Here's my view point.Its not picking an argument,its just a personal view point,and i realy dont wish to offend anyone.
First of all if any of you are daytrading Arm using charts,then consider seeing me and i'll show you how to REALY daytrade a semi with Nasdaq level 2.What you will see will blow your socks off.If you make money daytrading one semi with a chart imagine what you could do if you had charts and NL2 and some of the best semi's in the world to pick from.
The point is NAZ, that they don't want to trade US,no matter how rosy you make it look. Remember- each to his own. Riz likes to swing trade ARM and is very successful at it. He doesnt care either if he only squeezes 60% of the move- he's made a proifit and he makes a living, and probably stress free and without staring at a L2 screen all day. What I'd call a layed back arm-chair sort of approach. Suits me Sir! It matters very little to me either, what happens over in the US overnight, and how that effects the following morning in the UK. I swing ARM, and have my plan and stick to it. If it gaps up or down due to external influences,it's no big deal. I set out my table and eat off it......