auto pattern recognition

You might also want to have a look at It is Dutch but it also runs an English version. It has all the features you can think of, a.o.:
- real time forex (and lots of other) prices,
- charts with timescales from days up to to 1 minute per candle or even tick by tick,
- dozens of indicators,
- a software language to build your own indicators,
- real time recognition of dozens of canclestick patterns,
- configurable alerts,
- configurable urser interface
- and best of all: backtesting, using a softare language to build your own tests.

I am using it over 1.5 years now and I am very satisfied.
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thank you Rudy for pointing me in another direction

However, it is the auto recognition of visual patterns that i am after not candlestick chart pattern recognition

there are so many great opportnities forming on say the 30min and 1 hr charts that i miss day in day out because i dont have this feature

e.g. look at last weeks breakout on ebay....would have been easily nailed by visual pattern finder

good luck
Just signed up for Seems to be a pretty useful tool. If nothing else at least it serves as a good learning tool or a constant reminder of the different patterns out there that I tend to forget sometimes. Cheers for the info. 🙂
for theintraday stuff i have found them not very useful as the amount of info is often overwhelming
their signals are always late due to the methodolgy used so by the time u get the signal the best part of the move has passed, for the more aggressive american stocks anyway
however, it is good for identifying potential turning points where profits may be taken eg. fibs etc
i think they are doing some more work on the intraday stuff to get over the analysis paralysis theme