Automated trader

Don't understand. If it's working fine, what are you debugging?

If it's working fine, why aren't you trading a live account and your own funds?

Compete rubbish.

If you don't know what your odds are now, neither does your system.

From what you say, I don't think you have ever traded.

Please don't take everybody down to your level of thinking .We have more important things to do ...rather than reply to personal opinions

Any more cheapshots?


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Approval granted with conditions

That is your personal opinion and this board is about making opinions .

Name it I have traded it .

Get approval from moderator and I will post statements from C ME futures accounts ,fx accounts ,spreadbetting accounts,cfds and shares on oil,currencies ,indexes(dax,dow,ftse,s and p) shares ,options .

I have written options and traded options too

The statements will contain names of account holders ,brokers and actual trades .Until you can get approval we have to accept where the rubbish is coming and where personal opinions are coming from ,and keep your thinking to your level ..........not mine



You have my approval to post your statements, but with the following conditions:
(a) You do not advertise any services or products
(b) You mentioned that you would supply names of account holders - you must not disclose anything that you would not be allowed to disclose under statutory regulation e.g. be cognisant of the data protection act, FSA regulations.

Impressive. A £12 credit from 2 months ago.

Bramble .You are taking cheap shots .I have stopped trading for 3 months as I complete my move into fully automated trading

Here are cme futures trades on C M E


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You have to live the life you're given
And never close your eyes!
You hold on and stare into the skies
And burn against the cold
For any moment you might find the gold!..

Or alternatively, you’ll develop a migraine thru lack of sleep, keel over & expire from hypothermia.

What mileage do you suppose you’re gonna get from trading punches with the discretionary camp. It'll simply end in a 12 round draw with unecessarily bruised & bloodied faces.

If you got a set of players who can pick their way successfully thru the traffic using their skills & experience & come out the other side with $$’s in their sack, then cool. Forget that tired & well worn 95% crap.

So, you choose to automate the process, equally cool. What’s the big deal?

Bramble: I think maybe you ought to have left this one in his box?! :LOL:
Bramble .You are taking cheap shots .I have stopped trading for 3 months as I complete my move into fully automated trading

Here are cme futures trades on C M E

So you are not yet fully automated?? Ignoring the miniscule amounts you are trading with you absolutely CANNOT claim to be a successful auto-trader until you have actually done it.

It doesn't matter how much you have back tested your system - or forward tested (have you?) - you cannot accurately simulate widened spreads on news bulletins, refused orders, delayed quotes, no-response so you don't know if your order was actioned, stops/limits slipped or even missed, missed ticks and system outages. These are all things you need to develop work-arounds on - assuming you have a credible automatic system in the first place.
So you are not yet fully automated?? Ignoring the miniscule amounts you are trading with you absolutely CANNOT claim to be a successful auto-trader until you have actually done it.

It doesn't matter how much you have back tested your system - or forward tested (have you?) - you cannot accurately simulate widened spreads on news bulletins, refused orders, delayed quotes, no-response so you don't know if your order was actioned, stops/limits slipped or even missed, missed ticks and system outages. These are all things you need to develop work-arounds on - assuming you have a credible automatic system in the first place.



I retract that and add

By begining on 2008 I will be a succesful trader and a fully automated succesful trader .

I will be posting the results from live accounts (real money accounts ) and I will deliver the successful results

I have taken care of all the potential problems I hope

By begining on 2008 I will be a succesful trader and a fully automated succesful trader .

I will be posting the results from live accounts (real money accounts ) and I will deliver the successful results
You should start a Journal here on T2W, it would be different and interesting.

Would you also trade stock options?
You should start a Journal here on T2W, it would be different and interesting.

Would you also trade stock options?

I will only trade currencies to start with .

Later on we will move on to oil and commodities ........and finally indices.

I already started a weekly demo journal on currencies on another site.

My weekly is estimated average is to earn 200 pips using the full automated programme consisting of 10 different trading programmes ,with a drawdown of 25% worst case scenario

I have been working on this project for 3 years


I will only trade currencies to start with .

Later on we will move on to oil and commodities ........and finally indices.

I already started a weekly demo journal on currencies on another site.

My weekly is estimated average is to earn 200 pips using the full automated programme consisting of 10 different trading programmes ,with a drawdown of 25% worst case scenario

I have been working on this project for 3 years



I wish you luck! Maybe I'm just not clever enough but I tried to develop a fully automatic system for trading ccys numerous times - from simple algorithms to really complex ones. If you ignored spreads they worked brilliantly. Adding spreads reduced their edge significantly and on closer study found that there were severe drawdowns some weeks - and mega profits others. Reducing the drawdown risk only reduced the gains and I never came up with a satisfactory system that could work with all unseen data I threw at it without either mediocre overall profit or large unacceptable drawdowns.
I wish you luck! Maybe I'm just not clever enough but I tried to develop a fully automatic system for trading ccys numerous times - from simple algorithms to really complex ones. If you ignored spreads they worked brilliantly. Adding spreads reduced their edge significantly and on closer study found that there were severe drawdowns some weeks - and mega profits others. Reducing the drawdown risk only reduced the gains and I never came up with a satisfactory system that could work with all unseen data I threw at it without either mediocre overall profit or large unacceptable drawdowns.


Here is one of my systems

I have managed to put together a package of 5 systems ,and combined them together to get a much smoother drawdown curve.Each of the four systems reduces the overall drawdown of the whole account

The five systems individually have a total dd of 4000 pips.

By combining the 5 trading all at the same time ,my risk exposure reduces to under 20% ie 2,000 pips with a potential reward of 5,000 pips from this combined package

Not clever ......Just perserverance


I have managed to put together a package of 5 systems ,and combined them together to get a much smoother drawdown curve.Each of the four systems reduces the overall drawdown of the whole account
Agree absolutely that that's the way to smooth out PnL
Why Automated System Trade?

It is often the human traits that make it difficult for traders to follow a system exactly. The main reasons for this are greed, fear and lack of discipline. For example, a trader may find it:

Difficult to take signals after a series of losses (fear)
He may be tempted to pyramid positions to make up for losses (greed)
He may be tempted to add to positions when he feels omnipotent after a series of winners (greed)
Or he may try and second guess the system and not take all the signals, which often leads to less profitable results (lack of discipline).

Computerized automated trading eliminates these problems as the computer immediately places an order on the market as soon as a signal has been generated.

Why is this happening now?

One reason is that the technology has gotten to the point where it is possible. Some forex brokers are giving developers the ability to program directly to their API (application programming interface) that carries the full functionality of their trading platforms ?the live price feed and use of a full range of order types.

Are you a Candidate for Automated Systems Trading?

Forex is a true 24-hour market, ideal for automated systems trading. Consider the following situations to determine whether you might be a candidate for automated trading.

Have you ever turned on your computer and found that a great trade happened right before you got there?

Your indicators lined up just perfectly ?but that was while you were sleeping or out to lunch.

Do you work (or play) during times when the market produces the best trades?

Do you live in a time zone where the market is not that active during your waking hours?

Does your trading method work with several currencies and in several timeframes, such as on 30-minute, 1-hour and 4-hour charts ?but you find it difficult to watch them all at the same time?

Do you occasionally get several signals at once but find that entering multiple trades at the same time is nearly impossible?

Automation could be the answer if:

You want to expand your investment portfolio into stocks, futures or Forex (currency) markets
You do not have time to follow the markets yourself
You lack time or resources to develop your own system
You wish to diversify from your own trading techniques.
Here is a equity curve for two systems combined

Drwadown 1000 pips reward 10,800 pips over 3 years


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    combined gbp usd and euro usd breakout system.jpg
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Some details of your system please

Hi Oildaytrader

Please give a description of your automated system.

I don't expect you to describe your algorithms/system. But if you insisted, well then I would have to have a quick look. ;)

I'm interested in the infrastructure. Operating System/Programming language/Data feed/Broker/API if you are using a home grown solution or which software package if it's off the shelf. Also what your thoughts are on resilience and error handling.

Also how did you do your back testing?

Hi Oildaytrader

Please give a description of your automated system.

I don't expect you to describe your algorithms/system. But if you insisted, well then I would have to have a quick look. ;)

I'm interested in the infrastructure. Operating System/Programming language/Data feed/Broker/API if you are using a home grown solution or which software package if it's off the shelf. Also what your thoughts are on resilience and error handling.

Also how did you do your back testing?


I use metatrader at the moment.Some of my automated systems are freely available on the internet .Search for freeversion oilfxpro duoquads.The free versions are also profitable.

I only use professional versions for my own private use.The pro versions form nice robust systems.If you build a house ,u build the best house to live in .............and If I build software I build the best software for my own use.

The systems criteria also freely available on the net.The algorithms are not freely available on the net.

I have made my own systems to trade on metatrader

If you search for metatrader forums and backtesting with 90 % modelling quality ,you will find some answers
