Are Women Better at Investing than the Average Trader?

Wrong question.

It should be "Is the average woman trader better than the average male trader?" There are going to be a lot of clever male traders better than the average woman trader, surely?

I'm all for women's lib but they have to earn it!

I'm sure they would do if men let them have a go... 👍
With their own money, I think women are better at investing. If they lose, they'd just call it fate. Because of that, they are less afraid of risk. Where there is risk, there is gain.
Wrong question.

It should be "Is the average woman trader better than the average male trader?" There are going to be a lot of clever male traders better than the average woman trader, surely?

I'm all for women's lib but they have to earn it!

I agree. There are many clever women but they just haven't got time to trade with all the cooking, ironing and other daily household chores.
With their own money, I think women are better at investing. If they lose, they'd just call it fate. Because of that, they are less afraid of risk. Where there is risk, there is gain.

No. You are wrong. Women are more afraid of risk.
A new study by Barclays Capital and Ledbury Research found that "women were more likely to make money in the market, mostly because they didn’t take as many risks. They bought and held".
"Women were more likely than men to have a greater desire for self-control,” the study concluded. In other words, they trade less and earn more.
One of these days there will be a trading office full of women only

They will have something to prove

That is if they can sort out the decor, the curtains, carpets and their clothes, gossip etc in time before going bust

One of these days there will be a trading office full of women only

That will never work. There would be too much b!tch'in 🙂. I worked in a female dominated environment as a contractor before. It was all very orderly and everything, with the hens' pecking order all fixed up (one of them even tried to peck me into place she thought was right for me). But it lacked the energetic and excitement of a testosterone filled environment. I got tired of it pretty quickly and left. I reckon a place with no men is not very progressive.
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Without being to sexist, you rarely see super successful businesswomen....

The few that are were likely helped by men, and trading is just business

women don't need to be rich or successful to get laid. in fact its probably a downer because if the woman makes more money than the man, he's gonna get a complex about it
this is why you never see many businesswomen
they also don't need to make men laugh, but a man needs to "make her laugh" if he's poor and fugly, this is natures last resort. which is why most comedians are men, and women comedian are crap (unless they are lesbian or jewish or fugly).
I think women that make an effort to become a trader will have a higher success rate. In general a woman is going to that much more committed and enthusiastic about trading because they have made a decision to take the plunge and enter a male dominated profession.
I think women that make an effort to become a trader will have a higher success rate. In general a woman is going to that much more committed and enthusiastic about trading because they have made a decision to take the plunge and enter a male dominated profession.

Mate there are male traders on these webs who are so committed and enthusiastic they even sleep with their market monitors on - getting up in the middle of the night to check on their positions.

I would say they probably pay more attention to their monitors than they would to a new a new girlfriend or even perhaps a new born baby crying to be fed in the middle of the night. Imagine sterilising and and preparing baby bottle feeds and getting up in the middle of the night because you have to - to getting up in the middle of the night to check ones positions not because you have to but just because you are curious and want to know what your position is so you don't miss out... No contest.

It has absolutely nothing to do with how committed or enthusiastic one is.

It is purely to do with physical and pyschological build of a woman. Sex change will not give that beautiful perfection to you either... Nearest you'll come to it - is to hold one in your arms... 😉
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Just read this article by Sam Seiden that makes some interesting points :

Personally I would say that women have the edge because they are less likely to take excessive risks than men. This means that men are more likely to become super-traders (for a while, until they crash), while women will more likely plod along making steady gains. It's all a generalisation though, you can't assess the performance any one individual based only on their gender.

P.S. If you get an ad with the link just click past it at top right.
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I agree that only a serious statistical study can answer the question.

I have read about a study carried in Germany, they wanted to know if men tend to make sexual infidelities when they become in positions of power more than women, the conclusion was that power had the same effect on both men and women.

Let the statistics work and you'd be surprised!
Without being to sexist, you rarely see super successful businesswomen....

The few that are were likely helped by men, and trading is just business

It's very likely that few women want to be super successful businesswomen...
Women are not so dumb as men. They usually find a man to do all their trading and working, rather than do it themselves.
Women are not so dumb as men. They usually find a man to do all their trading and working, rather than do it themselves.

I think women are better than the average trader at trading. They have a lot more discipline than men. The world will be run by women soon, when they figure out how to reproduce asexually.
I think women are better than the average trader at trading. They have a lot more discipline than men. The world will be run by women soon, when they figure out how to reproduce asexually.

No, they don't want to run the world. They are too worried being blamed. They always had, and always will be the puppeteers.
I think women are better than the average trader at trading. They have a lot more discipline than men. The world will be run by women soon, when they figure out how to reproduce asexually.

The day will soon come where women bank a few eggs and men some sperm with say the NHS and they are fertilized when wanted and raised artificially. Meantime they are both sterilized and have lots of recreational sex.