Are you doing God's Work?

Are you doing God's Work?

  • Yes, of course

    Votes: 20 37.0%
  • No, of course not

    Votes: 21 38.9%
  • I serve only Satan

    Votes: 13 24.1%

  • Total voters
It was in the news this week. He said he believes in God but doesn't go to Church.

Say's his faith was tested when his son died recently.


My faith was tested when baby P died. :devilish:

I failed that test... :innocent:
One of the themes I see running throughout is the demand for proof. The following may be a helpful resource:

Lee Strobel was an investigative reported for the Chicago Tribune (very well respected around these parts I might add) who was as far from God as anyone. He applied investigative reporting rules to come to his own conclusions about the claims of Jesus and the Bible. This was a result of him seeing changes in his wife's life after she came to faith and him wanting to perhaps discredit her newfound faith.
One of the themes I see running throughout is the demand for proof. The following may be a helpful resource:

Lee Strobel was an investigative reported for the Chicago Tribune (very well respected around these parts I might add) who was as far from God as anyone. He applied investigative reporting rules to come to his own conclusions about the claims of Jesus and the Bible. This was a result of him seeing changes in his wife's life after she came to faith and him wanting to perhaps discredit her newfound faith.

Mate that's about as (if not less) convincing Cecil Lewis' stuff. Any reasonable historian would conclude the gospels are gibberish.

And before I'm accused of being some athiest fellow, as it happens I'm a deist...
The self-righteousness and illogicality of the religious grows with the expanding universe and (s)he of "faith" who lacks self-righteousness treads a lonely path across the face of the earth.
When I mug old ladies's pension , I call it God's work.Just lumbered her pension account with toxic assets via liddyies,hanky and geetneer .

I am doing GOD's work.
Ok so Blankfein comes out with an unbelivably silly comment yesterday, I can only assume he made it for lulz.

But when trading, do you think you are doing god's work?

do you?


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Ok so Blankfein comes out with an unbelivably silly comment yesterday, I can only assume he made it for lulz.

But when trading, do you think you are doing god's work?

Only morons take my advice....(emphasis added).

"For the time will come when they will not listen to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves teachers after their own lusts; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside to fables." - Timothy 4: 3-4

The proof of God's existence is unassailable, both physically and logically. The denial of God's existence is equally unassailable, both physically and logically. The truth about the existence of the created, can never be instantiated from within the domain of the created. Only that which is Infinite, can (by its own wisdom and grace) shed light upon the existence of that which has been created and not until then, can the created ever become fully aware of its own existence - more importantly, its purpose for existing.

Without touching the Holy Bible, the existence of an Infinite Creator has already been proven, yet the 'wise' and 'learned' proclaim that no such evidence exists, to their own dismay.

"Do not deceive yourselves. If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age, he should become a "fool" so that he may become wise. He (God) catches the wise in their craftiness; and again, The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile." - 1 Corinthians 3: 18 - 20

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. - Galatians 6: 7

So, here is a question for the learned among us:

Does Absolute Truth Exist? (Yes, or No.)

TradeSMART, by Managing your Positions.
Be very careful how you answer that question as the answer given will demonstrate much about the respondent.

TradeSMART, by Managing your Positions.

So, here is a question for the learned among us:

Does Absolute Truth Exist? (Yes, or No.)

But we would all need to agree on what absolute truth is, and how that came about and which absolute truth we are talking about.

So the question is spurious and the Yes / No answer choice redundant. Of course, it might be the case that I could say, 'Yes, my absolute truth exists' and you could say that your absolute truth also exists, but these could be radically divergent so what's the point?
Did god ask anyone to put the entire financial system at risk ?Maybe Lehman bros , bears stearns and Merril Lynch also believed they were doing god's work trading cds.

Maybe Ed Liddy was also doing god's work ramping up Goldman's Stock through AIG handouts , whilst holding stock in Goldman and claiming to work for $1.
But we would all need to agree on what absolute truth is,

Which says what about whether or not absolute truth exists?

...and how that came about and which absolute truth we are talking about.

Which says what about whether or not absolute truth exists?

So the question is spurious

If the question is spurious, then so to are the electron probability patterns holding your body (collectively) together, likewise, spurious. But, if that were the case physically, then there would be no you to classify that question as spurious to begin with. Thus, the question itself cannot therefore, be spurious. Why? Because you exist.

...and the Yes / No answer choice redundant.

Redundancy is repetition revealed within the choice. Since Yes, reveals one direction and No, reveals another direction; two separate and fully distinct directions exist from having made the choice. Thus, no redundancy exists among the choices. Why? Because a choice exists. And, that by definition is the antithesis of redundancy.

...Of course, it might be the case that I could say, 'Yes, my absolute truth exists' and you could say that your absolute truth also exists,

Which says what about whether or not absolute truth exists?

...but these could be radically divergent...

Not if it is absolute - by definition.

That which is absolute has no adjoining boundary to anything outside of its domain. Its domain is the absolute value of itself. If absolute truth exists, then there can be no other existence outside of its domain - by definition.

Here is what it looks like mathematically:

[1] = 1
[1+1] = 2
[2+1] = 3
[3+1] = 4

And, here is the most telling one of all:

[0 + 0] = 0


[0 + 1] = 1


[Your Truth + My Truth] <> Truth


There cannot possibly be more than one truth if absolute truth exists at all.

So, I respectfully ask the question again: Does Absolute Truth Exist? (Yes, or No)
A question concerning absolute truth can only sit in the context of absolute truth comprising a unique absolute truth. We can't both hold differing views of what absolute truth is: one or both must be wrong. Unless we agree on what a thing is, a question such a fundamental as whether it exists cannot be answered.

I can stand you being holier than I, but not cleverer.
I don't think that God talks to people directly. Although many christians claim he speaks to them. I then ask are you a prophet? They say no even though that which they claim is only every found in prophethood. Even most prophets never claimed to speak directly with God but went via an angel for example. It would be way too easy this religion business if God spoke to us directly where would the test be? He lets us know he exists by his creation and that is all.

Personally I think its good to always reflect and think about these things especially when I have a bad day I like to not get carried away and think how lucky I am to have food and clothing and a warm house. When we start to look at people who have more than us then we become unhappy and ungrateful.

I wouldn't say I'm doing Gods work at all with trading as God states he loves the people who work with their hands..meaning hard labourious work etc!!
A question concerning absolute truth can only sit in the context of absolute truth comprising a unique absolute truth.

A question is only absolute in its existence. It exists, therefore, it absolutely exists. The context in which the question is raised does not have to be causal for the question itself. The two, however, are not mutually exclusive - as one can exist without the other. I'm standing inside a Baskin Robbins Ice Cream store and I ask the cashier wither or not Baskin Robbins sells Hamburgers. Both the context (Baskin Robbins) and the question (Hamburgers) are absolute in their existence, but dissimilar in their relevance and comprising no unique absolute truth when added together.

The answer given to the question of whether or not Baskin Robbins sells Hamburgers, does comprise an absolute truth.


[Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Store + Does Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Store Sell Hamburgers] = No. (where, 'No' is directional proportional to the absolute value of 'No')


[No] = No, where 'No' is the absolute truth.

Thus, for each iteration where: Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Store = Context, and for each iteration where: Does Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Store Sell Hamburgers = The Question, we can derive:

[The Context + The Question] = The Answer, where 'The Answer' = Absolute Truth.

Formally then, any Answer must by definition always be connected to a Question. Whether the Context is relevant or irrelevant, it has no bearing on the absoluteness of either the Question or the Answer.

This properly refutes the claim that the mere presence of a question forces a unique quality on the absolute existence of the question itself.

We can't both hold differing views of what absolute truth is: one or both must be wrong.

Which is classified as Relativism and forces Relativistic conclusions, which by definition are illogical at the core. They are also wholly insoluble, mathematically. A 'view' of absolute truth <> absolute truth itself, agreed.

Unless we agree on what a thing is, a question such a fundamental as whether it exists cannot be answered.

Which is saying that:

[0 + 1] <> 1, because there is more than one fundamental observation that contains opposing definitions about whether or not 1 actually exists.

Which is saying that:

[Truck Moving With High MV + Flush Collision With Human Body] <> Inelastic Collision, because there is more than one fundamental observation that contains opposing definitions about whether or not the Human Body actually exists.


An interesting take on the notion of absolute truth, but nonetheless, not very comforting to the individual housed inside the body undergoing massive emotional duress and physical trauma after such a collision with another object containing far more momentum and speed to evade.

I can stand you being holier than I, but not cleverer.

Of course, this might be true, if you had the underlying premise correct.

So, I will ask the question again: Does Absolute Truth Exist? (Yes, or No)

I do understand problem with atheists and agnostics who run and hide from this question, as the question itself exposes the underbelly of the one who claims that God does not exist. Such a claim is illogical and irrational, when you stop to think about the extrapolated causalities that bring our own universe into focus.

We shall get to the so-called 'Big Bang Theory," "String Theory" and "Multi-Verse Theory" soon enough. For now, let's find out who the real rational thinkers are in this discussion about whether or not one is doing "God's Work" when trading. After all, rational thought is the hallmark of Trade 2 Win, is it not. :)
I don't think that God talks to people directly.

I think we've been so cut-off from God for so long, that we don't have the capacity to even recognize His voice anymore. We are so filled with ourselves, that we don't have the capacity to even reason rationally anymore. To even contemplate a Universe such as ours, absent the One who created it, is irrationality defined, yet many think it wise and even erudite to contemplate a Universe with God.

It is called having a Reprobate Mind and it simply means that the individual is incapable of differentiating truth from error. Lacking the capacity to do this on our own, we are destined to fail - time and time again.

God is talking and always has been. The question is: Who is listening! :)

Although many christians claim he speaks to them.

The term "Christian" is often used interchangeably with "Religion" and that is a sad mistake. Not everyone calling themselves a "Christian" is "Born Again." Yet, everyone that is "Born Again," is a true "Christian." There are people who for example call themselves "Christian," yet they do not believe nor even understand the Divinity of Jesus Christ, the One from whom the term "Christian" derives its meaning and purpose. There are those who call themselves "Christian," yet disbelieve in the Holy Trinity, which is so clearly alluded to in the very text which they claim as their own, the Holy Bible. There are those who call themselves "Christian," that do not believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ, as was Prophesied long before His entry into this world.

So, the absolute truth about "Christians" cannot be fully understood without understanding the underlying premise of the term itself and that cannot be achieved without knowing the One from whom the term was taken. Christianity, as been used and abused by many for their own reasons having nothing to do with Christ and/or His promises.

I then ask are you a prophet?

A believer, yes. A prophet, no.

...Even most prophets never claimed to speak directly with God but went via an angel for example.

Here is how you know you are in the presence of a true Prophet from God:

a) No true Prophet would ever claim anything counter to God's Word, as outlined in the scriptures.

b) No true Prophet would ever claim anything that could not be translated for the benefit of those the original statements were intended to benefit.

c) No true Prophecy is ever intended for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Prophet. Whenever God uses a Prophet, He does so for the benefit of others, not just the one delivering the Prophecy.

d) No true Prophets prophecy will fail to come to pass if said prophetic message was truly inspired (instantiated) by God Himself. God's Word never returns to Him void. It will always accomplish its purpose, regardless of the intentions of man. So, if that which is prophesied about never comes to pass then you KNOW you are dealing with a False Prophet by definition - no questions asked - signed, sealed and delivered.

If you use the above as a guideline, you can never be lead astray by a False Prophet.

This is part of what God means when he said:

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children." - Hosea 4: 6

It would be way too easy this religion business if God spoke to us directly where would the test be? He lets us know he exists by his creation and that is all.

His creation speaks volumes, but the masses cannot hear. The masterful engineering of a single cell organism, has yet to be re-produced by man in a laboratory. Yet, to God, this is less than child's play. God confounds the 'wise' and 'learned' with the most basic of things in his Kingdom.

However, He has done far more than speak to us through the obvious work of His Universe. He has decided to commission, secure and preserve the single most important text in human history, the Holy Bible. For which, there is more manuscript evidence than all of antiquities writings combined.

The historiographical evidence for the existence and the proof of Jesus Christ and His resurrection, far out weighs any of the writings of Plato, Socrates, Pliny the Younger, Aristotle, etc. The Biblical historiography, from a purely Archaeological standpoint, runs circles around any text of antiquity and the empirical evidence for this is right there for the study, but who actually "studies" anymore. We want Microwavable lifestyles and anything requiring study is frowned upon.

Personally I think its good to always reflect and think about these things especially when I have a bad day I like to not get carried away and think how lucky I am to have food and clothing and a warm house. When we start to look at people who have more than us then we become unhappy and ungrateful.

Amen! Stated with perfect truth. :)

I wouldn't say I'm doing Gods work at all with trading as God states he loves the people who work with their hands..meaning hard labourious work etc!!

He loves people who love His Son, Jesus Christ. :)

Hands or no hands, the only litmus test is whether or not one has become reconciled back to God through His Son, Jesus Christ. If one is reconciled back to God through Jesus Christ and THEN trades, turns profits and does good works in the name of Jesus Christ; then one can be said to be doing God's work.

However, "good works" in and of themselves, are not a sign of doing God's work, if they are absent the right standing relationship with God, through His Son, Jesus Christ. To be made 'righteous' in the eyes of God, has nothing to do with what the individual does, but everything to do with what God does through His Grace, by way of the sacrifice made through His Son, Jesus Christ. This is to make certain that God receives all the glory and Jesus, all the praise and thanks. :)