Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Take this down to Earth wisdom from Fibo and learn, learn learn ...................

Fibo is rarely if ever seen looking at his smartphone - he actually detests it. EVERYWHERE all the time there are zillions of BETA MALES staring at their phones oblivious of their surrounding to such an extent its ridiculous. An Alpha is acutely aware of his surroundings at all times

Fibo, an Alpha used to hunt in the field on the open plains of Africa (=Los Angeles) for food. Nowadays he does this hunting on the computer due to his investment/trading profession. The difference in RATE of RETURN is stratospheric.

Parties: the middle-class and upper-class throw parties where they show off and pretend and whatnot. I go to the parties of the pooor families who invite me. I avoid the parties of the former due to the fact that they consider me a terror might slap them around some to wake them up out of their stupid shit.

The international poor family thrills Fibo's soul to the nth.
Fibo Axiom #1:

Generosity resides in the POOR. In the rich they might give 0.00000001% of their net worth. But in the POOR realm they can give up to 90% of their net worth.

SHARE? The Poor have a commanding lead over the rich.

Fibo has noticed this and has learned a great deal about generosity from the POOR.

This is the reason why Fibo travels the unusual rarely traveled road - that is where the real riches reside - not material riches, rather riches of the domains above the physical realm.

That is why TRAVEL is my #1 enjoyment.
Rufus_Leakey is expected back in 13 days, a fibonacci number

He visits me every so often with accusations, then gets f***ed and goes off in search of new evidence.

His problem? Incompetency.

This is the effect an Alpha has on a BETA. They never can leave. Months can go by. But they always return.
Alpha Males are a RARE commodity. How rare? Infinitely rare.

How many guys like Fibo are there at T2W? Zero! 🤣

The Alpha Male's most important qualities? Defines Fibo to a T



Only Fibo can exasperate the enemy to the extreme - women love this feature of Fibo because they tell their attackers, "if there is any one thing I am certain of, is that my Man Fibo will come for me, Life or Death regardless. And when he arrives, God might show mercy, but HE will NOT!"

Alpha Males are a RARE commodity. How rare? Infinitely rare.

Timsk: Given the general feeling above - which seems unanimous with no one coming out in support of fibo' - why not just get shot of him?

See above for additional proof that Alphas are rare. All BETAS. NO Alpha would do something like this. Out in the Wild, there is never a committee called to ban someone - its a fight to the DEATH. that's the alpha Way.

More proof that none of the thread participants are Alphas and that the game is rigged by the moderators who are themselves BETA? .................. Want proof?

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Here at T2W, the Alpha named Fibo wa not even allowed to defend himself - to confront his attackers. Not allowed! No trial.

Who else could pull survival out of such a scenario of certain doomsday? Only FIBO!!!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂

In the face of such monstrous adversity, Fibo is still alive and breathing today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quite remarkable!

That then is a real life definition of an Alpha. Its an honor to be one. A dying race in which there are no more than a mere handful left alive in the entire WEST. soon more BETA MALES will rise to power and the Alphas will be gone.

Alpha Males are a RARE commodity. How rare? Infinitely rare.

In Romance there is no comparison between a BETA MALE vs ALPHA MALE relative to the female .............. 2 different Universes altogether. Shown beautifully in this movie and its unclear whether the director et al were aware of the real stuff of alphas or were just doing it from instinctual knowing ..........................

It is done masterfully IMHO

Alpha Male fight .......................... there is no moderation, Sharky is not presiding, there is no Timsk, there is no gangbang scumbags scheming together like sissies. Interestingly there is no REPORT button to be found anywhere

Its a one-on-one fight to the DEATH as in:

Alpha Male #2:
Surprised to see me?
Fibo: I knew you'd come

Alpha Male #2: Nothing matters anymore, not the money, not the Land not the woman, I came here to see you because I know now that after all this time you will finally tell me what it is you are after
Fibo: Only at the point of dyin
Alpha Male #2: I know

FIBO series for SPX

drop from Feb 19 to March 23 = 33 + 1 = 34 days

Rally from March 23 to ???? = 55 +/- 1 = 55 days

Therefore rally has 8 more days to go

Therefore ???? = Monday, 18th, 2020 is the expected TOP of the rally
Dow Jones Rally from March 23rd lows in Topping Formation Head & Shoulders????

THEY say there always has to be a Topping formation at major tops and bottoms. The difficulty is to see it/find it. Who is THEY? The Bible of TA .................... I agree with this. Why? Because it takes time to slow a locomotive down (bull markets)

Dow Jones 60-min. timeframe Head & Shoulders

The mighty Dow JOnes weekly/daily timeframe Topping Formation????? A channel/EDT (ending diagonal triangle)

Weekly Dow JOnes

He ain't selling any alibis as you look into the vacuum of his eyes
And ask, "do you want to make a deal?"

Hey guys, keep eye on Sharky .......................... 🙂🙂 waves

Dow Jones daily timeframe:

Perfect wave 3 within the drop wave from Feb 12 top into March 16. Then the 5th wave = 61.8% of the 1st wave ............. exactly as per BEAR's teachings to Fibo.

For everybody else:
They say you never compromise with the mystery tramp
As he will take from you everything he could steal
No baby, in my case HE gave me a clue and its working.
Who ever heard of the Angel of Death going soft on a fella?
But its quite common with Fibo.
ALPHA MALE action in the psychology department ............. done instinctively by an Alpha

Lions vs Hyenas:
Seen as commonplace ......... Hyenas bothering and upsetting a pride of outnumbered lionesses (ladies). The lionesses call out to the Alpha for assistance as his family is being attacked and the little ones (cubs) could be killed. Their frenzied calls filter across the bush to the keen ears of Fibo as he does his daily neighborhood patrol of boundaries to keep other males out of his territory.

The hyenas burst into chaos as soon as Fibo shows up on the scene. They sense his FURY. They bolt in all directions. But here is where the psychology of the Alpha, natively built into his system, goes into automatic mode and he goes after ONLY the Matriarch - kill the Matriarch and the rest of the gang is done for; without a leader they are worthless.

Same thing in the realm of the HUMAN ALPHA

Take out the biggest dissenter BETA, i.e. the leader of the regular BETAS and its all over - the BETAS slink away.

Watch video. Classic Alpha Male unhurried response.

Monday, April 6, 2020: 3:40 PM Pacific. Markets are closed.

Today's monster rally is a C-wave of an A-B-C corrective move up i.e. a BEAR market rally. Therefore the dominant aka Primary Trend is down. Therefore when the rally completes (tomorrow or whenever) it will be a magnficent thing to behold. Why?

Becasue Wave 3 down is next. BEAR will go into accelerated mode.

Get your kicks now before the whole sh*thouse goe up in flames.

Tsunami watch is at Defcon 4

View attachment 277502

Reminder: I called DEFCON 4 on April 6.

Raised to DEFCON 5 today, SAT , May 9th, 2020

Trader333 has promised not to expel/ban me until after the move is over. What move? The rally from the March 23rd lows.. If the rally gets over and then March lows are taken out, then fine, Big Joe is correct. This is no big deal to me as being correct is an occupational hazard, what with a closing average > 90% ........... despite the recent losing trade on QQQ.

But what if I am wrong? What if the Dow/SPX/Nazzy take out the Feb TOP? In this case I am wrong!

I therefore want to stlll be alive so I can come here and admit I am wrong - myself!!!!🙂

This is important to me! Public humiliation is key to my improvement. And this place T2W is perfect for a MAN like me. I have zero friends, only enemies and haters. The humiliation from the laffffter will be the best medicine for my improvement over the next months.

Pain of being wrong? Who gives a fck? Its what we agreed to when we took on this game. We knew it could tear us a new one any day anywhere anytime.

Show some HONOR, Trader333 and
let me stay till I clean up the CALL to squeaky clean.

Then shoot me. DEATH ain't hard for a MAN like me, its LIVIN that's hard! Being wrong and slinking away without admitting defeat is way worse than DEATH.

That then is a DEAD MAN's last request! 🙂🙂

ALPHA MALES & strategy to bring down antelope focussing only on 9s and 10s .............. rare but every party will have at least one "9"

When invited to a big bash, the Alpha gets the guest list if possible with pictures.

99.9% of the time there will be no Alpha Males at the party.

Fibo will be the only one - if by chance there are 2, become friends instantly and team up

Fibo's goal/target ............. 45 minutes in and out one drink & bring down the 9 if no 10 and bugger off HOME with her

Love parties like this one here - clearly obvious not a single Alpha Male present .......... there is one "10" and 2 "9s"

Would get the numbers on the "9s" first and then hit the 10 to take her HOME on the spot - 45 minutes tops

Alpha Male hunting strategies:

John and I wrote the book, our symbolic joint-discovery book, not for sale, EVER .........................

Behold an Alpha Male in Rio de Janeiro with his prize, a straight "9"

ALPHA MALE ........................... in TRADING .....................

The strict Laws of Alpha in the Jungle/Serengetti do not allow for territorial encroachment. But in the modern world territorial encroachment is not only common its unavoidable. See pic #1 below. Alphas, Betas, Zetas, asinine, hovine, bovine individuals all wander within the same territory. There are consequences to such disruption. The Alpha in modern world has no space or territory. See below. His world has crumbled. He sacrificed his native territorial instinct for this stupid life depicted below - money, prestige, city dwelling and whatnot ................... he compromised with his own reality,


The Alpha named Fibo faced the exact same issues and swore there would be a solution as otherwise DEATH was way preferable than to live like this among so many sons of b*tches bunched together like sardines - and now add on office life .......... Yikes ! DEATH many times over.

The stunning solution that the Alpha named Fibo came up with was to apply the Personal Ethics Conditions all the way up starting from Treason to oneself thru' to Affluence and Power begun when he got into SALES PROFESSION = minim. hours of work for maximum skyrocketing PAY. The separation from the HERD began in a logarithmic way.

That step alone freed Fibo from having to piss on trees daily to mark territory in a world that violates every Law of Territory. It allowed Fibo to bypass normal HERD hours of work, their residence areas, where they shop, where they go for entertainment and so on. A total bypass was built.

FIBO was able to bypass them all and be on his own ............

But it was not enough ................ he needed the ultimate. He found that in the TRADING GAME.

Boom! All problems of territorial debasement were vanquished.

But its hard. How hard and why so hard? See pic below.

Not a single c***k****** at T2W can do it! Guaranteed! Why? Because its f****n hard. How hard? It can rip your guts to pulp and rip out your heart and piss on your brain and then flog you for eons. that's how hard it is.

That's why NVP cannot do it so will go on forever knowing in his heart that the T2W ship he calls his HOME is a cancerous infestation that needs a cure and cleanup. But he can't do it. Nobody here can!!!! Guaranteed.

Ditto for Trader333 🙂 ............ the only other T2W-er I like, has been asleep for 21 years, a fibonacci number - no initiative whatsoever.


THE ALPHA MALE of the stature of Fibo has separated himself from the violations of the Alpha by society and the cause of its extinction in progress at lightning speed.

Fibo has preserved his Alpha-ness for the duration by going totally LONE = off the grid so to speak.
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