At last, a way to make money...


Junior member
At last, i think i have found a way to make some money.

I have come up with a system that doesnt really make any money, but never the less, it is a system. I shall advertise it on the web, on a series of colourful web pages, stating that with this system, people will learn things that even 'professional traders' dont even know about. And just to finish of the nice colourful web pages, i'll stick a few comments on from 'satisfied' traders.

"John, from the middle of nowhere, bought this program and said he'd made £2000 in just his first 2 hours trading"

I'll also let people know that they can contact me personally by email, but i wont actually answer these people.

Also, they need to decide fast, because there are only 116 places left, and once they have all been taken, thats the end of the offer. I'll have to put it up to full price after that.

And if that doesnt convince them, i'll offer a 3 months full money back guarantee.........

Okay, i'm joking! Who would fall for this crap anyway....ME! And i have done over and over and over again!!! Call me stupid, but i'm always looking for something that will help me get started in the trading business. But I havent found ANYTHING that comes close. I keep buying these internet offers in the hope that one day i will find one that really is genuine.

Am i on my own here, or have others fallen for this trap. Or are there genuine offers out there?
I would be interested to know.


L33. 😱
Call me stupid, but i'm always looking for something that will help me get started in the trading business. But I havent found ANYTHING that comes close. I keep buying these internet offers in the hope that one day i will find one that really is genuine.

which is precisely what all these silver tongued, slick & smooth marketeers want you & the hordes of other peeps to do. One after the other, they crank up the volume in their glib speel, and their fancy stats, extoling the virtues of £2,000 per week for 20 mins of your time/beat the pro's at their own game garbage blah, blah, blah........

they're dangling the 'keys to the kingdom' but the key don't fit the lock 😉 and it never will.

you've stumbled into a treasure trove of information, which will, if you're patient enough to explore it's content, help you answer a few questions not only about yourself, but actually what type of trading you want to undertake.

start at the beginning, via the home page & rummage thru the different sections : starting off in the psychology threads 😉 that's where your journey begins anyway.....take a peek in the book store & then the beginners (First Steps) section......get a feel for where you wanna go, what type of instrument(s) you fancy playing on....the kind of time you can devote to trading, look at the structure of this business (Trade Planning & Development etc...), you'll have enough on that agenda to keep you busy for a wee while 😀

and it'll bring home to you, that there's slightly more to it than shelling out on a piece of sofware & chucking a couple grand at an SB/Broker account 😉

good luck, and take your time leafing thru the site............oh, and keep your cash in your pocket - it's ALL free on here :cheesy:
Suckers on the horizon

Like they say about poker " There's a "mark" (sucker) at every game, and if you don't know who it is, it's you" Now you've realised you're the mark, I'd guess you're on the right steps to avoiding this crap, although this does, perhaps lead me to the bigger question..

" Has anyone who has ever fallen for this sort of crap, EVER made and real money at trading?" - my guess would be NO - purely on the basis that people naive enough to get taken in by this, are probably going to get taken by the market every single time.

Any thoughts?
good luck, and take your time leafing thru the site............oh, and keep your cash in your pocket - it's ALL free on here

Excellent advice but, while leafing through the site, beware of the odd chap here and there posting reports and/or charts of his fantastic trades who, having tickled your fancy will, for a measly few hundred £, teach you how to make your fortune.

If it's freely given and makes sense absorb it. If it costs bin it.

PS An excellent place to start is Newtron Bomb's summary of Chartman's 'Trading the Dow'
PS An excellent place to start is Newtron Bomb's summary of Chartman's 'Trading the Dow'

couldn't agree more........................

CT…..the vast majority I guess will indeed lose their shirts, and by the very nature of the ‘greed’ mentality constantly being fed to them they’ll come back & repeat the process time & again until the penny drops (or not) & they eventually come to realise there is actually some real work involved to staying alive out there.

The increased press coverage (crap inv/pension fund management…control your own destiny…..mass mailers enticing folks in etc…..) , has merely whetted the appetite of those who have remained on the fringes of considering jumping in with their wad…..but I guess if they aint had exposure to boards such as this, or a kind soul to warn of the dangers, they’re gonna get taken by the silver tongues.

Those that twig (early on) & stop the rot quickly, will stick it down to experience, get their act together & start putting the time in. But they’re no doubt in the minority…..meanwhile the markets become flush with new dosh & the apache’s sneak up & scalp the unwary repeatedly, sometimes before they even realise they’ve lost their locks!!……and they slope off to the next vendor in search of the grail!
L33bets do not despair, it is easy to believe that shelling out a few hundred or a couple of thousand would bring one riches beyond one's dreams. No effort, no research, just a couple of hours a week and a computer required....Oh that life were that simple. Have you ever heard of the money doubling machine? The town in Africa where you pick diamonds on the ground as you walk along? The stream that cures all diseases? I did not think so. Not to worry, if you continue to look for wonderful schemes you will find them and much more.

Sadly they do not exist in the world of finance. You have stumbled on a site that will probably give you all the knowledge and information you need and as has been said before, 'It is free'. On a lighter note, I enjoyed reading the post, it was hilarious. At least you are man enough to accept you made a big error; that is lesson number 1.