Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Hi JL,
As n_t rightly points out, cruelty has nowt to do with it, so I'm afraid there's no comparison to be made betwen lockdowns and imprisonment, not least because in the case of the former, the 'inmates' haven't committed a crime wheras the latter, (leaving aside the occasion miscarriage of justice) - have. The merits - or otherwise - of capital punishment are probably best discussed on another thread. ;-)
I concur.
Let's keep the discussion largely on topic.
There may be some merit in comparing how lockdowns relate to other forms of confinement or restrictions of liberty, but there certainly isn't any in drawing capital punishment into the fray.
Feel free to take that up in it's own thread if so desired.

How long before everything they forced upon us to prevent COVID-19 transmission will be considered "theatre"?

Across Canada, individuals and institutions are maintaining the same deep cleaning and product quarantining protocols that came to be expected at the start of the pandemic. But experts say that it’s time to move past “hygiene theatre” – or cleaning behaviours that give people a sense of security and protection, but are actually unlikely to reduce the likelihood of COVID-19 transmission.

His testimony is Gold.
The opening point ...

It is covid related because he was sacked for breaking covid rules (Not laws).
How long before everything they forced upon us to prevent COVID-19 transmission will be considered "theatre"?

new_trader I think you and I and the rest of us have got it wrong 😲
We obviously have a perfectly capable set of people running the country and they would never deliberately mislead us now would they. I mean that would be a sackable at best or criminal at worst.

So, lets be clear.
Official, undisputed figures from the recorded data shows;
That the experimental mRNA vaccine KILLS MORE PEOPLE that have been given it, than the Virus does.
Brilliant Result !

We should all rush out and get jabbed immediately.


Your Government needs you to die.
It's your public duty to comply.
Get on with it.
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Fear stops people thinking straight and it’s easy to whip up terror around variants – with hundreds of thousands circulating, there will always be a new one. Want to be a SAGE-style media darling? This guide is all you need. . .

1. Learn a basic fact of virology: there are hundreds of thousands of variants of COVID-19, many yet to be discovered.
2. Realise that it’s normal for some of these to be better at spreading than others, but that a terrified population doesn’t understand this.
3. Find one and give it a name.
Hot Tip: A good idea is to name it after a country with a struggling health system where you can easily get footage of swamped hospitals. India is a great example: though the country was well down the list of countries worst affected by COVID-19, it’s overstretched health system provided the perfect images for international TV.
4. Call yourself an Expert.
Hot Tip: It helps if you have the title Professor – it means that you don’t need actual qualifications in medicine, virology or epidemiology to be given an uncritical platform by broadcasters.
5. Ensure that your friends in Ofcom have told broadcasters that they are not allowed to report any data or expert who might suggest that you are scaremongering.
6. Announce that you have found a dangerous new variant: your 'scariant'.
7. Express your fear that the vaccine may be less effective against it: don’t worry if there’s no evidence.
Bonus Point: Your friends in the pharmaceutical industry will happily promise to come up with special variant jabs.
8. Use all the tricks of behavioural science to terrify people so they can’t think straight.
9. Do more testing for variants than most of the rest of the world combined, ensuring that there’s plenty of evidence of your scariant spreading in the UK.
Important: Start work on the next scariant ASAP! Don’t give people time to see that the first didn’t amount to anything before you hit them with the next.
10. Job done.

You’ve scared the population witless, prolonged the crisis in the NHS, devastated more businesses, worsened the growing mental health crisis, stopped international travel, harmed the development of millions of children, kept broadcast restrictions and curbs on freedom of speech in place and guaranteed that normal life will not resume.
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Fear stops people thinking straight and it’s easy to whip up terror around variants – with hundreds of thousands circulating, there will always be a new one. Want to be a SAGE-style media darling? This guide is all you need. . .

1. Learn a basic fact of virology: there are hundreds of thousands of variants of COVID-19, many yet to be discovered.
2. Realise that it’s normal for some of these to be better at spreading than others, but that a terrified population doesn’t understand this.
3. Find one and give it a name.
Hot Tip: A good idea is to name it after a country with a struggling health system where you can easily get footage of swamped hospitals. India is a great example: though the country was well down the list of countries worst affected by COVID-19, it’s overstretched health system provided the perfect images for international TV.
4. Call yourself an Expert.
Hot Tip: It helps if you have the title Professor – it means that you don’t need actual qualifications in medicine, virology or epidemiology to be given an uncritical platform by broadcasters.
5. Ensure that your friends in Ofcom have told broadcasters that they are not allowed to report any data or expert who might suggest that you are scaremongering.
6. Announce that you have found a dangerous new variant: your 'scariant'.
7. Express your fear that the vaccine may be less effective against it: don’t worry if there’s no evidence.
Bonus Point: Your friends in the pharmaceutical industry will happily promise to come up with special variant jabs.
8. Use all the tricks of behavioural science to terrify people so they can’t think straight.
9. Do more testing for variants than most of the rest of the world combined, ensuring that there’s plenty of evidence of your scariant spreading in the UK.
Important: Start work on the next scariant ASAP! Don’t give people time to see that the first didn’t amount to anything before you hit them with the next.
10. Job done.

You’ve scared the population witless, prolonged the crisis in the NHS, devastated more businesses, worsened the growing mental health crisis, stopped international travel, harmed the development of millions of children, kept broadcast restrictions and curbs on freedom of speech in place and guaranteed that normal life will not resume.
I get this is happening but whats the goal here? Are they trying to stop international travel to measure the environmental effects? Is it just to scare people into accepting a more authoritarian government (which will be necessary if the population and overcrowding continues at current rates)? Is it to lower the population increase by physically keeping people apart?
Either there is a reason behind this or they are just completely incompetent imbeciles.
Either there is a reason behind this or they are just completely incompetent imbeciles.
The latter is a given. This we know.
It's a mandatory requirement of Ministerial Office.

But I'd venture that that doesn't necessarily exclude the former.

All I do know for certain is that the long-term un-serviceable debt cycle (the one that plays out over multiple generations) that's caused by using fractional reserve banking was nearing it's nexus (and all the crippling economic consequences thereof) before all this lunacy, and that a 'Killer Global Pandemic' makes for an awfully convenient scapegoat.

Now, come along children, hands up if you think you can solve a debt crisis by borrowing more money ??

Free candy if you raise both hands 🍭

Either there is a reason behind this or they are just completely incompetent imbeciles.
Hi postie,
It's a good question and one that keeps me awake at night, literally. I really am more scared of the government and what they're up to than I am of the virus - much more scared. To prevent me from going down conspiacy theory cul-de-sacs, I remind myself that human beigs are motivated by many things and that at - or near to - the top of the list is money and power. The globalist World Economic Forum agenda will ensure that big business (tech and pharma in particular) dictate the play, ensuring that the rich get richer while us plebs are kept in our place. The third key motivation on the list of those running the show is to 'protect thy ar$e'. When the enquiries come around and BoJo, Hancock, Witty and Vallance et al are grilled, they want to appear to have done everythig they could to prevent serous illness and death and maintain ad nauseam that that was their sole motivation. When it transpires (as it undoubtedly will) that lockdowns and associated restrictions cause waaaaaaay more harm than Covid - they'll simply say: "with the benefit of hindsight that's easy to say - but we didn't know that at the time". Yeah, right!