D Drmarshallmathew Newbie Messages 7 Likes 0 Jan 5, 2006 #1 is there anybody there know how to set the Bollingerband "Band Width Indicator (BWI)" in Metastock ? thanks .
is there anybody there know how to set the Bollingerband "Band Width Indicator (BWI)" in Metastock ? thanks .
R Rhody Trader Senior member Messages 2,620 Likes 266 Jan 5, 2006 #2 You can use this code: (BBandTop(C, 20, S, 2) - BBandBot(C, 20, S, 2))/Mov(C,20,S) *100 It uses the default 20-period, 2-standard deviation settings, which obviously you can change.
You can use this code: (BBandTop(C, 20, S, 2) - BBandBot(C, 20, S, 2))/Mov(C,20,S) *100 It uses the default 20-period, 2-standard deviation settings, which obviously you can change.
T Trdr Well-known member Messages 461 Likes 23 Jan 5, 2006 #3 click on B: http://trader.online.pl/MSZ/!-MSZ-index-en.html
Z zambuck Experienced member Messages 1,608 Likes 103 Jan 6, 2006 #5 ...see the following link as well.... http://www.forexnet.lv/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=837&PageID=327
...see the following link as well.... http://www.forexnet.lv/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=837&PageID=327