" Be a Professional Trader " - trading Turtorial Session by Anton Kreil

Re: " Be a Proffessional Trader " - trading Turtorial Session by Anton Kreil

he might teach some stuff that you just won't be able to learn outside the industry.

If you're thinking things like this you need to stop trading and focus on learning and understanding.

There are no "secrets".
Re: " Be a Proffessional Trader " - trading Turtorial Session by Anton Kreil

Go to the link below:

Download Million Dollar Traders and watch the 3 episodes. You'll get all the words of wisdom for FREE from Lex Vandam & Anton Kreil.

Re: " Be a Proffessional Trader " - trading Turtorial Session by Anton Kreil

He probably won't show you how to day trade. He'll probably show you how to build and risk manage a portfolio.
Re: " Be a Proffessional Trader " - trading Turtorial Session by Anton Kreil

Even risk management needs to be self-taught through a demo account. Seminars produce a head knowledge. You become an excellent trader when your methodology becomes personal and a conviction within yourself. That does not happen by someone handing you a fish, but by taking the pole and learning to catch the fish.

He probably won't show you how to day trade. He'll probably show you how to build and risk manage a portfolio.
Re: " Be a Proffessional Trader " - trading Turtorial Session by Anton Kreil

Managing risk is ONE thing, Managing risk in the context of a PORTFOLIO is something else and needs to be taught.
Re: " Be a Proffessional Trader " - trading Turtorial Session by Anton Kreil

Star trader Kreil to share his million dollar tips

By Ben Harrington
Published: 8:49PM BST 29 Aug 2010

The former Goldman Sachs trader behind the BBC hit television programme Million Dollar Traders is set to reveal his trading secrets to the general public.

Anton Kreil, who starred as the portfolio manager in the BBC Two programme that gave eight members of the public $1m (£640,000) to run their own hedge fund, has set up a training business, called the "Anton Kreil Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management", to give students and private investors an insight into the complex world of share trading http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/markets/7970715/Star-trader-Kreil-to-share-his-million-dollar-tips.html
Re: " Be a Proffessional Trader " - trading Turtorial Session by Anton Kreil

It still all hinges around managing risk. I margin 10% every trade. The exception is my LT trades that I keep a separate account for. Now the risk is depended on the 10% <> divided by the total amount of allowable trades in that specific account.
I also understand where you are coming from if someone is managing a varied amount of investments within that portfolio. Margin management is even different in that case.

Managing risk is ONE thing, Managing risk in the context of a PORTFOLIO is something else and needs to be taught.
Re: " Be a Proffessional Trader " - trading Turtorial Session by Anton Kreil

must be skint if he's knocking out seminars at £400 a pop. you would have thought he'd have made a decent buck or two in guarantees alone looking at his career CV. last seen as VP at JP's in pharma and chems-cash stuff. not there any more....

Saw this guy speak in june as guest at a hedge fund seminar in Mayfair (free) - he was pretty impressive and so is his analysis. He only spoke for 45 minutes but he did come across as someone who knew what he was talking about. It was all about how we have moved into a new trading paradigm for the next 20 years, and how everything we have known in our lifetime in trading is now slowly dieing i.e. anyone who doesnt shift with the new paradigm will be left behind. i enjoyed it anyway and learned quite a bit...
Re: " Be a Proffessional Trader " - trading Turtorial Session by Anton Kreil

Okay, you paid your money, you sat through the seminar. It lasts for 2 days, and the hype is you will get "left behind" if you do not conform to his belief system, amd he was very impressive. That means you should have made a ton of money already just because you attended the seminar. Can you show any proof of the worthy fruits you derived from it?

Saw this guy speak in june as guest at a hedge fund seminar in Mayfair (free) - he was pretty impressive and so is his analysis. He only spoke for 45 minutes but he did come across as someone who knew what he was talking about. It was all about how we have moved into a new trading paradigm for the next 20 years, and how everything we have known in our lifetime in trading is now slowly dieing i.e. anyone who doesnt shift with the new paradigm will be left behind. i enjoyed it anyway and learned quite a bit...
pray tell what his paradigm is...............sounds like a bunch of fluff to me.

could have simply said "trading changes"
Re: " Be a Proffessional Trader " - trading Turtorial Session by Anton Kreil

Okay, you paid your money, you sat through the seminar. It lasts for 2 days, and the hype is you will get "left behind" if you do not conform to his belief system, amd he was very impressive. That means you should have made a ton of money already just because you attended the seminar. Can you show any proof of the worthy fruits you derived from it?

no this wasnt for his course thing... i went to a 1 day conference on the hedge fund industry and there was lots of speakers. Lot of PHD students like me from various Uk and U.S. uni's. He didnt give any trading tips or strategies. I guess thats what the course is for.
Re: " Be a Proffessional Trader " - trading Turtorial Session by Anton Kreil

Alex, these are all talking points these guys use, which ends up being sales points to get your money. "Getting left behind", "new paradigm" "This is what you need for the next 20 years". Another thing is he has to look impressive. He has to have a selling point. His methodology needs to look good. This is part of the whole sales gimmick. And, you got to have an excellent gimmick to sell a bunch of PHD students, right? You guys are pretty smart.
If this guy was really a trader, then he would not need to conduct seminars, with all the expense associated with it. He would just makes his millions trading. This is why he needs to conduct seminars. He's a very good salesman. The proof is look at how many people walk away from these seminars, they are jazzed, they feel like they are on top if the world. But, how many of those were actually the better for it as would be proven by the bottom line.
Also, I work with people all the time for free (I'm not a salesman. I'm a trader.). It takes longer than 2 days for them to properly assimilate all the information.

no this wasnt for his course thing... i went to a 1 day conference on the hedge fund industry and there was lots of speakers. Lot of PHD students like me from various Uk and U.S. uni's. He didnt give any trading tips or strategies. I guess thats what the course is for.
"You only need to know a few basic principles," Mr Kreil says. "The world's best traders have always developed their own strategies, strategies that work for them."
Well I don't need to pay £400 to know that sherlock lol
Plus I ain't got £400, only got £59 in my trading account

Maybe it is time to consider alternative career options and with this performance you may be down to deciding if it is to be with Burger King or McDonalds 🙂

Maybe it is time to consider alternative career options and with this performance you may be down to deciding if it is to be with Burger King or McDonalds 🙂


Gain: +104.62%
Drawdown: 10.48%
Balance: £59.14
Profit: £20.19
Interest: -£0.06
Deposits: £39.01

Total Trades 103
Won 84 (82%)
Lost 19 (18%)

Its not about how big your dick is, its about how you use it.

From small acorns great trees grow.

And as for MacDonalds no thanks I'm a London Cabbie 😆