Australian based forex traders

George A

Active member
Firstly with all due respect to anyone who does NOT live in Australia ( while all are welcome) ,, this is for the Australian based traders.
I would love to meet some traders with whom can exchange ideas and share market views while trading forex .
Pls feel free to contact me on my email so we can get in touch with each other ,(as trading can have a lonely feeling about it ) .
Best of luck. You shouldn't have too much difficultly finding other traders in bulging Sydney!
Hi George

I also live in Sydney and I'd love to socialise but don't have a lot of free time these days.
Do you trade full time?
I trade part time from home, I mostly do scalping with mixed results.
What type of trading do you do and have you been trading long?
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Hi George

I also live in Sydney and I'd love to socialise but don't have a lot of free time these days.
Do you trade full time?
I trade part time from home, I mostly do scalping with mixed results.
What type of trading do you do and have you been trading long?


hi Bill ,
Thank you for ur reply,, I allocate full time to the trading business , and i do trade FOREX only at the moment, due to the high liquidity and 24 hour trading which makes it much more safer than anything else , the EUR/USD pair at the moment only , as i am implementing all the things that i have come accross ,, which is extremely powerful,, i was trading 11 yrs ago ( the SPI ) and then 5 mnths ago i had the urge to get back into it , so i am now taking it full time , u dont need to worry about ur time as i have NO issues with it, BUT i am sure we have alot to share with each other ( what i have come to see lately is just unbelievable stuff.
Anyway looking forward to continuing our conversation and like i said feel free to email me and i can ring u or u can ring me,, its not a problem at all.
I have to say, i'm a tad suss on posts like these and no offence intended, it's just, well, you know, a lot of scamming going recently.......

hi Bill ,
... I allocate full time

you can't allocate full time......allocating means you have something to spare and full time means you don't.......that's a picky piece of logic i know, so, bare with me here......

i FOREX only .... due to the high liquidity and 24 hour trading which makes it much more safer than anything else

really? forex is safer? than what ? in what way? by liquidity alone? safer than the es, ym, 10 year note, metals, cl ?

i was trading 11 yrs ago ( the SPI ) and then 5 mnths ago i had the urge to get back into it

so, between 11 years ago and 5 months ago......what was you doings ?

.....( what i have come to see lately is just unbelievable stuff.

this last have to be taken to task on this one.....mate...... :whistling

you could share a piece here, you know, an old nugget that was "unbelievable stuff".....i mean, puting aside that you insulted a predominantly US/UK crowd to lure in aussies ......

you see the point ?
I have to say, i'm a tad suss on posts like these and no offence intended, it's just, well, you know, a lot of scamming going recently.......
Don't be so all sounds perfectly reasonable. There is no reason why someone shouldn't choose to trade a highly liquid market like the EUR/USD, which doesn't shut down each day and therefore produce a gap like other markets such as oil. Absolutely nothing wrong with taking a break from trading if it isn't going well, or even if it is, and returning and doing some productive research. What they did in the meantime is their business. And if any UK/US traders are going to be offended just because someone on here wants to have a chat with a local, then jeez, I'd suggest that they are a little bit too sensitive!
Don't be so all sounds perfectly reasonable. There is no reason why someone shouldn't choose to trade a highly liquid market like the EUR/USD, which doesn't shut down each day and therefore produce a gap like other markets such as oil. Absolutely nothing wrong with taking a break from trading if it isn't going well, or even if it is, and returning and doing some productive research. What they did in the meantime is their business. And if any UK/US traders are going to be offended just because someone on here wants to have a chat with a local, then jeez, I'd suggest that they are a little bit too sensitive!

okydokes, good luck
i'll be a good boy and bugger off with this one final comment....i frequent a few aussie chat sites and know most of the fx guys ......i've never seen this poster with that invitation on an aussie site..... seeing that invitation here and not there tends to be odd.......

ok, hooroos
i'll be a good boy and bugger off with this one final comment....i frequent a few aussie chat sites and know most of the fx guys ......i've never seen this poster with that invitation on an aussie site..... seeing that invitation here and not there tends to be odd.......

ok, hooroos
There are plenty, including myself, that won't be found on any other site. Not sayin that T2W is the beez neez just prefer to limit computer activities if I don't have to watch the charts.

Perhaps it could be helpful to the thread starter if you were to point them to some good aussie sites? Good old T2W shouldn't mind some healthy competition!
stick with T2W ......punch for punch it's best value as youre tending to find one or two who can genuinely hit above your weight.....most of the local sites have too many people posturing .....

you could try Druss who seems an honest bloke who even posts his equity curve!/Fx_Day_Trader/

i've been putting a basic mechanical system together, mostly to weigh the pro's n con's of mechanicals v discretion at (i dont like mechanical systems but i've had to go through the ideas to know in front trade versus all the usual curve fitters) you'll need to log-in (no fees) to see piccs

alright, done!
I was truly sadened by all ur comments,, NOT that they effected me or insulted me in any way ,,, its just so sad to see someone with such a negative mind and outlook,,, and THANK U BARRA ,, u took the words out of my mouth buddy ,,,, and for you again JOULES,, in my post i did say anyome else welcome BUT like BARRA said i live in australia and i would NOT mind at all meeting with some locals where we can meet face to face.
Anyway,, i personally do NOT hold anything against anyone and after all i do respect ur oppenion BUT like BARRA said i thought it was a little below the belt for your sake NOT for our side ,
we are open enough minded ,, and thank u for the WRONG judgement before knowing the facts .
NOT everyone on the net is a CROOK ,, and do NOT forget that please ,, a nice positive outlook is always nice ( unless proven otherwise ) .
i'll be a good boy and bugger off with this one final comment....i frequent a few aussie chat sites and know most of the fx guys ......i've never seen this poster with that invitation on an aussie site..... seeing that invitation here and not there tends to be odd.......

ok, hooroos

to be honest i did NOT know there was an Aussie website ,, and IF i did that would be the first place i would look as i do NOT need to go outside my own house.
Thank u anyway , and i would appreciate it IF u could let me know what the website is
to be honest i did NOT know there was an Aussie website ,, and IF i did that would be the first place i would look as i do NOT need to go outside my own house.
Thank u anyway , and i would appreciate it IF u could let me know what the website is

first, George, i speak with respect, albeit brusk and know, this is a buisness where there is an account with the opposing view to yours when you enter a trade, the other account doesnt care that you are a generous person, in truth, that account prefers you are "honest to a fault" and often that account has every intent of finding all your faults.....every single weakness, they are your opposition and that opposing account could be the one large size trader waiting for all the small sized honest traders to take the set-up you so honestly have decided is the best set-up to enter....... and crooks on the web do exactly the same......proof is in the pudding, so, maybe i was just asking to see what you were serving, what's on the plate......

i think trading is a business not a social event and calls for a business approach regardless of style......this means policing yourself and what others say and leads directly to your approach to trading......

please accept that rigorous inspection is just as generous if you find benefit inside the results

cheers, George and goodluck in your expedition

first, George, i speak with respect, albeit brusk and know, this is a buisness where there is an account with the opposing view to yours when you enter a trade, the other account doesnt care that you are a generous person, in truth, that account prefers you are "honest to a fault" and often that account has every intent of finding all your faults.....every single weakness, they are your opposition and that opposing account could be the one large size trader waiting for all the small sized honest traders to take the set-up you so honestly have decided is the best set-up to enter....... and crooks on the web do exactly the same......proof is in the pudding, so, maybe i was just asking to see what you were serving, what's on the plate......

i think trading is a business not a social event and calls for a business approach regardless of style......this means policing yourself and what others say and leads directly to your approach to trading......

please accept that rigorous inspection is just as generous if you find benefit inside the results

cheers, George and goodluck in your expedition


NO harm done friend,,, and also like u say,, WE ARE ALL ADULTS HERE ,,,( OR atleast we are meant to be ) ,, i can relate to what u have said as i am a business man of just over 30 years now . so a positive comes out of all this is now we have met Joules , also wishing u the best of trading friend.