Welcome to the HOME of Fibo .............................. 🙂 where Nature is Fibo's best friend
Papaya, mango, lime, banana, pineapples and whatnot all sing to fibo in the mornings along with the birds. There is NO sound of cars or traffic. The vast expanse of Space in the open meadows helps fibo put out the anchor points far out. They say, "Laffter is the best medicine - but there is one better - spatial anchor points being forth one's inner power" Now if you have both you have everything
Papaya, mango, lime, banana, pineapples and whatnot all sing to fibo in the mornings along with the birds. There is NO sound of cars or traffic. The vast expanse of Space in the open meadows helps fibo put out the anchor points far out. They say, "Laffter is the best medicine - but there is one better - spatial anchor points being forth one's inner power" Now if you have both you have everything