BBC - Business Daily: Behead bankers!!


Legendary member
I am not joking. Well, maybe a bit.

Nasim Taleb explores "antifragility", and the need to have small shocks to systems to help improve them.
He discusses the idea that "limited liability" is damaging to the economy as it allows people to "game" the numbers, personally benefit at the expense of others.

He explores the idea that companies that are "too big to fail", ie, underwritten by the tax-payer, should have its employees classed as civil servants. (uses banks as exmaple)

He mentioned that in Roman times, builders wre forced to sleep under the viaducts they were building, as a sort of quality control, as example of making businesses accountable for their actions.

He also said that in the olden times, if buildings failed, the builders were beheaded.
He may have tongue-in-cheek suggested similar for bankers.

BBC iPlayer - Business Daily: Of cats and washing machines - Nassim Taleb's "Antifragile"


The economy will "recover", everyone will believe the mainstream media when they say that Politicians have fixed everything...a bubble will be created...the bubble will burst and the sheeple and Politicians will blame Capitalism...etc

Short memory...

Midnight Oil - Short Memory - YouTube