Bambi & Prudence


Legendary member
I am all for keeping politics out of business but regretably it isn't possible.
We all (except George Dubya) know that most of the senior British Cabinet members were cold war communists - Jack Straw, Alan Milburn, John Reid etc. They lost that one but by getting the USA involved in Iraq etc they hope to still break the US where it most hurts them and that is financially. The current drop in markets is merely a foretaste of things to come.
A conspiracy - you've guessed it.
Pat494 said:
The current drop in markets is merely a foretaste of things to come.
Well, at least there was _one_ sentence in your post that I agreed with! 🙂
They lost that one but by getting the USA involved in Iraq etc they hope to still break the US where it most hurts them and that is financially

I cannot agree with this, the UK were led into the Iraq situation and were not the leaders as you are suggesting. If the UK had not agreed then the US would have done it on their own as they had stated that they would do. I am no fan of Blair but there is no doubt that the Tories would have done the same.

You don't think George Dubya was the brains behind it do you ?
It seems doomed to fail. The US will run out of money before they can impose democracy.
Make the dummy with the money and muscle think it is his own idea and point him in the direction required, by using subtle reasoning ( evangelical do gooding, helping Mid East friends etc) and away he goes.
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No I dont think that GWB was but I dont believe that it was a communist conspiracy from the UK either.

Good grief, bring on Icke and his lizardmen while we're at it....

1) even if Tony Blair really intended to do such a thing, you're assuming that nobody else in the US political hierarchy actually has any say in who they go to war with or can influence that final decision. Don't you think one or two others in the US might have spotted it if Blair were pulling Dubya's strings? Like the senate, congress, or his own government appointees? It's vice versa, and has been for the past 60 years. In the normal run of things having a war is a vote loser, especially a distant one where there are no obvious gains to be had from it.

2) In the unlikely event that the aim of a labour government were indeed to destabilise the major world economy (and what a wonderful day it'll be over here when the US goes kaput, eh?) I can think of several dozen better, more sure, more effective ways to do it than to encourage him to invade Iraq.

3) It's entirely likely, in my view, that the decision (both in the US and the UK) was sincerely based on a suspicion of MWD, as more than one cynic has pointed out 'we know he had them, we sold them to him'. The suspicion being based on imperfect intelligence (you need people on the ground, and I suspect the SIS, CIA etc had few well placed 'assets' passing hard information back) and Saddam's brinkmanship - and SH played that game like a complete ham... apparently because he was more afraid of Iran realising he didn't have any MWD (thus inviting them to resume the Iran/Iraq war) than he was of a US invasion that he figured it'd be easier to avoid.

4) A bigger question, in my view, is why - having shown the resolve in Iraq - wasn't N Korea in the frame prior to that? I can only imagine that the US record in Korea was a big enough worry to ensure North Korea wasn't an earlier target, especially considering how well Gulf War 1 went.

Politics is never straightforward, and cynicism is a useful tool, but just making ideas up out of thin air is pointless and as likely to hit the bullseye as any other randomly projected dart.

The Soviet Union collapsed; as everyone knows the collapse was caused economically. So the obvious answer is to plug that gap. The Chinese Communist model attempts to do this, while still retaining a one party state, secret police, torture etc.

B&P are major players with their vision of an united Socialist Europe. If the USA were to waste their money and energy in Middle East conflicts so much the better and less competition. The Jewish lobby, arms industry, evangelical do-gooding etc would steer the USA into just such conflicts and it would not take much of a push to involve them.

The EU has been encouraged to expand with new members. When the time is ripe Russia will be invited to join making a new super state, from Lisbon to Vladivostok.Meanwhile the failed European communists are busy re-inventing themselves with a view to taking over the super state and turning it into a Chinese model.

Anyway apologies to just about all parties for my musings (ravings)

And now back to trading.
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............the failed European communists are busy re-inventing themselves with a view to taking over the super state and turning it into a Chinese model.

Unlikely in my view

I think this is a cover up, this thread is seeking to divert attention from the real enemy... Lizardoid Snooker players!
(Shurely shome mishtake?)
Pat494 said:
The Soviet Union collapsed; as everyone knows the collapse was caused economically.
Bit harsh. It was an explosive and uncontrolled restructuring.

Now, instead of being raped (physically and financially), extorted, arrested and incarcerated without cause by the government, the military and the secret police - the Russians are extorted, pressed into prostitution, kidnapped and assassinated by a single entity - the Russian Mafia. And there's none of those silly human rights issues involved if it's organised crime doing it, is there?

I also suspect they (the Mafia) make a better job of it all than the government ever did and with far fewer on the payroll.

Now there's an economic model which we should all seek to emulate.

I'm sure the Chinese will catch on to the Russian model and hand over that side of things to the Triads and Tongs. Then they too will be squeaky clean and can join the increasingly impoverished (in all senses) EU.

Meanwhile, I'll hang out in Samoa where girls are girls, men are men and life is simple.
Meanwhile, I'll hang out in Samoa where girls are girls, men are men and life is simple.

Tres kool Tony and a man after my own heart.

Beach, nice girls and a never ending supply of cocktails is all one needs.

Sod the real world - it is full of tedious wa1nkers and politically correct ass1holes.
Well Salty, I don't have your savoir fair and je n'est ce pas, but I do have a cocktail joke....

(See joke of the day, but give me a mo')....
Just had a look for your cocktail joke but no can see ??? 🙂

There should be a better political system than the 2 present ones. Hate to think the Mafia will inherit the earth.
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