Dow Jones grid #3
GBPUSD pointer for Sam ...................
4H short continues unabated.
Here's the thing I noticed at ET - it will be the same here too as it would at other trading forums, these are habits that die hard ........
I have noticed that traders have an auto bias LONG despite the fact they claim they don't give a hoot whether markets go up or down. They cannot deal with a short except for some weird reason when they deal with currency pairs they seem to be OK. But give them a stock or Index and they will not play the obvious massive straight vertical down move but wait instead for a small puny rally to go LONG.
This is lunacy to the nth
So Sam, if you've been waiting to go LONG on the GBPUSD trade, why not instead have gone short and stayed short the whole time and then if you want to play the Long, fine, but then get ready again to go short on the continued down move.
The natural flow of the river gives the best returns. Go with the flow. All these cats play the countertrend move which is just a bear rally. Of course eventually at one point it will become a bullrun but that's a different story.
Look at the juice you are missing out on by not being short the GBPUSD. Patriotic reasons?
Just asking, Sam. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Starbucks: Topping?
Weird stuff going on. Recent incidents plus now this one. Is this coming straight to Fibo from deep within the HERD brain? It could be ........................
Starbucks apologizes to police ‘made to feel unwelcome and disrespected’ after barista tells them to leave Arizona store
The term DumpStarbucks, or #DumpStarbucks, was seen spiking on social-media Saturday afternoon amid reports that a Starbucks in Tempe, Ariz., asked local law...www.marketwatch.com
Fibonacci for the Duke of London, Sam .......................
see the grey monthly wave that I am extrapolating for the grid? Observe that there was no hit yet at 161.8% etc., but we are at 423.6%. Take the money and run, run, run, run, run. SELL SELL SELLL
Want more, Sam?
Not enough data to the left of the screen but fibo can easily imagine that the 2 monthly waves are near equal, so he takes the grid and then moves it to the 2008 low.. Approx. 100% hit i.e. wave equality.
Time to bugger off. Combine this with the negative stories surfacing and ..................
Some big atomic pile driver is going to drop on Starbucks head soon. When this happens the Media is going to be abuzz with "look how the News caused Starbucks to drop like a stone"
No baby, it was PRICE foretold sh*t was coming down bigtime. Then the useless Media loaded to the hilt with teleprompter readers with IQ no greater than 80 and dressed in fine clothes talk crap on the TV and impress the masses.
Welcome to Planet Earth! LaLaLand. And they say we are the only Life in the entire Universe, hahahahahahaha. We're f*ckd
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Interesting point on the auto bias, I can see why this may happen - maybe as a result of buying is more ‘rewarding’ than selling. I.e when you buy your Rolls Royce, you enjoy the feeling for than selling it. The same must be true for the trade bias?
THEY say, "go with the trend" 🙂 This is the one time I agree with THEY 🙂
= let the river do the bulk of your work. You just steer (money management)
Therefore, regarding GBPUSD, the right way to trade this is to be Short as the dominant theme. Included is the Take Profits when you see a short-term river halt = possible rally. And play the rally if you want to but better still is to wait for the rally top and short the sucker again. Go with the river
GBPUSD is now just one hair follicle away from Fibo's 261.8% level, from which it bounced bigtime on Jan 3rd 2019. It bounced so high in fact that Sam cott the Long and retired, bought a mansion in outer London and engaged this group for 10k for nite (standard fee worldwide + airfare, airfare waived if guaranteed 4 nite gig, which would be no problem for Sam as he invited Fibo who covered the whole fck** thing)). All the chicks can be had. Best option is to do the 4-niter and plug 'em all
Gots to bugger off now. I just said a silent prayer that the Englishmen all make gobs of money on this GBP run. They all deserve to do well and flourish and prosper. that's my wish.
Welcome to Paradise
GBPUSD daily chart posted several times already, now updated without changing a single thing. The purple trendlines (hard to see because they are 4H trenlines shown for perspective)
How will you know if/when the Fibo 261.8% is firing aka triggering aka restitution-ing? 4H trendline will crumble as GBP blasts thru' it. Will it happen? Who gives a f**K? Because Sam's already making shitloads of money by being Short so he don't give a rat's ass. But he is vigilant and knows that an elastic zone is near, so he is ready to take profits on the elasticity firing and instantly reverse and go LONG. Now, if this happens do we know how far it will go? NO! But we can ride with it and along the way the poossibilities will open up as Price reveals his hand bit by bit
GBPUSD daily updated to real time = NOW
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GBPUSD daily chart the way Sam would play this thing down the road apiece ................
Sam would have drawn the trendlines in white on the left side of the chart in year 2017 as he was LONG GBP. He stayed LONG, LONG, LONG, and shut out the cacophony of the premature ejaculators who were coming in and out 10 times a day, thus exasperating their women to the nth - No Sir, Sam stayed LONG going for just one good, long, hard deafeningly good BANG. He took profits on April 25th, 2018 and banked the money in a heartbeat online and instantly reversed and went SHORT. From April 2018 to Jan 15, 2019, Sam was traveling the world, just looking once daily at the GBP daily chart to see how he was doing. He saw the 261.8% hit but being not the same as Fibo, he correctly decided to wait for the trendline break confirmation and it came mid Jan 2019. Same took short profits, banked it and instantly went LONG.
He rode and rode and rode the horse all the way up to the brick wall at 161.8%, knowing well in advance that if/when Price got there he would be on the look out and ready to jump ship. He did approx. on april 8, 2019 and wnent Short. He stayed short to this very day.
By the way you see that white trendline going all the way down on the right side of the chart? This is a 4H I believe TL. It does not belong on a daily chart as there is no coat hanger of "daily" magnitude to hang your coat on.
Now we wait and see.
This time, when Same closes his Short he will repeat the process, playing GBP Long, then short, then LONG and if he gets a juicy trend that runs years, he will retire 5 times over and live like a Lord here ...............
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Now you’re talking, this is one for the daily lunchtime chart and sandwich.
Or maybe one to spent slightly more time in the can (second office) studying.
It sounds like we are expecting rejection from the 423.6%
Do you work on the 3rd touch rejection on, 1 touch rejection. I.e the price bounces from X% Fibo once - price approaches again, gets kicked away like a pigeon trying to steal my fish and chips, 3rd rejection is the most painful, kicking pigeon but mistakenly making contact and pigeon (I.e price) falls down lower.