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As an experienced trader on indices of 4 years and many more of that on stocks.

I'm so very sorry for this next comment but I cant help myself.

I'm trying to keep it in..

I cant..mmmmmm..arrggg

What a load bo11ocks.

Markets are not guided or move by the stars as much as 6 billion people cannot be put into 12 signs of the zodiac.

Pieces said today I was to find love,money a new house and another job. Give the same post to a person from the third world who cant even find fresh water and food and see what they make of it. I did..He said get a life..Not my words..His.
good banter gents... does anyone remember when Mystic Meg used to do a run-down of likely winners before the lottery????

anyway, in the spirit(s) 😉 of goodwill,

I have heard about *sane* traders + analysts trying to build models that involve sun-spots (the levels thereof) and energy prices. There is science behind it (sun spots -> weather -> energy) but thats all I know.

Don't know if they got anywhere with it, but it was taken seriously (i think I came across it in economist (?) or new scientist (?) a few years ago, but that assertion is only a little more valid than your horoscope).
thats a pretty vague and all-encompassing statement.

are you using astronomy to day-trade or swing-trade?
are you using Moon phases for month-long trades?
Or Saturn and Jupiter trines for trades lasting years?
Or Mercury retrograde as reversals?
Or using the planets cutting the zodiac houses for intra-day trades?

you may be better served by indicating your particular interest first, to see if others want to reply.
and show which texts that got you into this field of using planets/stars to trade the markets, and what your experiences to date have been.

you should also use the Search facility here to get a feel of how previous threads of this type have fared in the past. :whistling

good luck on this - astronomy/ology is one of my pet subjects.

Thanks, Yours is the only intelligent answer to the above
I am using astronomy to identify the turning points in the USD/Chf and the periods are between 39 and 76 days. Since this is too long to trade I use the target date to set the direction and then a Stocastic oscillator to identify the dates to open and close a trade. It is normally 1.5 to 2 days. I am not using the Moon phases although I am aware of them, due to Wilder. I find that Mercury generates the major effect on Earth and the target dates are generated by NASA. Seymour wrote a book called "Financial Markets and Astronomy" in which the basic concept is that all animal life and vegetation are influenced by the geomagnetic and eletromagnetic forces created by the Sun and these effects can be seen in the currency markets. There are exceptions to the system and so far they appear to be repetitive but I am not certain. I was hoping to find a few others which were also investigating this . I will check the prior threads.

I am sorry but you will not get a sensible hearing about astronomy / astrology on this board. There are other forums that discuss nothing else and it is there that you should look for like-minded traders.

Quite rightly, like-minded people form their own groups, mostly to learn from others but also for protection. As this is a very wide-based board, minority and off-the-beaten-track interests will tend to get kicked about a bit.
I find that Mercury generates the major effect on Earth and the target dates are generated by NASA.

OK I'll bite. Show us all the mechanism by which Mercury influences financial markets. Is it the gravitational force ? Or perhaps the electromagnetic force ? There aren't too many other choices in the forces of nature - well, in fact there aren't any other choices in the fundamental forces of nature. That's it I'm afraid. Any effect from Mercury would be entirely swamped by those from the Earth, Sun and Moon or even for that matter the closer and more massive planets Venus and Mars.

It is ********. And just because somebody had dredged up some correlation between the orbit of Mercury and some financial time series, doesn't in any way imply a causal relationship. It is just chance and the world is full of such chance correlations that have absolutely no predictive value.

Predictions based on Phoenician astronomy, ie using less known planets/stars, identifies turning points for the US dollar index 13 years in advance with 95% accuracy.

If you use the predecessor of the Julian calendar (not the Gregorian calendar), all your forecasts will be 10 days out and you will be hit by margin calls. However, if you include the defunct month of Intercalaris your forecasts will be 27 days premature.

Re your chart above, have you noticed the time-dependent reversion levels? It has analytic tractability and predictions can be determined analytically via structural decomposition. It would be then take simple calculus to determine the instantaneous standard deviation and the reversion rate to isolate the curvature. Finally, we can simplify the whole process by re-modelling it into a recombining trinomial tree via the control variate technique (or finite difference method).


"how come Lebanon is such a fcked up country ?".

Very simple:

The Phoenicians planted and harvested crops based not on seasonal patterns but astrological patterns, ie conjunctions of planets, etc.

Their system of government was based on Marxist-Leninism.

95% of their GDP was derived from Chaff.

Their (final) catastrophic year was due to the mis-timing of the harvest (the largest and mainly financed by CCO's - collateralised chaff obligations) based on a mis-reading of the planets, specifically, the influence of Mercury (unknown to them at that time) was overlooked. If Mercury was known, the plague of Lotus which totally destroyed their crops would have been foretold and the harvest could have been bought forward.

I don't need to spell out to you the lethal mix of Marxist-Leninism (unlike Trotskyism, Marxist-Leninism cannot assimilate or adapt chaff economics), chaff dependency, no knowledge of Mercury - the Phoenicians never recovered. This is their legacy to the Lebanese economy.

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and that's what started the infamous "Chaff Wars" of the 1700s ??

I know that Chaff blight was responsible for wiping out the Mayan civilisation, but schools never teach the impact of Chaff smuggling on the rise and fall of the British Empire - forget Opium, Chaff was key

in fact I heard that billionaire Tyler Brock's family originally made their money in Chaff smuggling....
funnily enough, my brother-in-law, a lebanese maronite christian, still insists that he is "Phoenician" and not "Arab"

Like me saying I'm Anglo-Saxon-Scots-Irish-Hugeneot instead of "British"

Joking aside, your astronomical system will be no better or worse than the irrational, coincidental, hit-and-miss, ad hoc technical analysis indicators systems used by the majority, eg myself. In other words, any success is coincidental and based on false premises.This is how we cope with the unpredictable nature of the markets.

Good luck,


"but schools never teach the impact of Chaff smuggling on the rise and fall of the British Empire".

Interestingly, Himmler's suicide is always attributed to the imminent advance of the allies. Rubbish, he was short big-time chaff calls when Stalin's troops entered Berlin and chaff rallied 3000% overnight

He couldn't make the margin call and did the honourable thing.


Joking aside, your astronomical system will be no better or worse than the irrational, coincidental, hit-and-miss, ad hoc technical analysis indicators systems used by the majority, eg myself. In other words, any success is coincidental and based on false premises.This is how we cope with the unpredictable nature of the markets.

Good luck,


So true! That's why i gave up indicators - my (financial) health has improved no end.
Interestingly, Himmler's suicide is always attributed to the imminent advance of the allies. Rubbish, he was short big-time chaff calls when Stalin's troops entered Berlin and chaff rallied 3000% overnight

He couldn't make the margin call and did the honourable thing.



That's a very interesting bit of historical truth that unfortunately gets dissembled beyond all recognition far too often by historians with an agenda.

Chaff is what did it then, no matter what latter day spin doctors would have you believe.

Chaff is what will make or break us today.

Thank God for wheat leading chaff by 5 minutes and 28 seconds.

"Chaff is what will make or break us today." I don't think it will break us. The Russsians are not looking west but East. The chaff silos of Vladivostok are strategic to expanding supplies,increasing exports, and Russo-Sino joint-ventures.

China is key here as the high mercury content (essential to chaff high yields) of the Yangtze river will be the basis of a nationwide irrigation/feeder system.

Good point mate.

That's why mercury is a definite long term, umm, long.

That sounds good, what do you use instead?

David, most of us use Chaff futures as a benchmark. Some commodities, indices and currencies have a positive correlation, others negative. But using Chaff as an early warning system of economic divergence has proven very reliable.

good luck, hope it helps, R_E

"a definite long term, umm, long."

That really made me laugh. Despite your cosmopolitanness (I'm not sure if that's proper word), you display an English wit.

Here's one you may consider: long short sterling/short long gilt spread as a long-term short position.
