Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

The Fiji Islanders have got the right idea ...

Residents of the Pacific island nation of Fiji are returning to bartering for goods as money becomes tight because of the pandemic. A Facebook group called Barter for a Better Fiji now has more than 120,000 members in a country of fewer than a million people. One of the deals even saw two piglets traded in return for a kayak.

Step1. Ditch fake Central Bank Currency and trade in real value.

Also has the added bonus of being tax free !

The Fiji Islanders have got the right idea ...

Residents of the Pacific island nation of Fiji are returning to bartering for goods as money becomes tight because of the pandemic. A Facebook group called Barter for a Better Fiji now has more than 120,000 members in a country of fewer than a million people. One of the deals even saw two piglets traded in return for a kayak.

Step1. Ditch fake Central Bank Currency and trade in real value.

Also has the added bonus of being tax free !


I'll give it a year, maybe 18 months before we see this permeating the Western economies. UK Furlough probably has a 6 month lifespan at which point if our economy has been devastated, then many people will be made redundant, a lucky few will have savings to last around 6 months, some 3 months and the majority will be in debt within a month. That will be on top of the millions who, from the beginning, have received little or no help from the state and have lost their jobs already and are already plunged into debt.

Home security will be a booming industry, 'lock it down or lose it' will be the mantra.
I checked out the wines wow ... even the "box exudes dreams".

The most popular Rhône Valley gift set...
Treat yourself to Maison Guigal's three finest Côte-Rôtie wines in a superb vintage. A wooden case that exudes luxury, prestige, class and dreams...
Apologies if I've told this story before - but it's very germane to the topic. Wine that is, not the virus. . .

Back in the 90s - I had a proper job and, fortunately for me, a boss who really looked after me. A couple of times a year he and his wife would take Mrs timsk and I out for a really nice meal. When I say 'really nice' - we're talking Michelin Stars. On one such occasion we were in The Carved Angel in Dartmouth, owned at the time by Joyce Molyeneux, the first woman in the U.K. to be awarded a Michelin Star.

I was given the wine list and asked to choose for all four of us. When I say 'list' - it was a book and the prices went up to many thousands for a single bottle. I eventually homed in on two or three at the bottom end of the price range. Unable to decide on which one, I asked the sommelier for advice. He was an immaculately suited 'n booted gentleman with an authoritative air about him which was just the right side of intimidating. He described two of the three bottles in very flowery language - sort of Oz Clarke on steroids - until he came the third bottle, whereupon he surpassed himself. Looking me straight in the eye, he said: "Sir, drinking this wine is like being slapped around the face by Joan Collins with a velvet glove". To which there really is only one answer: "We'll have a bottle of that then" I said. Upon serving it, unaware of its cost, Mrs timsk said: "It reminds me of that smell of one gets in hospitals - bit like disinfectant". Wtf, my heart sank and I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole. I couldn't believe what she'd just said; she's likened a bottle of wine costing £195.00 to disinfectant. Jeeeeez! (This is the 90s remember.) Luckily, our hosts thought this was hilarious and my obvious embarrassment even more so. As it happens, upon trying it, everyone sort of understood what she was getting at - which makes the wine sound horrible. It wasn't at all. On the contrary, it was absolutely fantastic - as was the evening as a whole. Wonderful memories.
Compare and contrast.
Coronavirus: jailed for breaching Isle of Man lockdown rules
Driving during lockdown 3 weeks Jail
Walking dog during lockdown 3 weeks Jail : Consecutive terms.

They later discovered Skillicorn had gone to his grandfather's home to pick up his dog before driving to Port Grainagh beach to walk it for "two to three hours".
He was sentenced to 21 days in prison for each offence, to be served consecutively.

San Francisco gives alcohol and marijuana to homeless addicts on lockdown in hotels


Stop the world I want to get off.

These stories are total fabrications designed to scare you into accepting tyranny

If I want to go to the beach (which for me is less than a 2 minute walk) I will go to the beach

If I want to stay there for 2 hours or all day I will stay there for 2 hours or all day with/without a bottle of wine.

Last time I sat on a bench, a police car drove on the path not 6 feet from me at about 2 miles an hour

What happens now I thought?

Nothing. Postcode lottery maybe

If I want to get in my car and drive 2 hours to my brother's house I will

If he has flu I will go in a couple of weeks

Normal behaviour for normal human beings who have decided the government does not have any right to force it's fake duty of care onto it's citizens.

Otherwise we'll be too scared to sit in our own garden in case a police woman gets all confused

Nigel Farage drove to Dover several times to document the illegals coming in to our country

He got a visit at 10pm one night so he could benefit from the advice of the Police

Was he arrested?

No. Guess it is not against the law.

It's not one law for him and one for you

It's about deciding whether your going to live like a slave or not

Fake stories

Fake pandemic

Real tyranny
the correct way to wash your hands to protect yourself against the killer bug
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So, 72,000 dead, 22 million unemployed, economy in tatters and Nasdaq closes at an all-time closing high. Mmmm.

ps: not quite I was looking at monthly chart.
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So, 72,000 dead, 22 million unemployed, economy in tatters and Nasdaq closes at an all-time closing high. Mmmm.

NASDAQ is all about technology.

Technology stocks Covid proof and even more in demand.

Govies still printing money like it's going out of fashion.

Why not? 👍
This chap presents a very neat round up of where we are with Coronaphobia . . .

Real good questions that demand an answer.

All we get is daily politician views. They can't possibly be wrong can they.
I see the numptys in charge of running this country are pledging £250 million and mandating councils to put in more cycling and walking measures. Seems a script is being followed.
