Here it is again .................... the very likely key to the Big Swing
hit all 4 arrows with progressively higher entries (Long here, but Short on SPX or stocks, pick your own instruments)
This is just a 1H chart. Why is that important? Becasue you load up your entries near near near near to the BASE for foundational strength and power
In almost no time on the breakout you will be on market money with 1 miollion dollars bagged already - bagged by the STOP.
Then its f****in party time from there on out. YOu cannae lose. That one million during corona virus unemploymetn and DEFLATIONARY environment = 20 million n real terms
If I were a newbie member, I would most likely read the latest "hot" threads, and possibly read the last couple of pages of a thread, before deciding if I should read a thread from the beginning. For example, I would read last couple of pages of NVPs thread, realise its quality, and start from...
All the wives of the core 30 T2W gang were there - Fibo's girl was there too and the gang hated her even more than they hate Fibo. Why? Because she always cott fish, big fish by fishing on the opposite side of the Lake where the gang fished. Always the opposite side! The wives got tired of this daily and weekly defeat so they decided to corner her one day and demand an explanation.
Timsk wife declared, "we demand to know how you do it, how you catch fish everyday, while we, Sharky's Machine, can't catch nothin"
Fibo's girl answered, "when I wake up in the morning I see which side Fibo's torpedo is pointing and fish on that side of the Lake"
Ahahaha, screamed Timsk wife and Mr Charts' wife echoed this with a "yeah" ........... they complained to Sharky and expected a repeat of Sharky's post #24.
So Sharky, who just cannot say NO to his endangered species, asked Fibo's girl, "Pray tell which side of the Lake you fish if Fibo's torpedo is pointing straight up?"
Fibo's girl answered with a smile that floored Sharky, "I stay HOME!"
Hey guys ..................... keeping eye on the ball, Vix 1H as n chart above ................ have NOT changed a thing ........... have NOT added a thing .............. see updated Vix 1H chart below = same train of thought-ing, thought-ing-ness
Hey guys ................. same-o same-o Vix 1H .......................... same chart as above ...................
not adding an additional white arrow yet due to the close proximity of the 261.8% Fibo level that currently sits just a bit lower than Vix at 25.33. If we go down below 26.24, then and only then will I add a white arrow like the others right above 28.12.
Hey guys ...................... see Vix 1H chart above ................ what is the significance of the white arrows? Huge money!!! Big money!!! To put this concept of "white arrows" into T2W terms, it goes like this .................
each little white arrow, as innocuous as it might seem is actually the equivalent of the overall (regular job + real trading if any) earnings of ANY trader at T2W over a 10-yr span. This means, put into different words, what I will make on just one arrow being taken out = what the Top T2W trader has made or will make in a 10-yr span of slogging at hs regular job + real trading earnings.
Can you dig this concept, guys? THIS is why we got into trading in the first place. It was not to find a comparable job to McDonald's, concomitant with taking on gobs of stress and losing/winning trade ratio, none of that bs that a McDonald's cat never has to worry about - Macky just gets hs minimum wage, knocks down a few burgers a day with unlimited soda and goes home and waits to die when his time comes.
Fck that.
What Macky's dream gig? 100k/year. For this he will study for 7 years, burn his ass.
What I am talking about in TRADING leaves all these motherf****ers in the dust.
Hey guys ......................... pay attention now ......... w.r.t. previous post above ................ real perspective of how small a game our T2W small thinkers are playing ................ do not follow these losers - its a lost cause road .................. see and read and study the thread below from a zoomed out perspective ...................... and take note of how small the participants' game is - how small their desire is - how small their ambition is - these fellas are your rat race of TRADING, no different than the fellas in the real workaday world using the highways/byways/freeways stacked to the hilt with cars with depressed motherf****ers heading to work everyday damn day and wishing somebody would just shoot 'em
What timeframe are you looking at? pull up the hourly on DOW, S&P and NAS...put them side by side.. tell me which one is the laggard?
Don't let it happen to you. You can do better, way better.
Torture, torture, torture, torture to the nth = UK, cold North America, cold, cold, Europe ............... fck me = worse than Hell ......... at least in Hell it would be warm
TRADER definition: A fella of incredible depth, majesty, massive brass balls that with the power of his decision making can be here in a heartbeat!
re-directing to back on track .................................
Historians will write about this thread in the Wall Street Journal in year 2030 ................ they will use FIBO's words to describe the CRASH DEPRESSION of Jan 26th, 2018 - 2025
It came with a surrealistic slowness ... so gradually that on the one hand it was possible to live through a good part of it without realizing that it was happening and on the other hand, it was possible to believe one had experienced and survived it when in fact it had no more than just begun.
Fasten seat belts, hide and watch, its going to get mean, mean, mean, unemployment will hit 40% from the current true rate of 23%
On a longer time period starting from thread beginning in 2011, it is clear that the total number of deaths of newbies and oldies has exceeded that of the USS Indianapolis and other similar disasters, by a wide margin.
Hey guys ...................... see Vix 1H chart above ................ what is the significance of the white arrows? Huge money!!! Big money!!! To put this concept of "white arrows" into T2W terms, it goes like this .................
each little white arrow, as innocuous as it might seem is actually the equivalent of the overall (regular job + real trading if any) earnings of ANY trader at T2W over a 10-yr span. This means, put into different words, what I will make on just one arrow being taken out = what the Top T2W trader has made or will make in a 10-yr span of slogging at hs regular job + real trading earnings.
Can you dig this concept, guys? THIS is why we got into trading in the first place. It was not to find a comparable job to McDonald's, concomitant with taking on gobs of stress and losing/winning trade ratio, none of that bs that a McDonald's cat never has to worry about - Macky just gets hs minimum wage, knocks down a few burgers a day with unlimited soda and goes home and waits to die when his time comes.
Fck that.
What Macky's dream gig? 100k/year. For this he will study for 7 years, burn his ass.
What I am talking about in TRADING leaves all these motherf****ers in the dust.
updated Vix 1H .................... market is closed ............................ Thursday, July 2, 2020 ......................... no change yet to the chart but will draw a trendline thru' the extreme right of the green candle rally after the low is taken out. That's my thought-ing as its likely we might drop to my 261.8%. Will draw it later ...........
Hey guys ........................... just note and remember this ............... Thursday July 2, 2020
T2W is seeing all the great positive News all over the place about unemployment rate dropping to 11%, 5 million new jobs found, all sorts of great stuff, great improvements, everybody almost everybody saying the V shaped recovery is in full bloom and accelerating - the only minor downside which of course they all ignore is that Corona is increasing in some states.
So T2W = New Media en masse crowd = same side of the railway tracks
As stated soooo many times ............. always, always always on the wrong side of major Turns.
From what I can see of the whole of T2W, only one fellow is not in the T2W perennial bull-run camp (besides me of course) ..................... his name is John Jackson III. Just because he put cream in tart does not necessarily make him baker
Hey guys ......................... Vix 1H chart and analysis reminder = nitty gritty alveoli TA ............. same-o same-o no change
continues tomorrow as Master Fibo nails the bottom of Vix = top of SPX. Just watch Fibo in action doing what he does best = best guerrilla fighter from the back of a horse ..........................
but ...................... for the fight mentioned above its akin to going into the alveoli of the leaves .................. but we must never allow ourselves to zoom out and view the entire forest ..............................
T2W's greatest and truly humongous flaw is missing the forest for the trees, mssing the trees for the branches, missing the branches for the leaves and missing the leaves for the alveoli
Fibo does not let that happen. Its a mortal sin. 🙂
So, with this in mind, what then is the FOREST VIEW?
Wave 2 up has been in progress since March 23rd. When it ends, we start Wave 3 down.
Hey guys ............................... don't say Fbo did not warn you .............................. T2W will almost overnight go thru' a drastic psychological change the day Wave 3 down gets underway. It will be dramatically noticeable. It will not be subtle. It will be a sad day.
A Thai family went over to my girl's parents' house and presented them with a large envelop of cash with the request and instructions, " please give this to Fibo to invest for us, its is our life savings and all that we have saved over 45 years"
Poor people? You better believe it! How poor? You don't want to know? Salt of the Earth? Amen! Who sent them? God did. Whose God? Theirs and Big Joe's. That means 2 Gods are in my favor.
I have been offered a lot many times before but NEVER EVER offered everything!
I accepted!
The hands of the 2 Gods will guide me
When the money is returned to them it will be at least with thousands of per cent profit + the original envelop.
Hey guys listen up.
Fibo trader preaches only one thing Elliot wave theory, no other trading style. But guess what, @fibo_trader doesnt understand Elliot wave theory! Or maybe he does but he just likes to lie to us.
Here's a basic intro.
Wave 1: In Elliott Wave Theory, wave one is when the first wave of a new bull/bear market begins.
Wave 2: In Elliott Wave Theory, wave two corrects wave one, but can never extend beyond the starting point of wave one.
Wave 3: In Elliott Wave Theory, wave three is usually the largest and most powerful wave in a trend.
We'll stop there for brevity.
So here's the basics the very basics and this shows how fibo doesnt understand the one thing he posts about EVERY DAY.
1. "wave two corrects wave one, but can never extend beyond the starting point of wave one."
If your market sets a new high you are not in a bear market! Did fibo not see the Nasdaq setting new all time highs (in what fibo says is a Bear market).
2. When wave 2 is complete wave 3 THE BIG Down wave starts. On June 5th @fibo_trader calls wave 2 COMPLETE!
But Fibo the markets are still going up like I told you they would!
"Wave 2 complete". He even date and time stamped it!
9:43 AM, Friday June 5, 2020 ................. Los Angeles, CA
Anyone seen fukwit ? Bottomline: counter-violent has now declared that he is not only fully on board the train like FOMOs always are at every point in History, the certainty in counter-violent tells clearly his position = solidly in with and championing the Herd aka Little Fellas aka...
So as of June 5th markets were going to see the biggest crash since antediluvian times - his words!
Just in case we didnt get it he doubles down (losers average losers fibo).
"Repeat and reminder of utmost importance .......................... from original post on June 5th, 2020
- Wave 2 is complete "
Every subject under the sun except a real time trade, I rest my case! :) Why? because he cant trade and doesn't want you to know it. He is no longer Fibo he is now FOBFO (Fear Of Being Found Out).
The brits are a civilised race and we banned freak shows long ago but it appears T2W is still allowing the general public to gawp at a freak for entertainment purposes.
Time to close down this victorian cirus show, no one wants to see @fibo_trader the bearded lady dwarf anymore.