Automated Commodities Trading with Tradeonauto

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I'd like to take this opportunity to put our software up for perusal. You can find us at
We dont make any wild claims about 1000% profits but it is fair to say that we often make 8-12% on traded capital per trade. Which, if you added it together collectively that is a substantial in any one year. We find that most people get their capital back very quickly and not having capital exposed overnight to negative market movements is a great way to sleep.
Our software does the lot: searches for an entry, sets and resets the stop if necessary ,analyses market bias and adjusts to take a short or long position accordingly,
manages risk, solves position sizing issues,all done in the blink of an eye.

You dont even need to be around while it trades. Set it up premarket-hours inadvance if you like, and headoff to the golf course.

Take a look at the screenshots and video we have on our website of actual sessions and we are sure you will see something you havent before.
The only thing we ask is that you must have an IB account and you must be an EDUCATED TRADER!
We will not sell to newbies. Its not worth our effort to do so. A 20% discount currently applies.

You can find an explanation of the methodologies used in the book Day trading grains futures for a living by David Bennett.

We look forward to hearing from you.