Automatic Trading System

Now I wonder if Johnny advertised his system 30% winners 70% losers, how many would take him up on it??? I am a believer in let the profits run and cut the losses early, which obviously is what JT's system does. Try scalping profits and the spread will normally take you to the cleaners - accepting always exceptions to the rule.

Not really.

I'm a trader who is at last in profit after 3 years of turmoil.
I'm a pretty average programmer, enough to get by.

I just fiddled about with my Metastock today and noticed it had an 'Expert Adviser' - I explored it a bit more and I think it tells you when to buy and when to sell based on a style of indicators. How does it do that?
I would include a chart if I knew how to attach it


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JonnyT said:

I developed the system and wrote the code to automatically trade it through interactivebrokers.



Presumably you have found IB adequate for this purpose ? Have you had any non-executed orders or IB downtime ? I have been contemplating something similar for the eminis.

I've experienced a couple of hours IB Downtime in 3 months.

I've had two orders I modified 'vanish'


Judging by the market you trade and the %age winners/losers, I would guess that your system is volatility breakout based on limit orders ?


The General.
Stop limit orders...

Native on the exchange, dramatically reduces slippage during fast moves.

JT- presumably, u will miss some of the fills, if it is too fast through your price ?? Is that right ?

I haven't yet not been filled in two months of using stop limits.

Stop Limits are native on the exchange (Globex).

If you have an order on the exchange you are more likely to get filled, the longer the order is on the exchange also the more likely a fill.

Jonny - did you develop this system in EasyLanguage Tradestation - is it an automatic trading system
The systems are automatic and no I don't use TradeStation (some systems are not tradeable with TradeStation as you have to trade on the close of a bar).

I use IBs API and my own Java Apps.

Oh so you trade forex, has IB got it's own system tester for developing different systems. I'm going to check it out. Thanz
Does anyone know if Metastock does automatic trading, just like tradestation and could I link it up to a brocker, for it to perform the money making scheme 😀

Why not get independent verification on collective2 and then sell the signals per profitable trade. You save the "secret" but benefit from the work?? !00 subscribers paying $10 per profitable trade - sounds good to me!!

JonnyT said:
Hi Donaldduke,

1 trade signal max per day.
30% Winners
70% Losers

Average Winner is 8.5 times average loser.

Max Drawdown has been 37 pips


So if you have a broker which offers an API does that mean that you don't need something like Dynaorder ?

I can program VB and am looking at creating an auto system.


The General.
Hi JonnyT

I've been following your system thread (is this one spot on )
so far its been very good ,can i ask you are you still trading this system or have there been any alterations ,many thanks .

You have said that so far it's been very good.

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth?
