Baby Faced Dad

this story stretches my empathy for the underdog and underprivileged to breaking point.
they're taking the p1ss. they will be milking the system and denying the genuinely needy.

this child (the 13 year old) will never get a job, and will probably be claiming child benefit (actually, as he is under-16, will his mother be claiming child-allowance for him??), in addition to the house the 15-year-old will get.
do they still go to school?

my taxes (if I paid any) would be spent on these losers.
I am turning right-wing, ever so slowly.

poor people should be shot

what type of gun, and what ammo would you recommend?
:eek: oh, thats another thread.
You lot are sooooooooo right wing that some of you are starting to emerge the other side on the extreme left. I dunno, there's me thinking one of would want to take the boy 'under your wing' as the new Spanish, as he's clearly demonstrated that he's got some real spunk for someone his tender age.
You lot are sooooooooo right wing

i know it's a gross generalisation when i suggest it, and will probably create howls of outrage, but I believe there is a clear corollation between retail traders and Conservative free-market thinking - the willingness to strike out on one's own, to graft hard and thereby enjoy the fruits of one's own labour etc etc ...

it'll get starred out but **** 'em. For ****s sake, they are gonna rape the system like so many other chavs and I'm with Trendie, get depth_trade over her and shoot the little ****s.
This is the first time a baby has weighed more than the father.
The mother is Karen Matthews' twin sister. isn't she?
Poor little father, he sure needs specsavers, can't read, can't see what he's sha****g
He'd been better just trying to understand signs.............


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This little boy might want to request the test - just to make sure!

I was just thinking the same myself. A story that sounds so f*cking unbelievabe.
Its like Karen Mathews story all over again except Alfie's parents coulndt fit the little
f*ckers playstation under the bed with him so they just went with plan B.
Bet it comes out that the kids not even his as well. Newspaper money come on down........... :(
This little boy might want to request the test - just to make sure!

I was just thinking the same myself. A story that sounds so f*cking unbelievabe.
Its like Karen Mathews story all over again except Alfie's parents coulndt fit the little
f*ckers playstation under the bed with him so they just went with plan B.
Bet it comes out that the kids not even his as well. Newspaper money come on down........... :(

Looks as though you guys were right and poor little Alfie was batting on a sticky wicket

"Teenager Alfie Patten may not been a father at 13 after all, amid allegations that the mother has had several other sexual partners, it has been reported."

Boy may not be baby's father - Yahoo! News UK

I hope they get snapped up to appear on Jeremy Kyle for the DNA test, you just cannot beat it when all the potential fathers are lined up on stage for the results and to the chav bike's "surprise" it's none of them! ...absolutely priceless :LOL:
Scalp Trade Deficencies ?

Strange there is no mention of their guardians?

Err... that's both their parents, mum and dad!

And erm how about extended family like aunts and uncles and cousins.

There is no social support.

Simply a circus freak show imo. :cry:
The mother is Karen Matthews' twin sister. isn't she?

Nah, it is Karen F**king Matthews.

The bitch escaped from jail and this is her new project.

She tried to disguise herself as a young attractive Lolita but she is so grossly ugly , the disguise failed to work.

Nice name though, Chantelle.

Visions of a gorgeous beauty only to be confronted by some hideous porcine hog.
You lot are very, very cruel, heartless even. Who knows, the young couple might read this thread one day and suffer irreparable psychological damage as a result. Shame on all of you!

Alfie - if by chance you are reading this, then ignore all these rude people. They're just jealous because you got your end away about 10 years sooner than most of them. And I'm sure Mrs. Alfie looks lovely in the flesh. After all, we can't all be photogenic. Doubtless she's got a sparkling personality too, which is what makes her so popular with you and lots of other young men in your area.
Who knows, the young couple might read this thread one day and suffer irreparable psychological damage as a result.

I think their parents have already seen to that Tim.

And besides, these two certifiable morons almost certainly cannot read.
You lot are very, very cruel, heartless even. Who knows, the young couple might read this thread one day and suffer irreparable psychological damage as a result. Shame on all of you!

Alfie - if by chance you are reading this, then ignore all these rude people. They're just jealous because you got your end away about 10 years sooner than most of them. And I'm sure Mrs. Alfie looks lovely in the flesh. After all, we can't all be photogenic. Doubtless she's got a sparkling personality too, which is what makes her so popular with you and lots of other young men in your area.

Brilliant :LOL::LOL:
I think their parents have already seen to that Tim.

And besides, these two certifiable morons almost certainly cannot read.

Then what else do you expect them to do at night?
They played all their computer games, telly's been repossessed, used up all the kitchen knives stabbing people; I mean, they thought they'd do something creative to make money - and they've been successful.
