not sure why im always drawn to your posts..anyway i'll answer this for you and bog off
neither of these are retail funds, as the sedol number isnt recognised
going by the factsheets however:
JPM is investing in individual shares, and so by definition it must be active.
Future Focus on the other hand looks and states to holding passive 80% (mixture of Gilt and Non-Gilt) as well as corporate bond and a mixture of short and medium term gilts. I would doubt very much whether this fund was active at all.
neither state the actual instrument, not unusual for non-retail, and neither state the management of them
the costs can also be a giveaway however
0.5% for future focus also suggesting passive
1.15% for JPM again heavily suggesting active
if you compare other retail funds cost 0.2-0.4% and are passive
and for example fundsmith 1.05% which is active
so id be pretty confident of the above