Ats eod

i cant see any of us getting our money back , the main reason i started the thread was to at least maybe find others like myself , hopefully report these ATS scumbags to the police/fraud and stop them doing it again . because atm they are just waiting to start up and rip more people off , might put a post up naming the people that have conned us
ill start the list with the ones i know feel free to add anyone you have dealt with
the main man
james neville
karl mason
jordan lee
mark morrison
william beck
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just submitted my details to the fraud office . if we all do the same then maybe they can be found and action taken , and hopefully stop it happening to others in the future.
where am i looking for this info ,mine is still ok

Peter I copied the program across to another pc and when I tried to open it, it asked for an unlock code(from ATS) based on the letters on the screen, which in my case was LKLK.
I'm hoping John will get back with the letters his is showing when he tries to run it.
Good evening
My PC is prompting IFHP. There is no reason why it should have started doing this from what I can see. Regrettably my PC is linked to my office domain from home so I am advised against changing the system clock. But to be honest I have left it for longer (i.e. more than a week) in the past when I have been busy and away, without problem.
By the way, I am now rather suspicious of 'Scott Evans':
An awfully big coincidence.
At me to your list

yes got all the names above , be interesting to see if any will ever be found

Hi all

I have just tried submitting my monthly reports to ATS to get a delivery failure notification. I then like you all found that the web site has disappeared.... and then after a search discovered this thread...... not good. I recognise the names Charlie Rose and Mark Morrison. My "relationship manager" was Grace Ellis. The support was completely hopeless but I never got the impression it was a con until now. In fact I would say that the software although very flaky a does have some merit in terms of the technical analysis, but I quickly learned to back its recommendations up by looking at analyst reports and forecasts and if they don't agree I don't buy. Overall I am up but no where near what they forecast and I did lose quite a lot at first around the Brexit vote which I have now made back. But of course I am down overall because of the software and data costs. I guess I need to write off these losses but I will report to police.

Anyone recommend any reliable and real alternatives?


Customer service award

When researching this, I tracked down their 'customer service award'. I have just found it again, but the only screen now with reference to them is on a google cache (attached).
The organisation is I wonder what contact details they might have for the individuals we seek?


  • Award.jpg
    287.9 KB · Views: 291
Me too

please can you add me to list ... its for my father in law ... im not sure if getting a lawyer involved would help as there seems to be a few caught out !!
hes lost ALOT of money and didn't even start trading yet?
hello thanks for the reply , all we can do atm is report the scam to the link in the earlier post , the more that do that, the better chances of these scumbags being caught or at least stop them doing it again.
sorry to hear about your father in law , as for a lawyer youd have to find the people involved they seem to be very cleaver at not letting people know where they operate from . so finding them is going to be hard , all the addresses are false that i know of atm
Thanks Peter, ive just logged onto the site to report the scam, appreciate your help, and if anything does come of this please update us ... ill be on the site if you need anything more !!
only a matter of time all sewn up by ATS ,i tried to contact them when ATS vanished , got no reply that was weeks ago . the money ive wasted gets bigger.
they pushed me to go for the lifetime data package , what a total idiot i am to get scammed like this
Its Happened to me as well

I was always a bit suspicious as when it sounds too good to be true it usually is, but read reviews and all seemed legite, I will report to police as advised
somebody somewhere must know where these scumbags are , only a matter of time before they do it again , be interesting to see if the police have done anything
trouble is matt all the reviews was put in place by them , very cleaver , they knew exactly what you ,me and all the others would do prior to doing it
Please add another victim. Same names as previously mentioned.
I joined in April but fortunately didn't go live as the results weren't great.
The way I viewed it once I heard that they had disappeared was that the software had merit and could be used as an analytical tool. However now that Stockmarketdata has gone it is totally useless.

I am fully aware that our money has gone but would like to know under what criteria we report this. Could someone send me the relevant link to this situation.
Please add another victim. Same names as previously mentioned.
I joined in April but fortunately didn't go live as the results weren't great.
The way I viewed it once I heard that they had disappeared was that the software had merit and could be used as an analytical tool. However now that Stockmarketdata has gone it is totally useless.

I am fully aware that our money has gone but would like to know under what criteria we report this. Could someone send me the relevant link to this situation.

See post No 4 in this thread.
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