Backtesting platform evaluations


I am an experienced, profitable, discretionary trader, also with extensive experience with systems trading (mostly 5-10 years ago,) looking for a new back testing platform.

No interest in Trade Station, Multi Charts, or most common platforms.

I would like an experienced programmer (C++, .NET, etc.) with futures trading knowledge, to evaluate 3 or 4 higher end platforms.

Project would take 1-2 weeks.

Work is to evaluate functionality, speed, etc., of the platform; not to create or evaluate trading systems.

Would prefer someone near the Sarasota, FL area, but would consider others.

If there is an interest, I would make evaluations avail at no charge, to this forum.

Please respond with background, availability, rates, to [email protected].
To me the issue is not the speed of the platform but coming up with a good idea to backtest. Most have identical funtionality.
To me the issue is not the speed of the platform but coming up with a good idea to backtest. Most have identical funtionality.

Not IMO. 5-10 years ago, with a partner we developed our own platform, at a cost of about $250,000. It had far more functionality than any of the off-the-shelf programs -- even today's platforms.

Our program was able to manage, real-time, a portfolio of 200 long, 200 short stocks, using 20-50 different trading systems, issue orders, if necessary, every 5 minutes.

Now I'm looking to mostly test/trade futures, so that speed, which we were only able to obtain under Linux then, is not as necessary.

But to go to tick data, speed is still impt. You do realize that High Frequency Traders (I'm not interested in that style,) pay premiums not only for more ram, faster CPUs, but also to get a closer physical position, closer to exchange computers.

Yes, trading methodology is most impt, but an efficient, program with functionality is as well.