Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Towards the end of Wave 3 this is the type of scenario to expect at T2W ......................

Fibo is at the ranch house way out in the open country. His girl and her brother are also home. The brother is visiting. Fibo is sitting outside the house way up in the front about 30 yards from the house on a wooden fence.

Girl: (to brother) What's he doing out there? What's he waiting for? Whis does not come inside? What's going on?

bro: He's whittling on a piece of wood. I got the feeling when he stop's whittling something's gonna happen.

30-min. later, Postie rides up to Fibo on his horse ................

Postie: surprised to see me?
Fibo: I noo (knew) you'd come
Postie: Sharky and Trader333 never told us about a fella like you who we might have overlooked when we killed the others
Fibo: So you found out you're not a businessman after all!
Postie: Just a Man
Fibo: An ancient race, a p***y race nowadays, the real Men are extinct
Postie: Does not matter to us now, nothing matters no more, not the money not the women, not the Land, not Sharky, not Trader333, I came here to see you because I know that now you will finally tell me what you are after
Fibo: Only at the point of dyin
Postie: I know.

The draw takes place. Postie gets hit in the heart. As he falls to the ground he turns around breathing hard and asks Fibo ............... "who are you?" Fibo walks up to Postie and puts a harmonica in his mouth, then just looks in Postie's eyes until Postie remembers and gets it.

Then Postie dies.

Its over.

Key lesson in Fibo's Life: Fibo just has to be there or arrive. THEY find him. Who be THEY?

THEY be the true believers that Fibo is the destroyer of their way of Life and must be neutralized at all costs.

Happened how often? All thru' this lifespan.

Why Fibo cannot be killed? see post #149

the more $$$ and success as a trader the longer your outlook. replace minutes with MONTHS on the charts.

how wrong has fibostine been?? on the monthly??????

he is being attacked by DAY-TRADERS, that live & die by the minute.
the more $$$ and success as a trader the longer your outlook. replace minutes with MONTHS on the charts.

how wrong has fibostine been?? on the monthly??????

he is being attacked by DAY-TRADERS, that live & die by the minute.
You're the one who disappears for weeks on end because he's just blown his whole account again.
yay ya big drips & big rallys following...thats the way they play the restribution game. end of BULL cycle.

one day...big dip. foloowed by another big drip. folowed by another...and another...and another.

and who's left holding the bag? Fibo (lol)& DF and all of re-tail

Postie & ME, we are preparing ourselves for armageddon
Pip please don't post on this thread anymore.
Pros only.

Thank You.
Reminder for Monday, August 3

Come and get Fibo now. He's all alone. Alone in calling for bull run in USD and crash of SPX - same as in March 2008.

You might never get a better chance to kill Fibo.

Let him kiss hissself? That will work too!!!! 🤣🤣🤣

Get him NOW. Why? Because if you don't and the $ does rebound and go into an interminable bull run, you guys are done for. Its all over for you. T2W will have been shown to be as always on the wrong side of major turns.

We await the results 🙂🙂🙂🙂
T2W amazing News:

Not a single one at T2W has seen or even considered that the Destroyer is the USD. In 2008 the destroyer was a bear cub. In 2020 the destroyer is the cub's pappy.

This forum is out there, Man. Nobody home. DEATH will be swift
T2W amazing News:

Not a single one at T2W has seen or even considered that the Destroyer is the USD. In 2008 the destroyer was a bear cub. In 2020 the destroyer is the cub's pappy.

This forum is out there, Man. Nobody home. DEATH will be swift

Watch the Destroyer in action in 2008 .................. See left side of chart as the DESTROYER was being destroyed 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 He was being crucified and killed. Months and months and months. They 2was saying in you-nison, "death of the dollar, he will be dead, he is dead, run run run" T2W was the leader in calling for dollar death. T2W was #1. Postie was there too. All Brits were dying for the dollar to die so they could get revenge on their beloved America 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Only Fibo warned: Champ will turn around on this trendline break for investors and deliver a massive bull for 20+ years

US Dollar Index & Fibo:

Brothers. When its time to be Short the dollar, USD is not angry with Fibo. When its time to not play at all, USD is not angry with Fibo. When its time to go LONG the $, USD is of course ecstatic.

USD will never forget the nite in the dungeon when I took him a flask of OJ. He was forlorn and dejected and sad and worn out and said to me, "I'm finished Big Joe, they are saying I am dead and will not live through this debacle"

Fibo told him exactly this and it worked, "Champ, its a whole lot worse than that. Now they are lafffffing at you, laffffing so loudly"

That did it!

Champ come-d out of the basement and put his boots on and the rest is History. The first one he f****ed in the ass was Gold for at least a few weeks before he went into recovery waves but still in the bullrun.

Entire World calling for US Dollar crash NOW

Fibo = only one solitary person worldwide calling for a US Dollar bull run and SPX death


Reminder: T2W has ts best chance ever to kill Fibo as he sticks his neck out and puts his c**k on the table

If they can't kill this American when he is all alone and the entire world is against him, they are truly not worth the laces on my shoe.

Of course its understanable that they wll not show up for a showdown in London - they know they wll get f***ed and humiliated. But if they don't show up here on the virtual plateau for a showdown then they are total p*****s.

Let's see who shows up first? They should be so emboldened with such staggering odds. All BETAS. Now finally after all these months at T2W, these c***suck***s are gonna get a taste of what its like to take on big risk for that big swing - and accept death if it occurs. Ignominious defeat? An occupational hazard. But a victory? Too stellar to describe


Whole world screaming DEATH OF THE DOLLAR

Saturday, August 1, 2020

A live real time example of the brass balls of Fibo. Everyone is against the $.


Fibo is LONG, LONG LONG the Dollar


Fibo even taking on Yale University. Fibo will bugger them real good. Hide and watch

Fibo going sooooo far as to state that the might Dollar, the King of Kings will not only reverse and fck all western currencies but will absolutely ravage and ravish all South East Asian currencies. All these wester and asian c***s will be screaming in high frequencies as the might Dollar thrusts one thrust a time in ultra slow motion and holds his sacs to confim yet again and again that he is no premature ejaculator

Help them Father for they have absolutely no clue what's a-coming. And what of Postie? Postie is so lost, the best he can do is continue with oral sex which as we know has the worst view in the world 🤣🤣🤣🤣

The one guy who can save his ass is the one who he will vaginally effluviate non-stop. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

When you see that big daly bar on the Dollar, know then that Fibo will be nodding his head to USD as in, "sock it to them, Chief, fck 'em all"


The one thing that USD and Fibo have in common is the females singing praises of our bananas ................ as in

banana like like, sweet sweet, banana delicious, banana puro, banana sabroso, banano no chiquito, banana grande, banana grandissimo ........................... Mexicana like it, Colombiana love it, young girl like it, old girl like it 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

I see the same pattern of posting here as I do with John Jackson. First the reasonable, amiable joking Fibo then a few hours later the slurred, bitter, nasty Fibo. Clearly an alcoholic and or drug abuser who cant control when to stop! This is not a good combination with trading as it tends to lead to vast losses. Combine this with the fact that Fibo has been wrong on EVERY call he made (I went back and checked) and you will understand his bi polar behavior.
Fibo is the nasty drunk, the 'Begbie' of T2W, a small man angry at the world raging against the machine. Still he's sleeping now.

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