Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Get all the smokers, car drivers, obese, people who refuse to exercise 20min/day to give up their rights to the NHS first.

In any case, I was suggesting these anti-isolationists voluntarily follow through to show the courage of their convictions. I just think if they wish to reject isolation, they should have the guts to reject insurance against the consequences.

Same goes for the Moslem and ultra-orthodox Jewish people and other strange religious types. If they reject anti-infection measures, they should - while they are still well - remain true to their faith by declaring they will reject anti-virus treatments.
Yes, I mentioned way back that it would be interesting to see how Sweden panned out. The country hasn’t been shut down, but there’s still a lot of the precautionary distancing, isolation etc going on which is relying on the good sense of citizens and not government edict.

Whilst I am just as far from believing that this is any kind of hoax and continue to applaud the government for their safe rather than sorry approach (although they are making a right pig’s ear of some things) I do think that things are getting overdone, probably because of the London-centric nature of decision making. Maybe influenced by the fact that there’s no way I’m staying locked up ‘til Christmas nor face a life without hugs, kisses and handshakes.
Faced with the choice of being locked up till Christmas or kissing Barjon.

UKGov will do its own thing and will not follow the continental example, namely they need the time to Xmas in order to introduce immunity passports to allow us into public spaces and claim social credits and the infrastructure needed to track us ie. facial recognition, biometrics, AI, mobile tracking.

I can see this will be on the back of immunity testing and vaccine.

You won't be able to go to the pub without the immunity passport, which will track all your movements and will alert the immunity police if you step into a red zone.

The matrix has arrived. Covid19 is a Global governments dream come true, the UK empire leading the way once again.

Happy St. George's Day.

UKGov will do its own thing and will not follow the continental example, namely they need the time to Xmas in order to introduce immunity passports.

I'm only having one if they come in blue.
Purely out of interest, as you obviously keep fit and treat your body as a temple then the various taxes on alcohol and tobacco don't apply to you. Do you consider those taxes to be any different to the sugar one, and if so, why?

From my own point of view, I have absolutely no problem with people killing themselves be it through drug overdoses, sugar induced diabetes, smoker's lung cancer etc etc and imo taxing the guilty products makes sense. I would happily legalise all presently illegal drugs provided their manufacture and distribution was controlled and regulated....perhaps that might help the economy a bit instead of assisting those fine gentlemen in South America.

I am against all tax🙂

"taxing the guilty products makes sense."

If taxation is intended to modify behaviour the Government dislikes, explain the purpose of income tax.
In any case, I was suggesting these anti-isolationists voluntarily follow through to show the courage of their convictions. I just think if they wish to reject isolation, they should have the guts to reject insurance against the consequences.

What? I have to follow the guidlines because they are being enforced, there is no option. I have NEVER said healthcare is a right and I don't believe it is a 'right'. However if the Government keeps insisting it is a right and that is the reason socialised medicine exists, then I also have the right to live how I choose and have access to the healthcare service I am forced to pay into.
What? I have to follow the guidlines because they are being enforced, there is no option. I have NEVER said healthcare is a right and I don't believe it is a 'right'. However if the Government keeps insisting it is a right and that is the reason socialised medicine exists, then I also have the right to live how I choose and have access to the healthcare service I am forced to pay into.

Suffice to say, I don't think cant's approach is the right one for the country and, even if it were, it's certainly not right for me, seeing as my glass is half empty, I'd get the virus anyway. .........
Understood. Due to various factors, if I were to catch the ague I wouldn't survive, so I need to be more careful than most. Of course my approach isn't the right one for the country and I accept that I'm eminently cullable along with all the other old gits who can't/won't/don't contribute to society in any meaningful way 🙂
Understood. Due to various factors, if I were to catch the ague I wouldn't survive, so I need to be more careful than most. Of course my approach isn't the right one for the country and I accept that I'm eminently cullable along with all the other old gits who can't/won't/don't contribute to society in any meaningful way 🙂

A wine lake in the making.
The last thing Europe needs.
"..... I have absolutely no problem with people killing themselves be it through drug overdoses, sugar induced diabetes, smoker's lung cancer etc etc ."

I am against all tax🙂
"taxing the guilty products makes sense."
If taxation is intended to modify behaviour the Government dislikes, explain the purpose of income tax.
Um, actually, I had thought that I was fairly clear on my stance but to reiterate in more detail: I think that the "taxation for behaviour modification" thing is at best clumsy and inefficient. IMO taxation on harmful products is more about making their chosen method of suicide to be self-financing with any change in behaviour as a bonus.

....and any discussion on income tax will have to wait for another, rainier day.
A wine lake in the making.
The last thing Europe needs.
You might well be right but I'm still trying my best to keep the level down to puddle status. I was, however, disappointed today to find that my local Lidl has run out of their excellent (and extremely good value) St Emilion) so I returned only with some Malbec, which may or may not turn out to be drinkable.
Understood. Due to various factors, if I were to catch the ague I wouldn't survive, so I need to be more careful than most. Of course my approach isn't the right one for the country and I accept that I'm eminently cullable along with all the other old gits who can't/won't/don't contribute to society in any meaningful way 🙂
I hear you cant' - peak claret!
If I haven't had it, as someone in my 60th year with comorbidity issues - it could very well see me off too. I'll just have to take my chances along with everyone else. I also don't contribute to society in any meaningful way so, in the event that Sharky (or whoever) one day posts a 'RIP timsk' thread, some could argue with justification that I got my just deserts. If I do succumb to the virus, I really do hope that you and all my T2W friends will laugh your cotton socks off and, in one unified voice, shout as loudly as you can: 'what a plonker'!

Before some smart-ar$se says everyone does that anyway - this only applies if I pop my clogs!
I hear you cant' - peak claret!
If I haven't had it, as someone in my 60th year with comorbidity issues - it could very well see me off too. I'll just have to take my chances along with everyone else.
I have absolutely no problem with the life-style or life-ending choices...though I did baulk a bit on the slavering over a hot Waitrose trolley idea. Still, each to their own and as long as you're happy just wandering off to die in some ditch rather than drain the NHS' any further then I have no qualms at all in wishing you well....perhaps not "well" exactly but certainly Good Luck - after all, despite standard deviations there are always tails; who's to say that you won't just manage to catch one?
You might well be right but I'm still trying my best to keep the level down to puddle status. I was, however, disappointed today to find that my local Lidl has run out of their excellent (and extremely good value) St Emilion) so I returned only with some Malbec, which may or may not turn out to be drinkable.
Mrs. timsk and I enjoyed both of those in the days we drank red wine. These days, we're 70% white, 20% pink and only 10% red. The main reason being that we both like very dry wine and the reds tend to be sweater - unless they are very 'heavy' and laden with tannin. A current favourite is Albariño Rias Baixas from Spain. I've had a look at Lidl's website and the only one I can see is this one: Abellio which, if it's drinkable, is a great price. It's rare to see them much under the £8.00 mark.
Mrs. timsk and I enjoyed both of those in the days we drank red wine. These days, we're 70% white, 20% pink and only 10% red. The main reason being that we both like very dry wine and the reds tend to be sweater - unless they are very 'heavy' and laden with tannin. A current favourite is Albariño Rias Baixas from Spain. I've had a look at Lidl's website and the only one I can see is this one: Abellio which, if it's drinkable, is a great price. It's rare to see them much under the £8.00 mark.
If you like yr Reds to be a little tart (but perfectly formed) then you might try looking at assemblages based on Shiraz, Caladoc, Grenache or even Carignan.

I would agree that a lot of standard pleasure model Cab-Sauvs tend to be got up to be quaffing wine and that's almost entirely to do with the French wine industry adapting to market demand. It's worth remembering that even these days most French consider wine to be an accompaniment to food...or vice versa. What turns up in a supermarket in the UK is often a product which is made to order that wouldn't ordinarily be found a local producer/merchant in France.
. . . What turns up in a supermarket in the UK is often a product which is made to order that wouldn't ordinarily be found a local producer/merchant in France.
Indeed, cant'. Ordinarily, all of our 'first bottle' wine comes from here: WBS 'Second bottle' wines tend to be cheap 'n cheerful! ;-)
This is the first year for four or five that a 'booze cruise' won't be taking place, and last years' stocks are almost depleted. I deliberated long and hard about whether to vote leave in the referendum and, the thought that loss of access to this French retailer (at their prices) - might be a bye-product of leaving the EU was almost enough to get me to vote remain. Now we've been stymied by the bloody pox. Grrrr!