Count on it, Johnny. The thread is full of trades but as you know, these sons of bitches would not ever see a $100 bill if it was put right in their mouth - by an American. They just cannot accept this!!!!! Proven so many times its become stale
Trades trades and nudity, plenty comin up soon.
But remember this Johnny, we do have the best-est solution of all. I mean the solution of solutions, the solution that would put counter-violent and postman into a chokehold and my finger in both their bums ............... is if they agree to meeting in London for a trading records show and tell ++++++++++++ live trading for 3 hours on the 5-min. chart of their own currency, GBPUSD
A newbie trader hopping from stock trading forum to forum looking for answers, knowledge, how-to etc., getting burned everywhere trying to learn to trade, losing the milk and rent money time and again, stumbles into T2W and knows instantly he's hit the jackpot. Why? Because all the...