Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Everything Fibo commanded was wrong, all summed up neatly in a single article that could have been made especially to discredit him!
Fibo : Dont buy Gold.
Fibo: Buy dollars

Fibo: Greatest bear market in the history of the Universe.

L M F A O !
Everything Fibo commanded was wrong, all summed up neatly in a single article that could have been made especially to discredit him!
Fibo : Dont buy Gold.
Fibo: Buy dollars

Fibo: Greatest bear market in the history of the Universe.

L M F A O !
Expect to see this post returning often @fibo_trader
Hey guys .................... Ham & Eggs breakfast at always popular Norm's now $2.99. Used to be 9.99, then 7.99, then 5.99

D E F L A T I O N ...................... incoming ........................... soon down to $0.99 then $0.49 ...............

another name for what Fibo called in this thread is not only BEAR market of epic P but also

T2W .......................... 12 members online (states 18 = 50% profit implied by just fudging by an infinitesimal, unnoticeable, 6) ................. during prime time USA markets = Pathetic-issimo

40% are newbies ................

Peculiar stat, check it out for yourselves, well worth the time as you get into the deeeeep undercover of the game called SENTIMENT aka HIDDEN MARKET INTERNALS (Advance-Decline Line, Net highs, net above the 200-day ema) ............

Newbies vanish within 4 months of joining to an extent of 96%

T2W = generator of busted accounts, failed traders, failed trading purpose, family dream of self-sufficiency shatterers, generator of Trading homelessness = GREAT DEPRESSION in TRADING ................

all flying under the radar until Fibo nails it and brings it to the surface.

Wanton deaths worse than concentration camps because these are not killed but only maimed and left roaming around aimlessly, LOST, LOST, LOST
T2W .......................... 12 members online (states 18 = 50% profit implied by just fudging by an infinitesimal, unnoticeable, 6) ................. during prime time USA markets = Pathetic-issimo

40% are newbies ................

Peculiar stat, check it out for yourselves, well worth the time as you get into the deeeeep undercover of the game called SENTIMENT aka HIDDEN MARKET INTERNALS (Advance-Decline Line, Net highs, net above the 200-day ema) ............

Newbies vanish within 4 months of joining to an extent of 96%

T2W = generator of busted accounts, failed traders, failed trading purpose, family dream of self-sufficiency shatterers, generator of Trading homelessness = GREAT DEPRESSION in TRADING ................

all flying under the radar until Fibo nails it and brings it to the surface.

Wanton deaths worse than concentration camps because these are not killed but only maimed and left roaming around aimlessly, LOST, LOST, LOST

read quote first ...................

if it ever comes to light and it most certainly will , because that is what happens in major BEAR markets .................. orange uniforms will be distributed at T2W and there will be huge numbers across the chests


Be prepared for some real heavy sh*t to go down at T2W .............................. 😢
Everything Fibo commanded was wrong, all summed up neatly in a single article that could have been made especially to discredit him!
Fibo : Dont buy Gold.
Fibo: Buy dollars

Fibo: Greatest bear market in the history of the Universe.

Gold Jumps, Dollar Dumps As S&P Ends "Shortest Bear Market In History"
...and just like that, it was all over. The S&P 500 ripped up to new record intraday highs at the open this morning - erasing all signs of the dismal economic reality - before plunging (no immediate catalyst for that drop) which was then let with the now ubiquitous armada of liquidity...

L M F A O !

Now we're cookin 🙂🙂 This Brit is putting up a fight finally with actual TA, instead of Postie type vaginal effluvium. 🙂 Nice! We fellas know from experience and we have this in common, we just can't win fighting a female. Best to put the female on ignore and leave the house. We all know this. 🙂🙂 But fighting a Male, that's a whole different ballgame. 🙂 🙂 🙂

Wave 1 is not a Wave 1 when Fibo calls it. Correct!!!! 🤣🤣 But only applied to SPX & Nadine (Nasdaq). I would love to find out in which other country stock Indexes I am wrong. Find 'em and tell me. Am dying to see where I f***ed up.

But first, the correct definition: Wave 1 is not a Wave 1 only when/if Wave 2 exceeds the origin of Wave 1 by even a single hair. Application: SPX & Nadine (Nasdaq). Agreed! Correctimos! Fibo will take it in the ass for this incorrect part of the CAll.

But wait ...................... let's apply counter-violent's definition to the entire world, shall we, including the most important index in the United States, namely the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index.

Counter-violent's definition re-stated for the world: Wave 1 is a wave 1 when Fibo called it because it was 99.4% correct for the entire World!!!!!!

New York Stock Exchange Composite Index
Dow Jones Transportation Index
London FTSE 100 (counter-violent's own country index)
12 South East Asia countries
All European countries
9 countries in Latin America
....... more and more ............. check it out for yourselves, its common knowledge, data is freely available

Wave 1 is a Wave 1 when Fibo calls it ............... correct to an extent of 99.4%


When is a wave 1 not a wave 1

When Fibo calls it.

Entertainment purposes only amigos, I am enjoying myself in the United Kingdom when Brits fail to see their own London FTSE 100 and her best friend Fibo. How Fibo nailed her, ravished her. Just this alone is one of the greatest acomplishments of Fibo!!! To call the Colonial Empire TOP of 300 years of reign of 30% of the entire World ............ so accurately to the day and month and year ................. is a stunning feat.

Nobody in UK got the balls to admit this. They just cannot. Not when an American called it!


counter-violent said: Wave 1 is not a wave 1 when Fibo calls it a wave 1

Fibo says: Wave 1 is a Wave 1 when Fibo calls it 99+ % hit rate worldwide!!!

Fibo update in real time:

Zero Trading Income for the months of July and August. If we do not get a TOP soon, then its likely Income for September will also be Zero.

No losses but Zero Income.

Happened before? N E V E R

Has the BEAR hit Fibo too? Yes Sir, BEAR has hit Fibo. But it was expected. Nobody gets away scot free. I am happy with no losses but I'm not about "no losses" .............. I'm about blowing the doors off production and money pouring in

Not happening just yet.

All of this examination of Fibo tells me I personally as in Wave 2 down. This is a corrective wave. So I try not to push it as the luck, an important ingredient, is not with me.

I wait for Wave 3 in Fibo.

Wave 3 up in Fibo = Wave 3 down in SPX

I wait pay-shuntly with my thumb up my ass

This is all I got going 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂


When is a wave 1 not a wave 1

When Fibo calls it.

Entertainment continues ........................ requesting counter-violent and postman to congratulate me ............ see below 🙂🙂 Testing, testing, testing ............. can a Brit put his hatred and dislike for an American esp. Fibo aside and assign merit? 🙂

W.r.t. "quote" and that only, no other factor or issue or question considered, just the quote content only ..................... what would counter-violent have to say after reading this? ................

Fibo's Wave 1 Call is correct for ALL 86 World Indexes including Dow Jones & London FTSE 100 but except SPX & Nasdaq.

Can a T2W Brit say to Fibo? Well done, nice call. 🙂🙂🙂

When is a wave 1 not a wave 1


When Fibo calls it.

Sit down Sharky and observe why your machine could never survive a real BEAR market. In the world of finance, high debt is the killer. In business the killer is incompetence. A BEAR Market is the ultimate application of Murphy's Law and will ferret out idiots in your system and bury you.

Sharks, don't let it happen that Fibo tells you this year or next, "Sharky, I told you so!" It will be too late, Sharky! Your boys are way too ignorant to be in this game of thrones. Way too ignorant. 🙂

Delivered lightly as in entertainment🙂 but the message is clear and serious ................

counter-violent, You're doing more damage to T2W by saying stuff like this because it shows your level of knowledge in a heartbeat. You can fool T2W easily but you would get cott red handed at ET for making such a stupid statement. Both you and postman are doing more damage to T2W by sheer ignorance than anything Fibo could ever do. Counter intuitive is that its not Fibo hurting T2W, its you and your kind. See why, below. I'm helping you, amigo and entertaining you at the same time.

SPX taking out the Top is ALL you needed to trash Fibo's call. Nasdaq cemented your aspersion!!! Just these 2 Indexes made you gallop to your conclusion. Read below for why you confirmed your high IGNORANCE LEVEL .......... common to all T2W members. No exceptions.

You failed to see the following .............. both of the above indexes (SPX & Nasdaq) are very limited .............. SPX does not include Small and Mid companies and Nasdaq is only Technology. Very limited and hardly representative.

A far more accurate in fact infinitely more accurate than SPX is .................. S&P 1500 Composite Index which includes SPX, S&P600 & S&P 400. Worse still is that you neglected to take into account the mighty Dow Jones Industrials, the mighty Dow Jones Transportation Index, the mighty New York Stock Exchange Composite Index & your own London FTSE 100. Terrible, terribly sloppy, terribly ignorant of you counter-violent.

Fibo's Wave 1 Call is correct for ALL 86 World Indexes including Dow Jones & London FTSE 100 but except SPX & Nasdaq.

Can a T2W Brit say to Fibo? Well done, nice call. 🙂🙂🙂
Impossible! More difficult than the Israel-Palestine, India-Pakistan, Korea conflicts. I would however love to be surprised 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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