Are you a full-time trader?


Junior member
Hello everyone,

I would like to invite you all to post your vote to the new monthly poll : Are You a Full-Time Forex Trader?

At the end of the month we will have an answer, how many of us are trading forex full time.

Appreciate your help and thank you. :clap:
Kind of like the spam can without the dude, although both of the pics are quite supportive. Thanks a lot!
OK. Let's start again. It was not my intention to spam and I am sorry if it seems this way. I just wanted to get some votes, that's all.
Full time trading is a pretty serious endeavor since you are on your own and probably depending on the income from your trading to survive. If you can't trade well then full time trading probably wouldn't be a good idea for you.

I admire people who can actually pull this off.