be taking those days off.
What this tells Fibo. And I gots to tell you CV, YOU and your kind are doing a great disservice to the London FTSE 100. Just a coincidence that Fibo called the great FTSE 100 with 100% spot on accuracy as topped and therefore your premise of Fibo being wrong is wrong.
Here's why! Almost all Americans (99.9999%+++++) will consider the Dow Jones as the King of Kings, the SPX as the Prince, the Nasdaq as the Queen and the Dow JOnes Transports as the Engine room supervisor.
Not Fibo.
To Fibo the true King of Kings is the London FTSE 100. Always on my radar, alway on my watch even though I don't trade her.
Her huge HISTORY. Coupled with the fact that to get any idea of the Dow Jones actual history one has to splice it with the FTSE 100 to back to the 1700s. Without the FTSE the waves of consequence are missing.
One more EDGE with the London FTSE that Fibo relishes with licking chops? London FTSE is the best Leading Indicator of TOPs and Bottoms in the entre world. And this is as it should be as she is the same Empire which is not yet dead. If America continues it is really the continuation of the original Empire.
Just my 2 cents = just sayin = is what I believe and live by regardless lack of agreement from Americans or Brits or any other mother's son. Brits have sold their souls to America and are now slaves & resent this immensely But they gave up their buttholes too easily! The magnifico London FTSE 100, Fibo's leading indicator shoud have given them pause to give up their assholes so easily to America. Things are never what they appear to be superficially and the London FTSE 100 is one such character.
The worldwide stock indices sentiment still resides with the London FTSE 100.
Fibo nailed her real good and then SH and only SHE helped Fibo nail the rest of the world even though the SPX went a tad higher.
Repetition is key especially at high Ignorance Center, T2W
The world can never be in a new bull-market in August 2020 unless the London FTSE 100 says so! The other Indexes can hem and haw, scream and complain, drop all sorts of sausages and tantrums, but its all of no consequence to the General named Fibo who has his binoculars squarely pointed like his granpappy once did at the Lead Tank named London FTSE 100. If I throw in the Vix and Dollar Index, I have the EDGES of EDGES.
The funny thing is that the Brits hate me but the Queen and or King of England named London FTSE 100 loves me. Go figure! 🙂🙂🙂😎
It was London FTSE 100 who alerted me to the Christmas bottom in 2018 and the crash bottom of March 23rd, 2020.
Nuff said except for when she sings to Fibo every Christmas that her own kind (Brits) have deserted her and all she has left is this one solitary American of epic antisocial behavior
With a woman like London FTSE 100 on Fibo's arm, nobody got a friggin chance against me, not Jim Rodgers, Goldman Sachs, Jp Morgan Chase, Buffet or Soros all combined. Peter Schiff? I can knock him on his ass in under 3 seconds.
Left my previous woman named SPX a while back when I asked to release me, let me go for I don't love her anymore. To waste our lives would be a sin ............................ I got her consent and then shot out like a bat out of Hell to the new woman.
Fibo called Europe to a T = Nazi_land, French REsistance, Mussolini, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Amsterdam
Should all be deleted asap so as not to show the high ignorance level of T2W to readers/visitors ...................... it shows how the current crop of Brits is akin to a pubic hair on the asses of the Colonial Empire, where real excellence prevailed, cruelty too, but excellence was the driver. Not no more. Have a look at T2W ................. Retard Central galore
Europe Stoxx 50 = best barometer for all of Europe. You heard right - best-est barometer for all of Europe
Latin America taken as a whole entity .................. Fibo nailed it here too but T2W probably has never seen or knows about Latin America, so busy they are about not even knowing their own backyard, the FTSE 100 but instead s***in American c**k 24 hours a day and then pretending not to like it but always returning for more and more and more ................... 🤣🤣🤣🤣
A special gift to the BETA Males that reside here (100% at last count). Forgive them Father for they don't know better.